| - Colonization was the creation of settlements in areas where civilization had not previously existed. The colonization of a planet around Alpha Centauri (the Jupiter Mission) had the dual purpose of relieving pressure on Earth's overcrowded 1997 conditions and opening up new fields of resources and scientific exploration. The Jupiter Mission was to be the initial stage of landing and a test run for slowly accelerated colonization. ("The Reluctant Stowaway") Alpha Control continued to maintain its 'lightships' to replenish future colonization craft. ("The Haunted Lighthouse").
- Colonization is the act of making buildings on new landmasses. It only applies to Sea maps, where landmasses are separated by water.
- Colonization refers the process of mushroom mycelium consolidating its hold on a substrate by extending new strands of mycelium into nutritious material. Typically, rhizomorphic growth will ensue from a healthy mycelium, which further consolidates the mycelium's hold on the substratum.
- The act of colonization (Commonwealth English: colonisation) is the pinnacle of achievement for a flag that has recently taken control of an uncolonized island via a blockade.
- The maximum number of planets you may colonize is dependent upon the level of the research technology, Astrophysics. And of course, there are counters to these lively facts below.
- Colonization is a trilogy of books that serve as a sequel to the Worldwar series, part of the Worldwar franchise. The trilogy chronicles the arrival of the Race's Colonization Fleet on Earth in the 1960s. The trilogy is followed by the novel Homeward Bound.
- About ten centuries before the year 2002, the Mayans were so afraid of the forthcoming colonization that their calendar stopped on the exact date of the final alien invasion. The US government first learned of the aliens' plan to re-colonize the Earth in 1947, when the humans salvaged various alien technology and captured aliens from spacecraft wreckage in Roswell, learning of this plan from the craft's data banks. Fearing that wild panic would erupt if knowledge of the colonization plan was publicly released, the government purposefully kept this information secret. One of the men who learned of the colonization plot was President Truman, the first of many presidents who learned of the event and was scared of it. (TXF: "The Truth")
| - Colonization was the creation of settlements in areas where civilization had not previously existed. The colonization of a planet around Alpha Centauri (the Jupiter Mission) had the dual purpose of relieving pressure on Earth's overcrowded 1997 conditions and opening up new fields of resources and scientific exploration. The Jupiter Mission was to be the initial stage of landing and a test run for slowly accelerated colonization. ("The Reluctant Stowaway") Alpha Control continued to maintain its 'lightships' to replenish future colonization craft. ("The Haunted Lighthouse").
- Colonization is the act of making buildings on new landmasses. It only applies to Sea maps, where landmasses are separated by water.
- Colonization refers the process of mushroom mycelium consolidating its hold on a substrate by extending new strands of mycelium into nutritious material. Typically, rhizomorphic growth will ensue from a healthy mycelium, which further consolidates the mycelium's hold on the substratum.
- About ten centuries before the year 2002, the Mayans were so afraid of the forthcoming colonization that their calendar stopped on the exact date of the final alien invasion. The US government first learned of the aliens' plan to re-colonize the Earth in 1947, when the humans salvaged various alien technology and captured aliens from spacecraft wreckage in Roswell, learning of this plan from the craft's data banks. Fearing that wild panic would erupt if knowledge of the colonization plan was publicly released, the government purposefully kept this information secret. One of the men who learned of the colonization plot was President Truman, the first of many presidents who learned of the event and was scared of it. (TXF: "The Truth") In a section of dialogue cut from "The Truth", it is revealed that the government men who knew of the colonization plan threatened the aliens that they themselves would use the newly developed atomic bomb to destroy the Earth and render it uninhabitable for alien life. It is also said that this threat of annihilation bought the men time. The Syndicate secretly came together at the State Department on the project that dated back to Roswell. (TXF: "One Son") They originally believed, however, that the alien virus would simply control humanity and that mass infection would make humans a slave race. According to former Syndicate member Alvin Kurtzweil in 1998, the Syndicate had started secretly negotiating "a planned Armageddon" about fifty years earlier, while the rest of the world had fought "gooks and commies". (The X-Files Movie) In the 1950s, men like Syndicate member William Mulder collected information, including genetic data, in adherence with government instruction to gather such data for the purpose of post-apocalyptic identification. This was due to the threat of nuclear holocaust at that time. The records still remained in 1995, however, hidden at the Strughold Mining Company, and contained decades' worth of information pertaining to abductees, such as Samantha Mulder and Dana Scully. As such, the files were an indication that the Syndicate was preparing for the future alien colonization. (TXF: "Paper Clip") In 1973, the Syndicate took a vote that changed the fact that, rather than continuing to cleave to a government agency, they would now operate privately, on their own Project, and they agreed, by a majority vote, that they would cooperate with the alien colonists. (TXF: "One Son") William Mulder disagreed with this decision, however, and opposed collaboration as a means of surviving the forthcoming colonization. (TXF: "Two Fathers", "One Son") He refused to believe that survival was the ultimate ideology. (The X-Files Movie) As the lone dissenter in the group, William Mulder said that allowing colonization to begin would be the Syndicate's "tragic mistake." He railed at the group's other members and their plans, even as the rest of the organization sent members of their families away to the aliens, in exchange for the only thing necessary for the Syndicate to proceed – an alien fetus. This would give the group of human conspirators the alien DNA with which they could make a new race of alien/human hybrids, so that certain humans would survive the holocaust. At about the same time, however, William Mulder came up with the idea of stalling and resisting the alien colonists, to work secretly on a vaccine, using the alien DNA, in the hopes that such a vaccine would save humanity. This idea influenced him to finally come along with the Syndicate. (TXF: "One Son") William Mulder eventually came to realize and accept that such a familial sacrifice, the like of which the other group members had already made, was necessary for humanity's survival. (TXF: "One Son") Because the only true survivors of the viral holocaust, without a vaccination, would be human/alien clones immune to the virus, William Mulder allowed his daughter, Samantha, to be taken to a cloning program so that she would survive as a genetic hybrid. (The X-Files Movie) Due to the fact that William Mulder was late to understand the need to give up one of his children to the alien colonists, however, Samantha was abducted from the Mulder family home, right in front of her brother, Fox. (TXF: "One Son") William Mulder also hoped that his son, Fox, would ultimately fight the future. (The X-Files Movie) Indeed, Fox Mulder was an integral part of the equation (including its end result), as the Cigarette Smoking Man later reminded an alien bounty hunter, in 1996. (TXF: "Herrenvolk")
- The act of colonization (Commonwealth English: colonisation) is the pinnacle of achievement for a flag that has recently taken control of an uncolonized island via a blockade.
- The maximum number of planets you may colonize is dependent upon the level of the research technology, Astrophysics. And of course, there are counters to these lively facts below.
- Colonization is a trilogy of books that serve as a sequel to the Worldwar series, part of the Worldwar franchise. The trilogy chronicles the arrival of the Race's Colonization Fleet on Earth in the 1960s. The trilogy is followed by the novel Homeward Bound.