| - SpeakoniaMaster400 was a member of the Speakonia Community from 2015 to 2017. Despite his name, he was anything but the master of Speakonia. Firstly, he had severe crippling autism which made him talk extremely stupid and was also a Brony, which basically speaks for itself. Like seriously, even MCB1209, who also has Autism, talks more mature than he does.
| - SpeakoniaMaster400 was a member of the Speakonia Community from 2015 to 2017. Despite his name, he was anything but the master of Speakonia. Firstly, he had severe crippling autism which made him talk extremely stupid and was also a Brony, which basically speaks for itself. Like seriously, even MCB1209, who also has Autism, talks more mature than he does. He also tried to add his own OC named Henry the Creeper, quite possibly one of the most forced memes in Speakonia history. His videos were extremely low quality, being recorded off his phone. He also horribly attempted to prank call Home Depot using Drew Pickles recordings. He would also upload his Scripts to his Private Facebook page, which seems pretty pointless seeing as only people who could see the page could see them. He also was so autistic he would actually mention Speakonia characters in discussions outside of the SC. He once mentioned the Pube Muppet to a guy he was in an argument with. He was also friends with ShelltoonTV1 on Facebook, who has captured several screencaps of his autistic escapades and posted them on DirtyPotter's Discord server (which have just recently been released). He would also comment about random shit in the video nobody cares about such as there being a cop car in the picture in one case. He also nonchalantly admitted to DrewPicklesTheDark about being racist. He is also a crazy wacko cuckoo nutzo cock-up-the-ass crazy Christian who believes women should not have as many rights as men, that god created Americans even though Americans are just descendants of European settlers, and a bunch of other crazy shit. He was featured in a JelloApocalypse video (Welcome to YouTube Comments) which caused him to be triggered for no reason even though he was literally only shown for like 2 seconds, and expected JelloApocalypse, a huge YouTuber with a large fanbase, to apologize to a completely unknown YouTuber when she likely has better things to do. At an unknown date, he took down all his videos, leaving his status in the SC as unknown.