Rokk Krinn is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 31st century under the name Cosmic Boy. He and two other members of the Legion returned to the past to help Clark defeat Brainiac.
Rokk Krinn is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 31st century under the name Cosmic Boy. He and two other members of the Legion returned to the past to help Clark defeat Brainiac.
Rokk Krinn is a founding and leading member of the Legion of Superheroes known as Cosmic Boy. He can control magnetic fields as well as acting as the face of the Legion.
Rokk Krinn is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 31st century under the name Cosmic Boy. He and two other members of the Legion returned to the past to help Clark defeat Brainiac.
Rokk Krinn is a founding and leading member of the Legion of Superheroes known as Cosmic Boy. He can control magnetic fields as well as acting as the face of the Legion.