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“Popping out of hyperspace in five...” Asyr began, her hand held confidently on the hyperdrive actuator as Silas and Laera watched from behind the pilot's seat. In the seat next to her sat Ooryl, with Ari backstopping all of them, her height allowing her to see through the large cockpit viewports without trouble. “...four, three, two....mark.” “Well slice me in half,” Silas sighed in awe as he caught sight of it. “That thing is...huge.” “Nice one,” Silas quipped as he began locking down the propulsion system. “You definitely haven't lost your touch.” — — — Booster simply chuckled. — — —

  • Impact Events/Chapter Ten
  • “Popping out of hyperspace in five...” Asyr began, her hand held confidently on the hyperdrive actuator as Silas and Laera watched from behind the pilot's seat. In the seat next to her sat Ooryl, with Ari backstopping all of them, her height allowing her to see through the large cockpit viewports without trouble. “...four, three, two....mark.” “Well slice me in half,” Silas sighed in awe as he caught sight of it. “That thing is...huge.” “Nice one,” Silas quipped as he began locking down the propulsion system. “You definitely haven't lost your touch.” — — — Booster simply chuckled. — — —
  • Impact Events
  • “Popping out of hyperspace in five...” Asyr began, her hand held confidently on the hyperdrive actuator as Silas and Laera watched from behind the pilot's seat. In the seat next to her sat Ooryl, with Ari backstopping all of them, her height allowing her to see through the large cockpit viewports without trouble. “...four, three, two....mark.” The mottled purple sky before them shattered into a million streams of light, which quickly vanished into the pinpricks of stars. The vista beyond the forward viewport showed the half-lidded visage of the temperate, terrestrial world that was their destination, as well as— “Well slice me in half,” Silas sighed in awe as he caught sight of it. “That thing is...huge.” “And very, very red,” Laera added, just as astounded as her companion. “While I get that the holos don't do justice to the size of a Star Destroyer, did they normally carry such lurid paint jobs?” Asyr and Ooryl exchanged glances, the Bothan letting out a low peal of laughter. “Of course not,” she chortled. “The Emperor wanted them all bone-white, the better to resemble some vast, spaceborne dagger out to get you. But Booster, he wanted his ship to be unique, and that meant painting it red.” Laera was about to ask how the man had been able to afford so much pigment when the comm unit crackled to life. “Errant Venture Control to unidentified freighter,” a bored male voice said in accented Basic. “We have you on our scopes. Please transmit your transponder ID and purpose of visit.” Asyr flipped a switch on the comm board, a green light signaling a successful transmission. “Freighter Challenger is incoming on private business,” she said, modulating her voice so that it sounded deeper, more masculine. “Authorization code Aurek Mern Forn Six Nine Borleias.” There was a momentary pause on the other end of the line, and Laera felt a diffuse sensation of consternation coming from the vast ship's bridge tower. The entire vessel pulsed with the auras of tens of thousands of people, far more than she was used to seeing on a single starship. Though their concentration didn't make it impossible to pick out individual beings, the effort involved to do so would have been much more than she could be bothered to give. That, and Laera had no reason to want to do so in any case. “Authorization code accepted, Challenger,” the controller replied, his voice smartening up. “Follow the beacon into the forward landing bay and proceed to Berth Aurek Zero Two. The captain will be waiting for you there.” “A prime slot,” Asyr explained as she set the Challenger on course toward the Errant Venture. “Booster doesn't usually greet his guests at the docking bay these days, even old friends.” “I imagine he's getting on in years,” Silas pondered as the red metal wedge grew vast in the forward viewport. “If he was an active smuggler prior to the Rebellion, I mean to say...” Laera wasn't paying attention to the conversation, instead focusing her gaze on the outlines and details of their destination. The Star Destroyer was enormous, almost half again as long as the largest ships in the Republic fleet of her day. If her reading was anything to go by, then a single fully-armed Imperial Star Destroyer could take on any three Centurion-class battlecruisers and emerge victorious, or fight five of them to a standstill. Not even the largest command ships even came close in terms of firepower or defenses. Even as they flew underneath the ship's ventral hull on the way to their assigned berth, she caught sight of a pair of turbolaser turrets as they tracked their progress. Asyr slipped the Challenger expertly into the gap in the forward section that led to the forward docking bay, gently nudging the freighter toward the bow, where only a few widely-spaced berths could be seen outlined on the deck. Her touch was deft on the controls as she brought the repulsorlifts online; neither Laera nor Silas could feel the transition as she settled the