| - On your travels in Nodiatis, you will come across zones of many different terrain types, e.g. rivers, mountains, swamps and desert sands. In order to traverse these zones, specialized travel gear in your possession are often required. Some travel gear are purchased from the General Store in certain towns, while others are dropped from bosses lurking in deep and dark dungeons. Once you obtain the travel gear, you are required to have the specific travel gear in your inventory (not in storage!) in order to enter a square in the zone requiring that travel gear. Travel gear are not equipped in any armor or weapon slots. Moreover, all travel gear have no prerequisites.
| - On your travels in Nodiatis, you will come across zones of many different terrain types, e.g. rivers, mountains, swamps and desert sands. In order to traverse these zones, specialized travel gear in your possession are often required. Some travel gear are purchased from the General Store in certain towns, while others are dropped from bosses lurking in deep and dark dungeons. Once you obtain the travel gear, you are required to have the specific travel gear in your inventory (not in storage!) in order to enter a square in the zone requiring that travel gear. Travel gear are not equipped in any armor or weapon slots. Moreover, all travel gear have no prerequisites. Although normally you cannot directly put travel gear in storage, it is possible to put the gear in storage by swapping it with another item already in a storage slot. This is risky, however, as if it is done in a zone requiring that gear and you leave the zone, you will be unable to return to the zone to pick it back up. Moreover, travel gear immediately becomes soulbound once placed in inventory, so you cannot trade them to other people. Bosses that drop travel gear will always drop the gear if you don't have that gear in inventory. Most travel gear supersede more basic gear. Once you obtain superseding gear, you no longer need to keep the corresponding superseded gear. For example once you have the Climbing Shoes, you no longer need to keep the Mountaineering Boots.