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- __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png File:Detective Comics Vol 2 19 Textless.jpg
- Dark Knights are enemies found in Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which are basically Super Soldiers made into Undead Warriors by Marianna Blavatsky to resurrect Heinrich I. They appear on the final mission of the game: Heinrich. Dark Knights are basically the same as Undead Warriors, except with a larger size and have even more health than their counterparts. It is the only enemy that appears in the final face off with Heinrich I and at the end of the crypt level, but are less of a threat as it seems.
- An apparition that manifested from the Chaos Seal while Winnie was trying to fix it. Yulian fought it, and though he had no trouble defeating it - was forced to use the smallest power possible in order to preserve the Seal.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ de:Dunkelritter fr:Chevalier Noir es:Caballero Oscuro ja:暗黒騎士
- The embodiment of everything that the paladin is not, the dark knight is a class of man that would gladly sacrifice his friends to expedite the falling of his enemies. Hell bent on destroying his all his enemies at once the dark knight forgoes the conventional wisdom of focused fire to instead make better use of detrimental auras. Dark knights begin with a 2% (up to 6% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to all melee, range and pet attack damage, a 7% (up to 21% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to all detrimental auras, and a flat 3% bonus to all non-aura detrimental effects vs. player targets. -- In game description
- Dark Knights were an elite team of Force-sensitive warriors, trained by Rider on England, to serve the Red Empire.
- The Dark Knight, also known as the greatest movie of all time, is a 2008 film with Christian Bale starring and it made over a billion dollars in revenue, believe it or not. It revolves around a man named Batman, and is the sequel from Batman Begins, another great movie.
- In his search for true power, this Knight Borg turned to evil. Wrapped in armor as dark as the night, he attacks with twin swords Sol and Star.
- Dark Knight (o Caballero Negro) podría referirse a varios personajes de la serie Devil May Cry;
* The Dark Knight Sparda
* Nelo Angelo
* Bianco Angelo
- Dark Knight is the opposite of White Knight. It uses dark spells and attacks, such as Shade Slash, and Zam.
- Dark Knights are a Star Child class available in Conception 2. They are corrupted versions of Paladins, with a very similar moveset and stat distribution. They wield spears and are very capable fighters. They are not initially unlocked and can only be born via the use of a Fallen Knighthood while Classmating.
- The Dark Knight is a Hero who becomes available when you have both a level 30 Mage and level 15 Berserker in your roster. The Role of the Dark Knight Magical OR Physical attack damage dealer. Because of the matching physical and magical attack scaling, the Dark Knight is capable of fulfilling either role. Their weakness is that they gain 0 accuracy from Dexterity. Because of this the Dark Knight must first focus on gear that provides accuracy to meet the base accuracy requirement.
- Dark knight is the class of Garithos in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The class had various other Hero abilities, and had high strength and low agility. It is not known if other Dark Knight exists and it may simply be a unique title of Garithos.
- Dark Knights can unleash devastating attacks by sacrificing HP.
- | File:Dark Knight.png Powerful Suits of armor animated from high spiritual activity. These suits of armor produce a furnace like flame that erupts from their neck as they explode to life. Dark Knights have a sense of Chivalry unlike most demons, and prefer a fair fight over cheap tactics. Powerful warriors as they never sleep and never tire, the Dark Knights are engines of destruction hired by overlords as guards and defenders. Hit die: D10 Type: Construct (Monster, Demon) The Dark Knight's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) Skill points 2+ int mod •Speed: 30 feet Critical: 19-20
- El Dark Knight (DK, o Guerrero Oscuro) es uno de los personajes que aparecen en todos los servidores del Mu, junto con el Dark Wizard, y la Elf. Posiblemente, es una de las mejores opciones al empezar, ya que combina poderosos ataques de cuerpo a cuerpo, con su gran agilidad. Hay muchos objetos que el DK puede utilizar, como espadas, escudos, hachas, y lanzas. Las alas que puede usar son las Satan Wings, más conocidas como las de "murcielago". Su primera evolución, el Blade Knight o Gran Guerrero Oscuro es más fuerte y más agil, despues agregando los mismos materiales que el Dark Lord y en magic Gladiator, puede evolucionar denuevo a un Blade Master siendo esta la tercera y ultima evolución del DK. El DK tiene el pelo negro, y está vestido ligeramente. Segun la leyenda de Mu, los Dark Knig
- The Dark Knight is the embodiment of human anger and sorrow, funneled into the form of a warrior of darkness. The ability to transform into a Dark Knight is granted to the player after completing or skipping the G3 scenario. One can skip G3 by simply talking to the Weird Cat in Duncan's house, although skipping G3 invalidates the player's opportunity to obtain "the Savior of Erinn" title and the Obsidian enchant. After completing "The Path of the Dark Knight" quest, if a player has Paladin Passive Defense skills, the skills will be converted into the corresponding rank of Dark Knight skills; also, all other Paladin skill ranks will be transferred to the corresponding Dark Knight skills.
- The Dark Knight is characterized by wearing tight, sometimes enclosed black armor and wielding a sword steeped in wicked powers. Their physical stats, with exception of Defense, are usually high, but their other stats depend on the game they appear in. The typical Dark Knight ability is Souleater, also known as Darkness, which allows them to sacrifice their HP to perform stronger attacks.
- Dark Knight is a 2014 American Superhero Action film written and directed by Terry Gilliam starring Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, Adam Scott, Danny Glover, Jeremy Irons, David Tennant, Guillame Canet, William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, Ben Kingsley and Joe Pesci. The film is the third reboot of the Batman franchise following on from Christopher Nolan's universally praised Dark Knight Trilogy and serves as a connecting film Snyder's Superman follow-up Superman Vs. Batman (featuring Irons in his role of Alfred Pennyworth).
- Dark Knights were formerly a type of enemy you could encounter in an early version of Mount&Blade. They wore the finest armor in Calradia, the Black Armor. Due to their superior equipment, they posed too great a threat, not only to the player, but other lords as well. This contributed to their eventual removal from the game. They were removed from the game between version 0.800 to version 0.894. The Dark Knights can still be found in various mods for the Mount&Blade games. They wore:
* Black Armor
* Iron/Mail Greaves
* Guard Helmet
* Gauntlets
- Assim como existe o bem no mundo, deve também existir o mal. Deste modo, assim como os Paladins são os Cavaleiros da Luz, então os Cavaleiros das Trevas devem existir para balancear as forças. O Dark Knight é um Guerreiro que foi escolhido para servir aos espíritos e divindades das trevas e demoníacas. Diferentemente dos Paladins, os Dark Knights não passam por tantos testes de espíritos e emoções para provarem seu valor, neste respeito eles clamam superioridade à Luz. Já os poderes malignos são conferidos com muito prazer àqueles que desejam servir a ele. Entretanto, os Dark Knights não são completamente malignos.