ship onto its landing pads. “Nice one,” Silas quipped as he began locking down the propulsion system. “You definitely haven't lost your touch.” Asyr offered him a smile as she rose from the pilot's chair. “What can I say? Challenger maneuvers like an X-wing, smooth as shimmersilk.” Laera threw a mock scowl in their direction as she led the party of five out of the cockpit and toward the entry ramp. Ari, who had kept quiet during the short flight in, did not balk as the ramp lowered and they walked down. Standing about a dozen meters away was a giant of a Human; though he did not quite approach the Sa'ari's height, he more than made up for it in sheer bulk. His features were hard, that borne of a career of constant strife but bearing much reward, which spoke of the jovial nature that lurked beneath the surface. Booster Terrik's brown eyes were bright despite the obviousness of his age, intelligent and resilient as he took in the appearance of his guests. It was obvious both from his mannerisms and his fashionable but utilitarian dress—as well as his silver aura—that this was a being who knew what he wanted in the universe, and had the means to obtain it. “Asyr Sei'lar,” he rumbled, extending his massive right hand as he strode toward the incoming party, his left holding a cane. “It's been far too long. Same for you, Ooryl.” “Likewise, old friend,” she replied, inclining her head as her hand seemed to disappear into Booster's palm. “It's really because of Ooryl that I am here. Please allow me to introduce Laera Reyolé and Silas Dan'kre, as well as their companion, Barrlatokk.” Booster chuckled as he took in the appearance of Ari T'Nok. “Last time I met a Wookiee her size was on Kessel, that's how I lost my left eye. Wore an artificial ocular construct for years, only getting a cloned eye once the Venture started turning a steady profit. But that's all in the past.” He scratched at his short, close-cropped white beard for a moment, then shifted his weight onto his good leg. “You know, I'd almost forgotten about you, Asyr,” he continued, his booming voice becoming wistful. “Your comm burst nearly gave me a heart attack when I read it, it's been so long. What was it, about thirty years ago now? Thirty-five? But hey, you're here now, and you've brought more friends.” He turned to regard Laera and Silas. “I'm given to understand that you two are looking to plant your feet somewhere in the galaxy, something about putting together your own organization. I can help you with that, if you're interested.” “Thank you,” Laera said, stepping forward to shake hands. He had a very strong grip; shooting him a grin of her own, she silently doubled it for a brief moment before letting go. “Before we get down to business, however, I have to say that this is an impressive vessel.” “Indeed,” Silas added as he too accepted the man's hand. “I imagine she's as awe-inspiring on the inside as she is from space.” “My boy, you have no idea,” Booster replied, his expression radiant as he rapped the end of his cane on the deck. “I'll take you three on a tour; Ooryl and Asyr have seen it themselves, of course, but I've done some redecorating in the last few years—we finally took down that ridiculous misrepresentation of the Battle of Thyferra. Maybe when we're done you can tell me in more detail why a pair of snappy dressers such as yourselves went through so much trouble just to find an old geezer like me.” “We look forward to seeing what you've built here,” Laera replied, smiling up at their host. “C'mon, I'll send word up to the bridge to have the Venture's Aurodium Lounge made available. My usual office is a bit on the cozy side...” — — — “The truth is, I'm getting too damn old for this,” Booster Terrik said as he hefted his feet onto the large table that was the centerpiece of the opulent lounge. “Mirax keeps pestering me to hang it up and sell the operation to someone else; she's just not interested in taking over herself. Can't say I blame her, y'know, what with being married to a Jedi Master.” The tour had been every bit as exciting as the ex-smuggler had promised. He had shown them how he and his crew had converted the primary docking bays, built to launch small starfighters from overhead racks, into large platforms capable of handling medium-haul freighters and even the occasional corvette. The initial conversion from warship to traveling bazaar, gambling palace, and resort had resulted in many changes, including the hollowing out of a major portion of three decks to create a massive atrium that incorporated a spectacular view of space in the form of transparisteel plates that made up the upper hull in that area. Where before it had shown how the vessel had participated in the Thyferran liberation, the titanic holoprojector at the center now displayed a number of historical battles, including the final battle of the Siege of Borleias and the liberation of Coruscant, both from the Yuuzhan Vong War. Laera had insisted on stopping to witness both scenes in their entirety, and they had proved most enlightening. After that, they had continued through Diamond Level, the high-end luxury resort part of the ship. Booster had described Blue Level as something of a traveling circus of wannabe characters