| - File:IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin (Former Warchief of the Horde, Former Leader of the Darkspear Trolls) Deceased The shadow hunter Vol'jin, son of Sen'jin, chieftain of the Darkspear Trolls, and rightful ruler of the Echo Isles, was a staunch ally of former Warchief Thrall . After the Echo Isles were conquered by the traitorous sorcerer Zalazane, he resided in Orgrimmar at the side of the Warchief, later fighting alongside him during the Battle for the Undercity. After years of exile, Vol'jin led an attack to retake the Echo Islands to end Zalazane's evil rule and retake the lands that Thrall had promised them.
| - File:IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin (Former Warchief of the Horde, Former Leader of the Darkspear Trolls) Deceased The shadow hunter Vol'jin, son of Sen'jin, chieftain of the Darkspear Trolls, and rightful ruler of the Echo Isles, was a staunch ally of former Warchief Thrall . After the Echo Isles were conquered by the traitorous sorcerer Zalazane, he resided in Orgrimmar at the side of the Warchief, later fighting alongside him during the Battle for the Undercity. After years of exile, Vol'jin led an attack to retake the Echo Islands to end Zalazane's evil rule and retake the lands that Thrall had promised them. Following Garrosh's defeat in the end of Mists of Pandaria, he assumed the role of Warchief for The Horde. During the attack on the Broken Shore he was pierced in the abdomen by a fel spear. Badly injured, he was taken back to Orgrimmar where he communed with the Loa who gave him a name, and as he drew his last breath in Grommash Hold, he named the new Warchief:Sylvanas Windrunner. File:IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream (Former Warchief of the Horde, Former Chieften of the Warsong Clan, former leader of the Warsong Offensive) Deceased, Traitor Garrosh Hellscream was the son of Grom Hellscream and former chieftain of the Warsong Clain. With the reopening of the Dark Portal, Garrosh was invited into the Horde by Thrall himself, quickly advancing to the position of personal adviser of the Warchief. Garrosh led the Horde Troops into Northrend and was given the position of acting Warchief in Thrall's absence. Garrosh was well known for his fierce hatred of the Alliance and frequently expressed his desire for the Horde to go to war with its rival faction. Garrosh is the main antagonist of Mists of Pandaria and the secondary antagonist of Warlords of Draenor. File:IconSmall Thrall.gif Thrall (Horde representative in the Earthen Ring and former Warchief of the Horde) Alive Thrall (birthname Go'el), son of Durotan was the Warchief of the restored Horde and ruler of the red land of Durotar in Kalimdor. Before the Cataclysm, he was Warchief of all the Horde, but temporarily gave leadership to Garrosh in order to lead the Earthen Ring's effort Farseer Nobundo against the Twilight's Hammer cult and elemental imbalance afflicting Azeroth caused by the awakening of Deathwing. After Garrosh's tyranny was overthrown, Thrall renounced his claim on the title of Warchief and instead gave the position to his close friend and ally, Vol'jin.