| - Bloom: Hm... Kiko. Okay.
* She lifts Kiko in her arms.* Bloom: Kiko is back too!
* The girls laughs.* Alice: Will you take a picture with us Stella? Stella: Sure. Alice: You are my favorite Winx. We always wish we were just like you. Stella: No problem.
* She changes the three students into her clones.* Stella: Say cheese. Students: Cheese. Griselda: Such foolishness. Faragonda: Yes, Griselda, I missed them too. Bloom: See you later. Bye. Roxy: Bloom! I can't believe that I'm really at Alfea. I'm so nervous. Bloom: There's nothing to be nervous about. Musa: You're going to be just fine. Roxy: Thank you, guys.
* The Specialists arrives.* Musa: Hey. Flora: Hi! Brandon: Hello ladies.
* The girls giggle.* Stella: You're such a geek. Brandon: Happy to see me anyway? Stella: You know it. Musa: Hi. Timmy: Hello, Tecna. Tecna: Hello, Timmy. Aisha: Hmm... Bloom: Hey. Aisha: Where's Sky? He didn't come? Bloom: He's been really busy lately. Been crown prince. Musa: Riven says Sky is on his way. Riven: Yeah, he is coming. He was right behind us. Brandon: In fact, here he comes now. Bloom: Sky, you made it. Sky: Sorry I'm late, Bloom. Bloom: I am just glad you are here. Sky: Yeah... Bloom: Sky, is everything okay?
* Flashback.* Sky: If the crown prince of Eraklyon loses the pendant it means he'll never be happy with the girl he loves. Sky: I lost it. Bloom: Lost what? Sky: Oh nothing. I just have a lot on my mind. Forget I said anything about it. Excuse me. Bloom: Oh... Helia: A special origami for you, Flora. Flora: Oh, Helia. Krystal: Helia! Helia: Princess Krystal. Krystal: I thought that was you. I am so glad to see you. Helia: May I present my friend Flora. Flora, this is Princess Krystal of Lynphea. Flora: All Lynpheans know their princess, your highness. Krystal: And I have heard all about you from Helia. I am so happy I found you. Flora: Oh... Krystal: What have you been up to? Helia: Umm... Well... Umm... Krystal: Helia and I have been friends for ever. Flora: Oh... Krystal: You have to tell me everything you have been doing, how was your summer? Helia: Well, umm... Flora? Bloom: Miss Faragonda, we need to speak with you. Faragonda: Of course.