| - "One of the man's eyes was blue, the other brown. He wore traveler's clothes, but nothing that stood out. His hair was brownish, like wet hay."
- "Strange eyes? Describe this man."
- "Did this man lay his eyes upon the tome?"
- "This man sought to harm [Your House]. I must see the book he reviewed. "
- "Though the tome is the sept's property, I must ask you to release it to me, Eleanor."
- "There's no time for delay. Bring me this volume, immediately!"
- "It's an exhaustive tome detailing the lineages of Westerosi nobility. It was commissioned a decade ago by a maester, and is quite comprehensive."
- "Septon Daryn is too ill to receive you, but perhaps I can help. A man with strange eyes recently asked after a particular volume owned by the sept."
- "What could this volume contain? Have you examined it yourself?"
- "No, the book is quite expensive. I told him King's Landing holds the original tome and showed him the cover, to aid him in finding a copy."