and middle-class couples taking vacations, and Black Level as little more than steerage quarters, the bare minimum required to get from place to place. During a trek through Traders' Alley, the cash-only market that was one of the main attractions aboard the Venture, Laera had picked up a few outfits that were much more fashionable than what had been put aboard the Challenger. Silas, meanwhile, had bought himself a brand-new set of tools, which ranged from items useful for the repair of computers to performing maintenance on starships, in addition to new slicing gear and programs. Ari, in her guise as Barrlatokk, had used some credits that Laera had slipped her to buy a blaster and holster, as well as a few spare parts and a small, well-cut and polished emerald. Now, having gone through the length of the Star Destroyer, they were ensconced in the most exclusive area, which was only three decks down from the main bridge. It was here that they got down to brass tacks. Though Booster had insisted that he swept it for bugs almost religiously, Asyr had done her own investigation—fortunately, it had come up dry, and everyone took seats in posh, form-fitting massage chairs. “I can sense the honesty in your words, Booster,” Laera said, her fingers steepled in thought. “I think we should all lay our cards on the table and come clean. You see, I am actually a Jedi Knight.” Booster simply chuckled. “Of course you are,” he said. “I saw your lightsaber, and I bet a lot of other folks did too. But we've had our share come through the Venture before; the ship was a sort of mobile headquarters for the Order during the worst of the Vong war.” “But none of those Jedi remember the Republic, do they?” Silas asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. “And I'm not talking about the new one they set up after Palpatine's death, either.” “Son, I remember the Old Republic,” Booster said, his jovial composure slipping a bit. “I also remember Palpatine's climb to power. That's partly why I even worked with the New Republic in the first place.” “Do you remember the Republic Marines?” Silas asked simply, his countenance unperturbed. “I—what?” Booster began, then halted. “The GAR had some space marines, if that's what you mean, but it's obvious you two aren't Fett clones.” Laera offered Booster an apologetic sort of smile, but barbed it with a knowing glint in her eye. “No, we mean the Republic Marines, the ones that were disbanded after the Ruusan Reformation.” The big man seemed to contemplate this development for a moment, then he too leaned back, shifting his booted feet so that his left ankle crossed his right. “That was more than a thousand years ago, sweetheart,” he said, his voice low and with a hint of menace. “Do you mean to tell me that you're a thousand years old? Those ears of yours are definitely Human, not Sephi.” “Technically, Silas and I are actually about four thousand years old,” Laera replied, still smiling. “Now do you understand why we asked for all this cloak-and-vibroblade nonsense?” Silence descended upon the lounge for several long moments, during which Booster started inputting database retrieval requests into the datapad that had been set into the table where he sat. Laera didn't need the Force to know what he was looking for; if his organization had any data that would corroborate or sunder any such claims, he would find it. After a while the small terminal gave a series of beeps, which caused their host to pull his legs back down so that he could make out what was on the display. “A mighty fine ship,” he said at last. “If you two are interested in buying an upgraded hyperdrive motivator...” “We're interested in buying a lot more than that,” Silas said as Booster's words trailed off. “I'm not selling the Venture, not yet!” he shot back. “They'll have to carry my body out in a coffin before I leave her behind.” “Don't worry, we're not interested in acquiring warships,” Laera assured him. “At least, not yet. What we do need, the reason why we came here, was to put our fingers on the pulse of the galaxy. A lot of it comes and goes through the Errant Venture, or so Asyr tells us.” “It's true, Booster,” the ex-Rogue agreed. “You should get a hold of Laera's unauthorized biography, it would make for some interesting bedtime reading.” “Unauthorized? Biography?” Booster spluttered, glaring at Asyr. “She's...oh sithspit, this is crazy!” “Not crazy, just unusual,” Ooryl said, finally joining the conversation; he had in fact not said a single word since he had come aboard. “Crazy is assaulting a Super Star Destroyer with a collection of freighters and a couple dozen snubfighters.” “Point well taken,” Booster growled. “So yeah, bits of your story seem to check out. The XS-class of freighter was one of CEC's breakout products, and so far as I know yours is the only one in existence that is even spaceworthy, let alone in such remarkable condition. Hell, I'd offer to buy it from you and then sell it back to the company at a tidy profit, if I thought you'd be interested. Other than that there's some bits here about pre-Imperial military history, though that's hardly my area of expertise, referring to your so-called Republic Marines. According to one of them, you two are