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- Even in the less politically correct era of animation long gone, the pioneers of animation thought that using boxing gloves instead of bare fists lowered the level of violence. They were also much easier to draw, and easier to see. (However, it has since been proven that because of the extra weight of boxing gloves and because they allow people to hit harder without hurting themselves, they actually cause more damage than they prevent.) At some point, boxing gloves came to be seen in a comedic light. Boxing gloves on big goofy springs replaced more harmful or deadly implements for all manner of reasons. To drive this point home, boxing gloves are always bright red for heightened visibility. Boxing gloves tend toward the bright red, anyway... Compare with When All You Have Is a Hammer. If the red boxing gloves are not directly on someone's fists, then this is Improbable Weapon Usage. There's also the fact that a disembodied bare hand on the end of a spring would fall straight into Body Horror. With red boxing gloves, you don't have to assume there's a real hand under there. Boxing kangaroos are almost always shown wearing these. Concealed red boxing gloves come under this, with the application of Fridge Logic and Hammerspace to hide something about a foot wide in, say, 5 inches of space. Yes, red boxing gloves in cartoons can get very oversized. Examples: