| - Okay, I'm interested in messing with some other templates using the skill images, but a problem we have right now is that in most cases, the skill name != image name. Most commonly, the image names are lacking spaces/underscores. This means a lot of stuff needs to be entered manually. Anyone have compelling argument for me to NOT go through and fix all these image names? --Nunix 17:06, 28 December 2005 (UTC) (and I'll be moving quite a lot of this stuff into an archive page here, but want to get this sorted first)
| - Okay, I'm interested in messing with some other templates using the skill images, but a problem we have right now is that in most cases, the skill name != image name. Most commonly, the image names are lacking spaces/underscores. This means a lot of stuff needs to be entered manually. Anyone have compelling argument for me to NOT go through and fix all these image names? --Nunix 17:06, 28 December 2005 (UTC) (and I'll be moving quite a lot of this stuff into an archive page here, but want to get this sorted first) Apostrophes in the image names used to make annoying things happen. I don't know if it still occurs with the newer MediaWiki. --Fyren 17:12, 28 December 2005 (UTC) Did we ever get the "filename with an apostrophe bug" fixed? IIRC that was the main thing that stopped others from doing the same thing. Dammit Fyren, you beat me to it. --Rainith 17:15, 28 December 2005 (UTC) Please DO rename them. And if the server somehow has an issue with file name "Foo Bar Qed.jpg" (assuming skill name = "Foo Bar Qed"), let's use the convention of renaming it to "Foo Bar Qed_.jpg". Thus it simply becomes {{PAGENAME}}_.jpeg, which still allows great flexibility for templates. That really would make me happy (-: -PanSola 00:07, 15 January 2006 (UTC) I'm all for naming images exactly like the article so that we can use {{PAGENAME}}.jpg/png (unless there is an apostroph in the name). That goes for ALL images, not just skill icons. -- 03:32, 26 January 2006 (UTC) Regarding the apostroph, I really don't think it was the cause of the problem. Even random images without apostroph in the name used to be not uploadable. The fact that some of them happen to contain apostroph is probably a coincedence. -PanSola 09:37, 11 February 2006 (CST) Different problem. They would upload fine, but the appostrophe would be replaced with %/something or other. This then made the image show up fine in the articles that linked to it, but you couldn't get to the image's page itself, as it created a seperate directory/file. (Or somthing to that effect.) --Rainith 10:09, 11 February 2006 (CST)