The Wind Rises (Kaze Tachinu) is a 2013 Japanese animated historical fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The film is based on the manga of the same name, which is in turn based on a short story by Tatsuo Hori, a writer, poet and translator from mid-20th century (Showa period) Japan. Kaze Tachinu is a fictionalised biography of Jiro Horikoshi, designer of the Mitsubishi A5M (featured in the movie) and its famous successor, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Both were fighter aircraft that the Empire of Japan used in World War II. Miyazaki said this will be his final film.
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| - The Wind Rises (Kaze Tachinu) is a 2013 Japanese animated historical fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The film is based on the manga of the same name, which is in turn based on a short story by Tatsuo Hori, a writer, poet and translator from mid-20th century (Showa period) Japan. Kaze Tachinu is a fictionalised biography of Jiro Horikoshi, designer of the Mitsubishi A5M (featured in the movie) and its famous successor, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Both were fighter aircraft that the Empire of Japan used in World War II. Miyazaki said this will be his final film.
- Miyazaki announced that this was to be his final film before retiring as a feature director. The film was released by Toho on July 20, 2013 in Japan, and will be released by Touchstone Pictures in North America on February 21, 2014.
- (The Disneycember logo is shown, before showing clips from The Wind Rises) Doug (vo): Let's finish off Disneycember with The Wind Rises, Miyazaki's final film, which...yeah, he said that a couple of times before, but, hey, who am I to complain if he wants to make more films? They're always great. As far as I know, this is the first time he's actually taken on a true story.
- The Wind Rises is a 2013 Japanese animated historical fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and adapted from his own manga of the same name which was loosely based on the short story "The Wind Has Risen" by Tatsuo Hori, a writer, poet and translator from mid-20th century Japan. Kaze Tachinu is a fictionalised biography of Jiro Horikoshi, designer of the Mitsubishi A5M (featured in the movie) and its famous successor, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Both aircraft were used by the Empire of Japan during World War II. Miyazaki announced that this was to be his final film before retiring as a feature director. Afterwards, he then rescinded his retirement. The film was released by Toho on July 20, 2013, in Japan, and will be released by Touchstone Pictures in North America on February 2
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Music By
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| - Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt, Mae Whitman
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Release Date
| - 2014-02-21(xsd:date)
- 2014-02-28(xsd:date)
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*Touchstone Pictures
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| - The Wind Rises (Kaze Tachinu) is a 2013 Japanese animated historical fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The film is based on the manga of the same name, which is in turn based on a short story by Tatsuo Hori, a writer, poet and translator from mid-20th century (Showa period) Japan. Kaze Tachinu is a fictionalised biography of Jiro Horikoshi, designer of the Mitsubishi A5M (featured in the movie) and its famous successor, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Both were fighter aircraft that the Empire of Japan used in World War II. Miyazaki said this will be his final film.
- Miyazaki announced that this was to be his final film before retiring as a feature director. The film was released by Toho on July 20, 2013 in Japan, and will be released by Touchstone Pictures in North America on February 21, 2014.
- (The Disneycember logo is shown, before showing clips from The Wind Rises) Doug (vo): Let's finish off Disneycember with The Wind Rises, Miyazaki's final film, which...yeah, he said that a couple of times before, but, hey, who am I to complain if he wants to make more films? They're always great. As far as I know, this is the first time he's actually taken on a true story.
- The Wind Rises is a 2013 Japanese animated historical fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and adapted from his own manga of the same name which was loosely based on the short story "The Wind Has Risen" by Tatsuo Hori, a writer, poet and translator from mid-20th century Japan. Kaze Tachinu is a fictionalised biography of Jiro Horikoshi, designer of the Mitsubishi A5M (featured in the movie) and its famous successor, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Both aircraft were used by the Empire of Japan during World War II. Miyazaki announced that this was to be his final film before retiring as a feature director. Afterwards, he then rescinded his retirement. The film was released by Toho on July 20, 2013, in Japan, and will be released by Touchstone Pictures in North America on February 21, 2014.
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