| - <default>Blackrose</default> Title Gender Race Alignment Faction Occupation Descriptor Class Focus Level Health Status Location Coordinates Voiced by Created by Written by Appearances Blackrose is one of the few neutral parties in the Alley of Dangerous Angles, neither part of the Darkalley Shiv gang, nor the Razor Angel gang. That said, he is somewhat crazed, and want to destroy both in his quest for neutrality.
- BlackRose is a character in Project ✕ Zone.
- BlackRose (ブラックローズ, Burakkurōzu) is the main female protagonist in the .hack//Games and a critical character in the Twilight Incident. She is also the star of Another Birth which retells the Games from her point of view.
- "Yo no habría llegado tan lejos sin ti. ¿Qué voy a hacer cuando empezamos a dudar de ti mismo?" - BlackRose - BlackRose (ブラック ローズ, Burakkurōzu) es la principal protagonista femenina en .hack//Games y un personaje importante en el Incidente de Crepúsculo.
- BlackRose role-plays the character BlackRose. All though her real personality can take over from pests she is pretty calm. Her real personality takes place online much like Luke from boredom of the real world. Though she cannot access the world a lot, you can often see her and Luke meeting up in Mac Anu. She joined the world hoping to escape the stress and boredom from the real world.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiBlackrose – główne miasto w bagnistym środku Czarnych Mokradeł, blisko Murkwood. Miasto to zostało założone poprzez nieistniejącą już społeczność Lilmothiit.
- Blackrose has the power to manifest various plant forms, thorny rose vines with buds attached a specialty. She can heterodyne these manifestations with existing plant forms to dramatically accelerate their growth. Blackrose is very aggressive sexually, and genuinely enjoys putting people- especially pushy macho boys- into uncomfortable situations. But this is just her sense of humor at play; she draws the line at really screwing people over. She enjoys light B&D play, especially with her vines, but can be either a Top or a Bottom. Again, she is a responsible Top, and will immediately stop any ‘play’ if it starts to get out of hand, or her playmate really isn’t into it. Despite her ‘predator’ act, Blackrose has genuine concern for the Froshes (especially the lesbian ones). Former lovers by