| - Elemental Affinity is an ability or trait present in some pieces of equipment in the series, which enhances the elemental damage dealt by the user.
- Elemental affinity describes what branch of particle manipulation a character is most naturally adept in due to their temperament.
- Elemental Affinity is the natural ability held by elemen that allow them to control elements not produced naturally by their body. The skill level of controlling these elements appears to be a natural instinct. The given examples here are, of course, the extremes. Most elemen use their affinity in simple ways during their everyday life. An action such as commanding a flame to light the unlit candles on a birthday cake without creating new flames is an example of such simplistic practices.
- The three Elemental Affinities of Fire, Ice, and Wind dictate how a unit responds to one of the three viable elements. Having higher percentages means the element is favorable, while lower percentages means it is not. An example would be the Fire Skull in Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories, having 50% in fire, -50% in Ice, and 0% in wind. There is a fourth element, Star, but its damage is based straight off Intelligence and mitigated entirely by Resistance, having no modifier.
| - Elemental Affinity is an ability or trait present in some pieces of equipment in the series, which enhances the elemental damage dealt by the user.
- The three Elemental Affinities of Fire, Ice, and Wind dictate how a unit responds to one of the three viable elements. Having higher percentages means the element is favorable, while lower percentages means it is not. An example would be the Fire Skull in Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories, having 50% in fire, -50% in Ice, and 0% in wind. There is a fourth element, Star, but its damage is based straight off Intelligence and mitigated entirely by Resistance, having no modifier. Aside from mitigating elemental damage taken, the elemental affinity also affects the powers of magical spells. As stated with the Fire Skull, he would do well with fire based attacks, be neutral in wind, but would take extra damage from ice. Weapon/monster skills aren't boosted with affinity. Only defender's affinity matters for Weapon/monster skills. Most created units start with 0% in one stat, 50% in another, and -50% to balance it out. Most storyline characters are exempt, having 0% across the board, making them effectively neutral. In Disgaea 2, three units had elemental protection, meaning that one particular element had no effect on them. Under certain circumstances, these units could even absorb the element. The Dragon was associated with Fire, the Warslug was associated with Ice, and the Caith was associated with Wind. A fourth unit, Holy Dragon, has protection from attacks that do not carry an elemental attribute.
- Elemental affinity describes what branch of particle manipulation a character is most naturally adept in due to their temperament.
- Elemental Affinity is the natural ability held by elemen that allow them to control elements not produced naturally by their body. The skill level of controlling these elements appears to be a natural instinct. For example, in the event of a forest fire, a flame elemen could reduce the flames in size or reduce the heat and intensity of the flames to nothing. Aqua elemen can attract rain clouds or tame the waves of the ocean for brief amounts of time. Lightning elemen attract the charged variety of storm clouds and always know where a bolt of lightning is going to strike. Wind elemen are said to always know which direction the wind is blowing, and can even tell how much oxygen is in a portion of the air. The affinity of garden elemen is perhaps the most amazing of all, as they can tell precisely when a creature is nearing the end of it's life due to debilitating illness, within the range of a month. The given examples here are, of course, the extremes. Most elemen use their affinity in simple ways during their everyday life. An action such as commanding a flame to light the unlit candles on a birthday cake without creating new flames is an example of such simplistic practices.