"One alliance versus another, eh? Does this happen often, maester?"
"Indeed, as often as the phases of the moon. Westeros is a bloody land even in summer, and as the Starks say, Winter is Coming."
"A request from [Your Alliance], my [lord/lady]. We are in conflict with an enemy alliance. We must contribute all we can to win this battle of wills."
"Let no one in [Your Alliance] say [Your House] left them wanting. Tell me how to help!"
"We have a list of necessities from [Your Alliance]. Simply peruse the list I have prepared, and contribute what we can."
Contribute to one of your alliance's Camps during an active AvA phase.
You cannot complete this task unless the game is in Stage 1 or Stage 2 of Alliance Vs Alliance Combat. If you get this Quest when the Game is not at one of these two Stages, you will have to wait until the games cycles back around to Stage 1 of a new World Event/AvA Phase.