trussed up as a captain and a senior lieutenant, with some mighty impressive decorations—if they're authentic and valid.” He looked up at the Wookiee who stood in the corner. “So tell me, how did a character like you end up with this spice-happy bunch, anyway?” Laera glanced back at Ari and nodded fractionally. “You people and your life-debts, such a funny thing,” Booster muttered, brushing at his beard. “But then, that's how the most famous of your kind got his shot at glory. Didn't stop a moon landing on poor Chewbacca, though. “So yeah, I get where you're coming from,” he continued after a beat. “Your plight, as these things go, has me feeling rather generous, actually. So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do for you, Miss Marine; I'm gonna let you download a copy of my archives. Yes, all of them,” Booster added when Asyr shot him a surprised look. “A partial bundle of bits wouldn't do you any good, better to let you have all of it. And mind you, this isn't stuff you're likely to get through official channels, no matter who it is in the government—or the Jedi Order—you know. I'll even throw in a recommendation to a few trusted associates who will be more than happy to help you spend your credits. How much were you looking to invest?” Laera and Silas exchanged a furtive glance. “About three hundred million in Alliance currency,” Laera said. “Minus whatever you wanted to charge for the information, of course.” “Of course,” Booster replied, seemingly oblivious to the sum he had been given. “Since you're offering, I'll take a couple million off your hands. That'll get you my archives and a few days of top-level amenities aboard the Venture, should you want them.” “It'll probably also get you a lovely new capital ship-grade backup data storage unit,” Silas quipped dryly. “Extra-strength security in-built.” Booster laughed, the mirthful sound loud and booming as it echoed off the walls. “Hah! I like this guy! So yeah, you've got me. You knew I had to charge you something if I wanted to keep my reputation intact. Here, let me get the smashball rolling...” As Booster started tapping away at his datapad, the comm unit next to it beeped. He growled to himself, finished typing a line of code, then punched the button. “What is it, Ven?” “I thought you might want to know that the Pulsar Skate has just dropped out of hyperspace,” a well-modulated, middle-aged male voice replied. “Mirax has been told that you are currently indisposed—” “Never mind that,” Booster replied hotly. “Tell her to come on up to the lounge, she'll understand.” “As you say,” the voice replied, and the connection closed. “Nawara Ven is working for you, Booster?” Asyr said into the silence that fell. “I...I had no idea...” “Yeah, sorry about that,” Booster apologized. “I keep forgetting you're an ex-Rogue. He's actually been working for me for a good while now, when he's not tackling high-profile court battles involving Jedi.” “So I've heard,” Asyr replied mournfully. “I guess you can't swing a dead nek in this galaxy without hitting old friends,” Silas said, his attempt at levity sounding hollow. “So this Mirax is...?” “My daughter,” Booster grunted, shaking his head and planting his chin on his left fist as his right hand resumed typing. “I'll let her introduce herself to you three strangers, since you snubby jocks already know her.” It was at least a half hour of dour silence before the entryway hissed open and a lithe, black-haired woman in her late middle years stepped into the lounge. Her tightly-fitted blue shipsuit, over which she wore a nerf-leather jacket emblazoned upon each shoulder with a distinctive unit patch, looked like it had seen better days; the coat itself had a fresh-looking burn mark seared onto its back. Her hair was rumpled and her face pale, and she seemed to be oblivious to the other guests as she strode purposefully toward her father, sitting next to him and taking his free hand in hers. “We need to talk, Father,” she muttered, her voice hard. Booster almost fell out of his chair as he took in his daughter's rumpled and rough appearance; instead, he bolted upright so fast that it creaked audibly on its support. “What the fierfek—what kind of sithspawned son of a drexl did this to you?!” Mirax sighed, them smiled meekly at him. “Pirates, and they weren't the talking kind. They intercepted the Skate as I was coming out of Ojoster sector after making a few trades. They came in hot and got a few good hits before I could hype out of the Taris system. I would have gotten up here sooner, but I wanted to make sure that repairs got started as soon as possible.” The big man didn't seem to like that answer one bit. “Haven't I told you to stay out of Ojoster? Bloody nest of Hutt scum, that place!” Mirax shrugged. “There are worse sectors, you know. I've operated in Hutt Space before and you know how much money it made me.” “It also got you kidnapped, as I recall.” Mirax seemed to consider that for a moment, but her flow of thought was disrupted when she realized that she and Booster were hardly alone. She cast a neutral sort of glance at Laera, Silas and Ari in turn, her expression turning briefly to shock and then relief as she discovered Ooryl and Asyr. “Now I know why