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- Cy is an Imaginator from the Skylanders Academy television series. Created from a Creation Crystal in King Pen's posession, he is used to assist Skylander teams in need of teamwork training.
- |} Cy - przyjacielska relacja pomiędzy Ty'em Blue i CeCe Jones (C/eCe i T/y). Między CeCe, a Ty'em jest różnica wieku i osobowości. Ty zdaje się być coraz bliżej CeCe, bo pojawiają się w większości scen razem. Jest to miłość zakazana, bo CeCe jest najlepszą przyjaciółką jego siostry - Rocky. Rocky mogłaby się czuć zakłócona, że jej najlepsza przyjaciółka widuje się z jej bratem i czułaby się niekomfortowo. Jest jedną z najpopularniejszych relacji, zaraz po relacjach takich jak: Tynka, DeCe, Runther, GeCe i Reuce. Jest parę rzeczy, w których są podobni, np. obydwoje mają obsesję na punkcie siebie, obydwoje kochają tańczyć, CeCe ma obsesję na punkcie chłopaków, a Ty na punkcie dziewczyn.
- Oletettavasti Cy kuoli Kuolemantähden tuhoutuessa Yavinin taistelun aikana.
- Home of telepaths and criminal organisations.
- In The 3rd dimension, he slashed two criminals that were trying to kill his family, he was the only one to get stabbed, Joyce, The girl that kissed him the day before, ran up kissed him and said "I Wont Let This Happen To Anyone Else" And Took His Shuriken To Tomb. He then came back alive as the Green Ranger. He then was put back in his Shuriken until the Gold Ranger slashed it, and he came back in monster mode, and got destroyed and put back in his shuriken.
- Cy was a male Human who served as a member of the Stormtrooper squad led by Sergeant Nova Stihl to respond to the prisoner breakout at Detention block AA-23 on Level 5 of the first Death Star. He was presumably killed onboard the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin.
- Cy, is Xeris Blue's Gaudian Bakugan, he is a Aquos Cyclone Percival. He was born on vestroia as a Pericval but then evolved when being exposed to chaos energy that was attributed to Aqous Bakugan so he evolved into a Cyclone Percival.
- Cy is an agent in the Department of Floaters. He is written by Gaijinguy.
- Cy's first appearance was the secret ending of Ty 1 in a short scene lasting a few seconds, with his eyes flickering to life. Though Cy was likely to become an antagonist, he was instead relegated to cameo status in the next two games, appearing as an NPC that could be conversed with. In Ty 3, Cy is located in the western sewer area of Cassopolis, all alone and apparently surrounded by sewer monsters. He is also a playable character in the Cart Racing mini game.
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