| - In The Woolpack the final preparations for the engagement party are underway. Marlon is acting very sheepishly as he has promised to pull out all the stops for Tricia, but instead of getting the caterers in he has done it himself and is sneaking food around so as not to get found out. Little do they know there are some fireworks in store. Laurel, the hired entertainer, limbers up outside The Woolpack. Dressed as a bumblebee, she clumsily practises her dance routine. The party gets underway and the pub quickly fills up. Alan has generously laid on the champagne, which the punters are readily tucking in to. Everything appears to be going to plan until Tricia finds out that Marlon’s done the catering. Marlon tries to explain but Tricia is furious. As he gets a severe ticking off, a Mercedes p
| - In The Woolpack the final preparations for the engagement party are underway. Marlon is acting very sheepishly as he has promised to pull out all the stops for Tricia, but instead of getting the caterers in he has done it himself and is sneaking food around so as not to get found out. Little do they know there are some fireworks in store. Laurel, the hired entertainer, limbers up outside The Woolpack. Dressed as a bumblebee, she clumsily practises her dance routine. The party gets underway and the pub quickly fills up. Alan has generously laid on the champagne, which the punters are readily tucking in to. Everything appears to be going to plan until Tricia finds out that Marlon’s done the catering. Marlon tries to explain but Tricia is furious. As he gets a severe ticking off, a Mercedes pulls up outside the pub. Hearing the commotion inside, Steph is keen to find out what’s going on. Seeing the daughter she hasn’t seen for years clearly upset, Steph storms over to Marlon and slaps him, and is shocked by her own strength as she floors him. From the ground, looking up at the rest of the pub, Marlon is dazed and very confused and Tricia is stunned to see it’s her mother. Zak is annoyed to find out that he will be expected to buy the couple a wedding present as well as an engagement gift and suggests to Lisa they take it back and give it at a later date. Lisa is not amused. Chris is still worried about Joseph as things appear to be no better at school. Determined to sort things out, he races straight to the school to see the principle about the bullying, leaving a disgruntled Terry babysitting.