| - It'll just be called The Muppets, however, since to actually call it The Muppet Show would be courting disaster as far as the comparisons it would bring.
* And the first guest will be Jason Segel, who Walter will mistake for Gary. Other early guests would include: Jack Black (who would spend most of the episode planning revenge on Miss Piggy for kidnapping him), Neil Patrick Harris (and it would be pure concentrated awesome), Whoopi Goldberg (because she is probably the biggest celebrity collaborator alive when it comes to Muppets), and (sadly) Justin Bieber (throws up).
* An alternative about having Jason Segel as a guest would be playing with the idea of Jason and Walter being really similar. Including confusing the two the whole time, having Walter (or Jason) doing Jason's (or Walter's) act and maybe some body swapping at Muppet Lab.
* And of course, the first sketch of the revival would be a remake of "Mahna Mahna".
* Other guest would be Lady Gaga and the other ton of cameos from the Movie which didn't make the cut.
* Musical guests would include Zooey Deschanel and Randy Newman.
* More ideas:
* William Shatner. One of the most likely guests, seeing him with the Muppets would be pure awesome. He could hijack the Swinetrek in his Captain Kirk persona just like the Star Wars stars did and even perform a Bohemian Rhapsody mashup since both he and the Muppets covered the song.
* While we're "on trek", George Takai will appear too!
* Yoda, for a second Star Wars episode (of course Yoda would appear). If Frank Oz returns to perform/voice Yoda, he could also perform his Muppet characters again (if Yoda's CGI) or prerecord his characters' voices for Eric Jacobson to perform them to (if Yoda's a puppet, which is more fitting given the nature of the show and Frank's history with it). Oh, and of course Dearth Nadir would return.
* Frank Oz himself, as a sort of in-joke (remember how Jim Henson appeared in A Muppet Family Christmas?). In-universe, he'd either be the performer of various Captain Ersatz puppet versions of his characters, or would only be known for performing Yoda.
* Both his and Yoda's appearances are unlikely. He hated the script for The Muppets and refused to be involved with it, so a show spinning off of the movie would be no different. He retired his characters anyway and now only performs them on rare occasions.
* Tom Kane could voice Yoda, with Eric Jacobson doing the puppetry if he's a puppet.
* Bruce Campbell. See below.
* Since she's a Virtual Celebrity, Hatsune Miku (in CGI), depending on how much Crypton wants to push marketing for her American release (which means she'd speak English, with some Gratuitous Japanese). The subtitler from Pöpcørn could return (possibly even as a full character) for her Japanese songs. A Gorillaz episode could operate on a similar principle.
* Bret McKenzie, as an excuse to perform songs from the movie again.
* It's quite likely that Jason Segel and the rest of the movie's creative team would run the show and Do It For The Art, like with the movie. They'd probably avoid having tween stars such as Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber (as mentioned above) as guests in order to preserve the show's reputation. However, given some Executive Meddling from Disney and Seasonal Rot, we'd see quite a few Disney stars (and yes, Justin Bieber). It'd be Studio DC all over again, unless the creative team decides to make it work.
* Various not-widely-hated artists and musical groups, such as the Foo Fighters, Maroon Five, Katy Perry, Feist (who appeared in the movie), and others. I can see Cee Lo Green and will i. am. performing too.
* Similar to the William Shatner suggestion above, Cee-Lo would probably perform "Forget You" with the chickens and do it while dressed the way he was when performing the song with the Henson puppets (a Call Back to Elton John's performance on The Muppet Show itself).
* Amy Adams, similar to the Jason Segel idea above. She'd perform songs both from the Muppets movie and Enchanted, dressed as Princess Giselle for the latter (and since Disney owns the Muppets, the homage could probably go quite deep).
* Samuel L. Jackson. Just like William Shatner, this would be pure unadulterated awesome. Maybe both Mace Windu and Yoda could be in the new Star Wars episode, or Dearth Nadir could appear with Sam playing Mace. He could also do a PG-rated parody of the various memes from Snakes on a Plane (most likely quoting the "melon farming snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane" TV edit line verbatim).
* Elmo. Admit it, you knew they'd push for it eventually since he was originally supposed to be in the movie. Though Executive Meddling could get in the way, probably to remind the general public that The Muppets/The New Muppet Show/whatever is supposed to be a family show, not a kiddie show.