you wanted me up here so fast. It is good to see you two again.” “Likewise,” Asyr replied, inclining her head. “Indeed,” Ooryl put in. “I don't know you three,” Mirax said to Laera. “But the fact that you're in here instead of some gornt sty off the main hangar bay means that Father has legitimate business. Mirax Terrik Horn, at your service.” Laera nodded gratefully. “Pirates in Ojoster sector, you say? We know that area—were you able to pull any vector data from your attackers?” “Only that they weren't coming from Taris itself,” Mirax replied. “After the attack I did a few tail-shaker jumps, taking the opportunity to do some digging while Kelat, my pilot, crunched courses. Apparently some raiders have moved into an uninhabited system somewhere on the Rimward edge of the sector. They're a real nasty bunch, too; I could very well be the first one who got away intact.” “Taught her everything she knows,” Booster rumbled proudly, patting his daughter on her unburned shoulder. “You sure you're alright?” “I'm fine, Father, though the coat's a loss. I liked this coat, too, it was comfortable.” “Well, I should at least introduce you to these strangers...” — — — “...and now they want to raise their own mercenary company,” Booster concluded about an hour or so later, the introduction having dissolved into a back-and-forth exchange of stories and legends. Mirax chuckled. “You always did find the most interesting characters.” “Hey, I resent that accusation!” Silas mock-protested. “I'm as uninteresting as it's possible to be!” “Liar,” Laera chortled. “But what Booster says is true. We're hoping to organize a sort of justice league, beholden to no single government and only taking contracts that meet our high moral standards.” “Like the Freedom's Sons or the Antarian Rangers?” Mirax inquired, then immediately qualified herself. “They were paramilitary forces that supported Jedi missions, founded prior to the Clone Wars. As I recall, the last of the Rangers served in Wraith Squadron before becoming a Jedi Knight herself.” Laera and Silas nodded in unison. “We're hoping to do this discreetly of course, take the time to get the right infrastructure together and ensure that we hire the right people,” Laera explained. “From what I've heard, the galaxy is still a little uneasy in the wake of what Darth Caedus stirred up.” “You sure the Jedi will be okay with that?” Booster asked. “I mean, if you've only just come out of the dark ages, they might want to know you exist.” The Wookiee in the corner grunted something, causing Laera to smile slightly and Silas's ears to twitch. “What did she say?” Booster asked. “You should know that I speak Shyrriwook, and that was nothing I recognize.” Mirax patted her father's arm. “Relax, I'm sure it's probably Old Shyrriwook, something nobody today could hope to comprehend.” Laera smiled obliquely, her blue eyes meeting Mirax's brown ones. “You might say that.” “I did say that, Captain,” Mirax said mockingly, softening the words with a wink. “But if you're looking for somewhere to go with all that cash, you really should link up with Tendrando Arms. Lando and Tendra Calrissian have a very good organization going, and they can get you started without drawing attention to yourselves. That includes weapons, armor, droids, even small warships if you're not in too much of a hurry.” Booster laughed heartily. “They don't need to worry about warships just yet, dear. The freighter they came in on could give a CR90 a run for its money, provided a good hand was on the stick.” Mirax gave the group another once-over, a gleam in her eye. “Are you two sure you're equipped to take on pirates? I know you're a hot hand in an X-wing, Asyr, but it's been a long time...” “It has indeed,” the Bothan woman replied, casting a glance at Silas. “But their ship is nimble and armed to the gills. Once we get a good rhythm going, I'd take it up against any four of the old Rogues any day—Wedge and your husband excluded, of course.” “I'll tell him you said that,” Mirax teased. “He'll be glad to know you're not dead after all, as will—” “No, please don't tell him,” Asyr whispered, her voice almost a plea. “He is happy; my reappearance will only complicate things for him.” “As you wish.” Booster clapped his hands together loudly. “Well, that's settled. The data will be waiting in a module at your ship, and you can make the credit transfer any time you like before you leave. If there's nothing else, then I'll have a porter take you to your quarters.” Mirax rose to her feet. “Is Myri still dealing, Father?” Booster snorted. “I wish. She took her annual vacation three days ago, hopping off at our last port of call. Revenues have dropped sixteen percent already.” “Myri is Wedge's younger daughter and a sabacc dealer aboard the Venture,” Mirax explained. “Syal, who is older, is flying starfighters for the Alliance last I checked.” “Thanks for the tip, Mirax,” Laera said as she and everyone else rose from their seats. “Maybe later we can share some info on those raiders. Dealing with that kind of fringe scum was one of the things the Republic Marines specialized in.” Mirax chuckled. “Sure, why not? In fact, I'll walk you to your quarters...”
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