RonaldHey everybody! I'm getting' outta here! I'm gone! I'm leavin' to track down some food!
Frank: I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I wouldn't recommend doing that.
Ronald: Screw you jerkoff! You fooled me! I only came here cause you said there'd be food. Well? Where is it? I sure don't see any?
Frank: We should've had just enough to cover everyone's needs. What happened to that?
Ronald: That is not enough. Not to loot my own horn, but we eat like three times more than normal folks. You cannot leave us a freakin' appetizer and expect us not to shrivel up and die of hunger. Of course, if you've got a secret stash set aside for us, then that's a different story.
Frank: Everyone else is gettin' by ok on these portions. Maybe you oughta make a little sacrifice yourself.
Ronald: Screw that noise man. Sacrificing is for losers. I want some damn grub! The way I see it, if I'm gonna starve to death anyway, I may as well just get eaten by zombies.
:Give Ronald Food
Ronald: Food! Food! Food! I LOVE food!