| - The Nationalist Party is a populist and nationalist movement. The party's ideas were widely embraced by a variety of different groups in Aloria across the political spectrum. Their public speeches were consistently nationalist and populist. Although being called ultra-right, the NP set up a policy of nationalism, with the NP's plans to nationalize the banks, television companies, postoffices, etc., to keep them out of the hands of foreign investors. Cassidy's main goal was to make Aloria completely independent from foreign influence, creating a selfcontroled state. They also want to increase the position of laborors and the middle-class, with a state that lightly compromizes with labor unions. Although their socialdemocratic views on some issues, they completely oppose true communists and
| - The Nationalist Party is a populist and nationalist movement. The party's ideas were widely embraced by a variety of different groups in Aloria across the political spectrum. Their public speeches were consistently nationalist and populist. Although being called ultra-right, the NP set up a policy of nationalism, with the NP's plans to nationalize the banks, television companies, postoffices, etc., to keep them out of the hands of foreign investors. Cassidy's main goal was to make Aloria completely independent from foreign influence, creating a selfcontroled state. They also want to increase the position of laborors and the middle-class, with a state that lightly compromizes with labor unions. Although their socialdemocratic views on some issues, they completely oppose true communists and socialists. According to a speech of their first leader, John D.Cassidy, hold in May 2618, Aloria must return to the old, moral values. The Nationalists believe in a society with strict conservative, christian values: marriages were ment to be between a man and a woman, and according to the Nationalists it's not natural to have a couple containing two men or two women. Their religious basics also are totally against abortion and euthanasia. 'It's not for us to decide wheiter someone should end his life or to kill a baby. If God wants so, so it be. But we must not interfere in the work of God', Cassidy said in his speech. The ANP also pleas for more and harder anti-immigrant policies. In according to keep more and more foreign influences out of the country, the anti-immigration policy is one of the main parts of the nationalist political program. Detractors have sometimes considered it to be a fascist ideology and it has sometimes been accused of Fascist tendencies, because of the racist causes the party gives for their anti-immigration policy. Some of the mani points of the party's program:
* A return to traditional values: to include making access to abortion more difficult or illegal; giving an income to mothers who do not go out to work; promoting local traditional culture.
* Strong centralized government, with authoritarian tendencies.
* Freedom from foreign influences.
* A third way approach to economics which purported to be neither socialist nor capitalist, but to incorporate elements of both in a * corporativist manner.
* The establishment of tariffs or other protectionist measures against cheap imports.
* Reinstatement of the death penalty.
* Reduce immigration