| - Yea, thou hast walk-ed into the halls of evil, the Un-Bestiary. Here, thou shalt finde the records of beastes so woeful, so devious, that thou shallt shudder at their very sight. Ye fearsome Grue will be the least of thyn troubles, as thou meetest the other creatures of yore founden in Uncyclopedia. If thou hast come upon the lair of a creature so fearsome that it hath made thee fear for thyn life, for the love of all things goode, add the records of that same beaste to this collection of creatures! But minde ye these parameters of doom:
| - Yea, thou hast walk-ed into the halls of evil, the Un-Bestiary. Here, thou shalt finde the records of beastes so woeful, so devious, that thou shallt shudder at their very sight. Ye fearsome Grue will be the least of thyn troubles, as thou meetest the other creatures of yore founden in Uncyclopedia. If thou hast come upon the lair of a creature so fearsome that it hath made thee fear for thyn life, for the love of all things goode, add the records of that same beaste to this collection of creatures! But minde ye these parameters of doom: 1.
* Thou shalt place the creature's name alphabetically. 2.
* Thou SHALT use proper Un-Bestiary formatting when adding thy creature. That meaneth: 'Name in Header, followed by Image, then "{{main|}}", Main text, [[|More]]..." 3.
* Thou shalt speake of the creature, its traits, gruesome appearance, and habits of feeding upon the flesh of humans. Thou shalt also provide a picture of beaste. 4.
* Thou shalt add to the creature's article before thou createst the entry on this page. 5.
* Thou shalt NOT plagiarize articles. Paraphrase and summarize! 6.
* Thou shalt not add a non-beast into the Un-Bestiary.