| - The M4 carbine is an American military weapon. ColtM4.jpg|The M4 carbine
- The M4 is a fully automatic assault rifle featured in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
- M4 was a demon and a member of Team Ichigaki during the Dark Tournament Saga.
- M4 was a medical droid based on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Independence during the Galactic Civil War. The droid treated Keyan Farlander for recurring dreams during 0 BBY.
- The M4 is a weapon in Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. It ha a grenade launcher attached to it. It has good accuracy, but its recoil makes it difficult to use at close range without burst-firing. The Grenade Launcher must be reloaded after every shot. In addition, it has a low arc before it hits the ground, which makes it only useful against enemies at close range.
- Cost: $10,000
- During the repatriation of London, many soldiers, including rooftop snipers such as Sergeant Doyle, were armed with M4 assault rifles.
- The M4 goes from Gunnersbury (in the west of London) to Pont Abraham (a few miles north of Swansea).
- M4 family
- The M4 is a weapon found in Zombie Panic: Source.
- El M4 es una carabina, es decir, un fusil de asalto más pequeño, la cual está basada en el M16. Es usado en Driv3r por Timmy Vermicelli. También aparece en Driver 2 en la cinemática de la misión Secuestra el Camión.
- The M4 is a very powerful automatic assault rifle belonging to the M16 rifle family. It appears in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Hitman: Contracts, and in Hitman: Blood Money.
- M4 – karabin szturmowy występujący w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas i Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Jest silnym, celnym karabinem. Sprawia się doskonale w walce z przeciwnikami, nawet na dużych odległościach. We wszystkich grach jest oparty na karabinku Colt Model 733.
- El M4 es un fusil de asalto mejorado, que usan las fuerzas armadas. La ventaja respecto al AK-47 es que inflinge más daño (20%), y tiene más extras y alcance. La única desventaja es que tiene un poco más de retroceso. Se puede comprar en el Ammu-Nation de Rocktown por 5500$.
- thumb|200px Der M4 Karabiner, Bezeichnung des US-Department of Defense (DOD) „CARBINE 5.56MM, M4“, wurde 1994 als Ordonnanzwaffe der US-Streitkräfte eingeführt, wo er bis heute in weiter verbesserten Versionen im Einsatz ist. Der M4 Karabiner ist eine Kompaktversion des M16A2 Gewehrs und basiert auf der Systementwicklung und der Bauweise des verkürzten M16, XM177E2 und war als Ersatz für Maschinenpistolen im Kaliber .45 und ausgesuchte M9 Pistolen und M16 Gewehre gedacht. Kategorie:Waffen
- El M4 es un fusil de asalto derivado del M16 (del M16A1 concretamente).
- L'M4 o l'Emme4 o Lemmequattro è una versione modificata e vandalizzata dell'M16. Dopo che gli americani capirono di aver fatto una cazzata nucleare in Vietnam, mandando i poveri Marines a farsi inculare con l'M16 dai Vietcong armati di AK-47, gli americani capirono che c'era qualcosa di sbagliato nell'M16, dopo aver giocato ore e ora a Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. E allora dopo svariati tentativi di modifica ecco a voi... per la gioia di tutti i reparti suicidi USA... l'M4!
- The M4 is a carbine variant of the M16A2 assault rifle. The M4 is a carbine assault rifle manufactured by Colt's Manufacturing Company that chambers the 5.56x45mm NATO round. The M4 is the successor to the CAR-15 carbine. The M4 is capable of semi-automatic and three-round burst fire, while the M4A1 is capable of semi-automatic and full-automatic jokes. There is another variant of the M4 in the Rainbow Six universe. This variant is called the SR-4CQB.
- The M4 Assault Weapon is an assault rifle in Far Cry. The M4 is the first automatic weapon found in the game and will likely become the player's primary armament for much of the early part of the story. A very dependable weapon, it offers decent accuracy and stopping power and a high rate of fire. With careful aim, the rifle can even act as a substitute for the AW50 when assaulting an enemy position at medium-long range, although as it lacks any form of scope it cannot compete with the sniper rifle's ability to engage targets at extreme range. The M4 has a 30 round magazine and can be switched between semi-automatic and fully-automatic fire modes — while full-auto provides the greatest stopping power at closer ranges, switching to semi-automatic makes recoil considerably more manageable, u
- The M4 is seen in almost every level in singleplayer. It is only surpassed in appearences by the MP5. It is the weapon of choice for SWAT units throughout the game. The M4 is purchasable in Fragile Alliance for $ 60,000. It is considered by many to be the best weapon in Fragile Alliance. The M4 is a shorter and lighter variant of the M16A2 assault rifle, with 80% parts commonality.
- thumb|M4 de la vida real La M4 (oficialmente Carabina, 5,56 mm, M4) es una familia de fusiles de asalto automáticos en versión carabina, derivados del fusil M16, fabricados por la empresa Colt de Estados Unidos. Hitman 2: Asesino silencioso.thumb|Una carabina m4 en hitman 2: Asesino Silencioso
* La podemos obtener luego de haber obtenido el rango de asesino silencioso en cinco misiones.
* En la mision la interceptacion motorcade, pero solo en ciertos soldados de la ONU. Hitman: Contracts. Hitman: Blood Money
- The US Carbine, Caliber 5.56mm, M4 is a firearm tracing its lineage back to earlier XM177 carbine versions of the M16, all based on the original AR-15 made by ArmaLite. It is a shorter and lighter version of the M16A2 automatic rifle, achieving 80% parts commonality with the M16A2.[1] The M4 has selective fire options including semi-automatic and three-round burst (like the M16A2), while the M4A1 has a "full auto" option in place of the three-round burst.
- [[Datei:M4, Atlantic Quays, LCS.JPG|miniatur|Antonio Cipriani mit M4, 1998]] Das M4 ist ein äußerst effektives Sturmgewehr, das erstmals in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City vorkommt und auch in den nachfolgenden Spielteilen Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas und Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories unverzichtbar ist. Es handelt sich dabei um das US-amerikanische Fabrikat M4. Im Spiel vereint es eine hohe Durchschlagskraft mit großem Magazin, schneller Feuerrate sowie einem präzisen Zielmodus. Der einzige Nachteil ist, dass das Gewehr zu den schweren Waffen gehört und die Spielfigur daher nicht schnell rennen kann, während sie die Waffe in der Hand trägt. Das Gewehr kann nur im Stehen abgefeuert werden. Eine Ausnahme bildet hier San Andreas mit seinen Waffen-Skills (siehe unten).
- L'M4 è un fucile d'assalto pesante, presente da GTA San Andreas in tutti i capitoli successivi. Nei capitoli precedenti,era sostituito dall'M16 (l'M4 rappresenta infatti una versione migliorata dell'M16 del 1967). L'M4 venne presentato alla fiera delle armi di Abu Dabi durante il 1994 e reso effettivamente disponibile all'acquisto da parte di civili a fine 1996. .
- The M4, sometimes called the M4 carbine, was a selective-fire assault rifle chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO. It accepted STANAG magazines with a standard capacity of thirty rounds. The M4 was a descendant of the legendary M16, but shorter and lighter than that rifle, with a telescopic stock. It was favored by counter terrorist and special forces units due to its combination of lightness, compactness and all-around solid performance, particularly in close-quarters engagements. The M4A1 variant had a fast rate of automatic fire and was impressively accurate at all but extreme distances. The rifle used the Knight's Armament modular rail system that allowed the attachment of specialized components such as a detachable grenade launcher, infrared illuminator, night-vision sight, and visible laser. (