| - It's not clear if the Voice was lying or if was being lied to, but there are several things about the plan she told Kaeritha that just don't add up in light of what we know about what the Dark has planned.
* Partha says, "Our plans always allowed for the possibility of us losing our foothold at Quaysar. Indeed, they depended on us losing it." The second sentence of that fits with what the Voice says, but not the first. The plan as outlined by the Voice pretty much requires that they be able to hang on to Quaysar until they are ready to let go of it and would be in serious trouble if they lost it early.
* The Dark is planning to kill Trisu; this is pretty certain, as we've heard the Dark agents discussing it amongst themselves. The Voice's plan, however, would be most effective if Trisu were alive. If he were dead, the matter of his guilt or innocence in the attack on Quaysar would be mostly academic. If he were alive, however, the matter becomes considerably more difficult. He becomes either the innocent victim of the Straw Feminists or a Complete Monster who murdered the representatives of a Goddess. No matter what the authorities do with him, they will set off a firestorm.
* Varnaythus says that when the conflict between Lorham and the War Maids begins, the Baron "will have no choice but to take Trisu's side." To be fair, it's possible he is lying. If he's not, however, it is hard to square that with the Voice's plan under which the Baron (and every other person who doesn't know what's going on and has a sense of decency) will be with the War Maids. Varnaythus also said (to one of his fellow conspirators to whom he has no reason to lie) that the War Maids would be the ones to provide the provocation, again hard to square with the Voice's plan.