| - Uncle Chuck wakes up Sonic and Tails, telling them that they've both been summoned to Castle Acorn. Sonic wonders why they need to get up so late at night. Sally and her parents tell Sonic and Tails that, fifteen mintues ago, NICOLE received a satellite transmission from Station Square. In the transmission, the President explains that O.T.I.S., Station Square's security system, changed its strategy from defensive to offensive after being given the data on Dr. Eggman Sally handed to the President. Sally explains that the O.T.I.S. has launched an atomic strike against Robotropolis. Realizing that a nuclear strike would poison the environment, Sonic and Tails ask if there's anything they can do to stop it, but Sally tells them the nukes have already launched and will hit Robotropolis in twent
| - Uncle Chuck wakes up Sonic and Tails, telling them that they've both been summoned to Castle Acorn. Sonic wonders why they need to get up so late at night. Sally and her parents tell Sonic and Tails that, fifteen mintues ago, NICOLE received a satellite transmission from Station Square. In the transmission, the President explains that O.T.I.S., Station Square's security system, changed its strategy from defensive to offensive after being given the data on Dr. Eggman Sally handed to the President. Sally explains that the O.T.I.S. has launched an atomic strike against Robotropolis. Realizing that a nuclear strike would poison the environment, Sonic and Tails ask if there's anything they can do to stop it, but Sally tells them the nukes have already launched and will hit Robotropolis in twenty minutes. Sonic refuses to give up and heads for Robotropolis with Tails. "Station Square Attacks!" - Part Two In Robotropolis, Dr. Eggman is bossing around his Shadowbots when Snively reports that Sonic and Tails have been spotted in the city. Sonic holds up a white flag to call a truce. Eggman humors them and asks what they want, and Sonic explains they've come to warn him. He laughs at the idea when, suddenly, the alarms for his defense system goes off. Eggman discovers that three warheads are heading his way. Sonic asks him to use his orbital defence satielles to shoot down the missiles, for everyone's sake. He rejects Sonic's advice and orders him to leave. Sonic yells that Robotropolis is toast, but Eggman tells him that he'll be just fine when he raises his protective force field around the city. "Station Square Attacks!" - Part Three Sonic and Tails race to sabotage the Robotropolis' force field, so that Eggman will be forced to shoot the missiles down. Eggman and Snively head for the controls, but find Sonic and Tails already there. Sonic stalls them for a while and escapes with Tails. Snively notices that they haven't tampered with the controls at all, but Eggman demands that he activate the forcefield. Sonic grabs on to Tails and runs up one of the missiles and out of the city before the force field comes up. The missiles end up inside Robotropolis, destroying the city. Sonic explains that he wanted the force field to come up, but only after the missiles landed safely inside Robotropolis. Tails looks at the ruined city, disappointed that they'll never be able to live in Mobotropolis again. Sonic cheers him up, reminding him that Knothole's their home now.