| - Although Rama-Tut fled, Ozymandias remained, now acting as a historian for En Sabah Nur. He has been a servant of Apocalypse since. Thousands of years later, during her youth, Ororo Monroe, who would become the X-Men member Storm in adulthood, was hired to steal Ozymandias's magical gemstone,the Opal of Ozymandias. When he recognized Ororo from his visions, he let her go with the Opal, knowing that Storm would eventually be instrumental in Apocalypse's plans for the powerful mutants known as the Twelve.
| - Although Rama-Tut fled, Ozymandias remained, now acting as a historian for En Sabah Nur. He has been a servant of Apocalypse since. Thousands of years later, during her youth, Ororo Monroe, who would become the X-Men member Storm in adulthood, was hired to steal Ozymandias's magical gemstone,the Opal of Ozymandias. When he recognized Ororo from his visions, he let her go with the Opal, knowing that Storm would eventually be instrumental in Apocalypse's plans for the powerful mutants known as the Twelve. Ozymandias was later discovered by the X-Men as they searched for Wolverine. As he battled the X-Men, he warned them of both Nur's return and the coming of Onslaught. He was seen after Decimation working alongside Apocalypse again. This time however, he wanted to betray him, and be the master. When Doctor Foster was fighting Gazer, and was about to kill him, Ozymandias ran an axe through the Doctor, to force Gazer onto his side. Later, when he called for recollection, Gazer was brainwashed by Apocalypse and defied him. With the help of the X-Men, Apocalypse was defeated, and Ozymandias killed Gazer for defying him. Ozymandias was later seen again impersonating Apocalypse as the leader of the Clan Akkaba. The Clan kidnapped Jonothon Starsmore and fixed his chest, as there was a giant hole in it from M-Day, with a blood transfusion of Apocalypse's blood. After Jonothon refused to join there 'club', Ozymandias let him go, stating to his follower Frederick Slade that it was a part of his plan.