| - The Lilium Orb allows characters to invest Growth Points (グロウアップポイント Gurouappupointo?, "Grow Up Point"), or GP, earned from leveling into gaining stats and unlocking artes and skills. The Lilium Orb consists of six branches with nodes, one branch for each main stat, and areas that are unlocked when all the nodes surrounding, including diagonally in this representation, have Growth Points invested in them.
| - The Lilium Orb allows characters to invest Growth Points (グロウアップポイント Gurouappupointo?, "Grow Up Point"), or GP, earned from leveling into gaining stats and unlocking artes and skills. The Lilium Orb consists of six branches with nodes, one branch for each main stat, and areas that are unlocked when all the nodes surrounding, including diagonally in this representation, have Growth Points invested in them. The Lilium Orb begins with up to Node 3 unlocked. GP may be invested anywhere within Node 0, but any subsequent points that are allocated toward higher node levels must be spent on stats adjacent to orbs that are already unlocked. To unlock nodes after the Node 3, the key area outlined in white must be unlocked, as well as two other areas in that same node. Upon doing this for Node 8 of Orb 1, Orb 2 is unlocked.