* Elmo is owned by the Sesame Workshop in New York. He was prohibited from appearing in The Muppets because of that fact, so an appearance is unlikely.
* John Ratzenberger and the stars of Pixar's movies. It'd be logical considering that both are owned by Disney and both teams are proud of their art (at least currently, especially in the Muppets' case). Pixar and Muppets Studio seem to be on really good terms (the Toy Story Toon airing before The Muppets, Pixar doctoring a script for the movie, Statler and Waldorf appearing in Presto, etc.). Someone even wrote a clever fanfic about the idea.
* The Simpsons (in puppet form from "The Fight Before Christmas", as a recursive parody). Sure Why Not?
* A new Muppet to spoof James Lipton from Inside The Actors Studio will appear in a new talk show segment, where he interviews guest stars. One of the guest stars will be........ James Lipton.
* More guests: Martin Short, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Anne Hathaway, Melissa McCarthy, Tina Fey, Natalie Portman, the cast of Glee, the cast of The Big Bang Theory, Steve Carell, Johnny Depp, the crew of a Cirque Du Soleil show, and Tom Selleck.
* Hey, didn't Jim Parsons appear in the movie...? He could make a guest appearance by himself too.
* Steve Martin will return!
* The Mane Cast of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, animated in 2D.
* This would probably depend on Muppet Studios' relationship with Hasbro and The Hub, and how well they could handle the episode without making it look like an ad for The Hub or a blatant attempt to pander to bronies and Internet hipsters. If not, they could throw a few brony jokes in the below "Fozzie tries to be hip" episode, where Fozzie ostentatiously proclaims his newfound MLP fandom and it comes off completely wrong (he ends up liking the show because of all the sparkles and rainbows instead of the plot and humor, or watches G3.5 by accident or something).
* Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy (CGI). If we have a Muppets world in an upcoming Kingdom Hearts game then Disney would probably do this to plug the game. They'd probably be video game characters from the video game world in-universe.
* The theme song will either be a re-cover of the one from The Muppet Show, Life's A Happy Song, or a completely new one. This time, the Muppet who plays the trumpet for the Couch Gag won't be Gonzo, but Walter. In the pilot episode, he will almost play the note on the trumpet before his cel phone goes off- his mom calls him while seeing him on TV!
* Actually, the theme song will most likely just be a re-filmed version of the regular Muppet Show theme, as covered in The Muppets. Because Gonzo was the one who played the trumpet in the movie, he'll probably do it again I can see Walter's whistling interfering with Gonzo's trumpet gag in one episode, though.
* It could also be fun to think of the premises for some of the episodes:
* The Muppets use one of Bunsen's and Beaker's devices to turn into CGI characters and do their first-ever computer-animated show in the computer world, in order to stand a chance against all those kids' movies out there. This could be the Hatsune Miku episode, and since this is Disney we're talking about, we'll probably get Shout Outs to Tron and its sequel. Waldo C. Graphic would probably appear in this.
* Fozzie tries to become more "hip", and starts calling the other Muppets "bro" and basing his new act on rapid-fire internet meme references and Muppet-themed Rage Comics. Near the end, Pepe calls Fozzie out on having become more annoying than himself, and Fozzie goes back to being his old self.
* The Swedish Chef brings his wife to the show. She can't speak or understand a word of English, so the Subtitler has to subtitle the entire show in mock Swedish so she can understand. The Chef and his wife also do a sketch together, where they mess up their recipe twice as much.
* After a prolonged hospital stay, Tex Richman asks the Muppets if he can be their guest star, and Kermit feels that it's the best thing to do to repay him for his bowling-ball-induced kindness. He spends the episode pretending to still be a good guy (and fooling the Muppets) while trying to destroy the Muppet Theater again, but constantly getting (unintentionally) foiled. At the end of the episode, he reveals his true colors during the big closing number, but the police comes and takes him away for property damage done during the events of the movie, and it's revealed that Beaker was in on the whole thing and called the cops. Oh, and he also gets a well-placed karate chop in the face from Miss Piggy. Just ignore whether the movie is supposed to be "fiction" or not.
* Special guest star Bruce Campbell. The Muppet Zombie Apocalypse Episode. Make it happen, Disney!
* FUND IT!!!!!