| - To be added.
- (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
- Zapomenuté je dvacátá epizoda třetí série seriálu Star Trek: Enterprise. Dva členové Xindské rady nabídli, že pozastaví vypuštění jejich superzbraně, pokud Archer předvede důkazy o tom, že s nimi Stavitelé sfér manipulovali. Posádce velice chybí 18 mrtvých členů.
- There's been an accident. Someone crash-landed a Yeerk Bug fighter. And the Yeerks have been trying to cover it up - quickly. But not before Tobias spots it. So the Animorphs and Ax decide to steal the ship to show the world that Earth has been invaded. That's when things go terribly wrong. Before they know it, Jake, the Animorphs, and Ax find themselves in another place. Another time. And there's no way home...
- (equivalent to "Orphans" on the titler)
- The Forgotten is the twentieth episode in Season 1 of Clarence.
- The Forgotten is a mini episode of a fan series of Doctor Who by Season 26B. It stars Paul McGann and John Guilor as the Eighth Doctor and Chantir respectively
- The Forgotten is the 20th episode of Clarence.
- "The Forgotten" is the twenty-third episode of Batman: The Animated Series. It depicts Bruce Wayne losing his memory and being turned into a slave. When indigent men start disappearing from the Bowery, Bruce goes undercover as lowlife Gaff Morgan to investigate. He soon ends up as an amnesia victim forced to work with other kidnapped men in a treacherous and remote mining camp.
- Brody; Degra's shuttle; Florida; genie; hand scanner; Kamata; Marcel; Rostov, Michael; magnesium; peperoni; pizza; plasma vuur; Saratoga; Taylor familie; Tucker, Elizabeth; Xindi raad; Xindi-Reptilian oorlogsschip; warp plasma; warp plasma geleider.
- ~ Twilight Sovereign Apophus
- The Forgotten ist eine 6-teilige Comic-Geschichte von Tony Lee die zwischen August 2008 und Januar 2009 bei IDW Publishing erschien. Die Geschichte erschien auch als Gesamtausgabe.
- The Forgotten is a in Horizon Zero Dawn. Outside of Mother's Watch, Aloy comes across Olara, a Nora tribe member who is searching for her brother, Brom.
- This guild is dead. It still exists, but the owner and me have alt characters in it. Also the owner doesn't play anymore.
- The Forgotten is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications.
- "Forgotten, alone, malfunctioned" The Forgotten's Timeline
- "Aceste creaturi nu sunt de "medie" inteligenţă. Ele arată disciplină şi respect faţă de superiorii lor, si tren energic timp de zi până la sfârşitul lui Dawn. Warriors sunt la fel de inalt ca clădiri Uneori, animalele sunt domesticit În termen de armatele lor. Ei regulă terestre, maritime, cerul, şi spaţiu. Ei sunt Uitate" - A Forerunner entry on the Forgotten
- The Forgotten ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fecha: 13 de Marzo de 2008 Locación: ||||||||||||||||| Hora: 08:38 Pm -Aquí Bravo-243, cambio... -... ... -Responda Bravo-241, cambio... -... ... -Aquí B... Mi compañero me tomo del hombro y me dijo... -Déjalo... probablemente ya están muertos -Como digas...-Le respondí con cierta angustia- Mi compañero tomo la radio y pidió apoyo... -Tardaran un par de horas... -dijo con cierta angustia e ira- deberíamos ir a ver... -Cúbreme -le dije a mi compañero- 24 de Septiembre de 2007 Perdí la cabeza...