| - Basically, this is when a girl (or, in some cases, a guy), regardless of her actual attractiveness, believes herself to be unattractive. Many such girls are lacking in conventional attractiveness, but it's rare for them to be actually ugly. Often the complaint of a girl who believes herself to be 'plain' or 'boring'. A Hot Amazon may believe herself to be unattractive because she's suffered from No Guy Wants an Amazon, and she doesn't realize that she's hot. Or, on a similar note, a Bokukko or Shorttank may believe that she's too masculine because she's always been One of the Boys.
| - Basically, this is when a girl (or, in some cases, a guy), regardless of her actual attractiveness, believes herself to be unattractive. Many such girls are lacking in conventional attractiveness, but it's rare for them to be actually ugly. Often the complaint of a girl who believes herself to be 'plain' or 'boring'. A Hot Amazon may believe herself to be unattractive because she's suffered from No Guy Wants an Amazon, and she doesn't realize that she's hot. Or, on a similar note, a Bokukko or Shorttank may believe that she's too masculine because she's always been One of the Boys. A girl who is above the so-called 'ideal weight' may believe herself to be fat and unattractive because of it, even if she is a Big Beautiful Woman or simple Hollywood Pudgy. A Meganekko may believe that The Glasses Gotta Go, even if they are her true charm, or may believe that even without her glasses, she's plain and/or ugly. A Wrench Wench may believe that wearing coveralls and being covered in grease all the time means she's got no feminine appeal even though many guys (and girls) are really into that kind of thing. Or a girl who is simply not model-gorgeous may believe that she's simply not attractive at all for whatever reason. This is often the basis behind a Beautiful All Along or She Cleans Up Nicely event, when a character who is seen (rightly or wrongly) as unattractive is gussied up and made the Belle of the Ball. However, the main issue at hand is not how other characters see her, but the fact that she sees herself as unattractive. If the girl can realize her worth and attractiveness without a makeover, so much the better. The Trope Namer is Thelma Possum from Nip And Tuck, a webcomic by RH Junior. It takes a huge effort on the part of her beau and friends to convince her that she's beautiful and worth knowing. Related to Hollywood Homely, where we are informed that the girl is unattractive or ugly, and everyone in the show seems to believe it, but to us she seems quite pretty. With Suetiful All Along, the author insists the character isn't pretty at the outset, then lavishes complimentary descriptions on her the rest of the time. A girl who is fishing for compliments may pretend to feel this way, but she really doesn't. This can be Truth in Television, if the girl in question has a poor self-image and/or unrealistic ideas of what constitutes beauty. Examples of I Am Not Pretty include: