| - The Villanova I Government was Lovia's national executive government from May 1st, 2011 to June 30th, 2011. It was preceded by the Donia I Government, which had went into inactiveness after the controversial Galahad v. The Brigade Trial and the Prime Minister was sentenced to six months. Soon after, the 2011 Congress was disbanded and the 2011 Provisional Congress was set up. Many leaders were in disscussion but Marcus Villanova was selected as Prime Minister. This gave a new hope for progressives, who formed the government. After the completion of the 2011 Special Federal Elections, the government was succeeded by the Villanova II Government.
| - The Villanova I Government was Lovia's national executive government from May 1st, 2011 to June 30th, 2011. It was preceded by the Donia I Government, which had went into inactiveness after the controversial Galahad v. The Brigade Trial and the Prime Minister was sentenced to six months. Soon after, the 2011 Congress was disbanded and the 2011 Provisional Congress was set up. Many leaders were in disscussion but Marcus Villanova was selected as Prime Minister. This gave a new hope for progressives, who formed the government. After the completion of the 2011 Special Federal Elections, the government was succeeded by the Villanova II Government. The congress had some firsts, for the first time the far right was represented by I. G. La Blaca of the UNS, and many of the parties didn't have their chairperson or leader in congress. This was the first time since 2007 that an LDP member was elected and four new congressmen were elected, and the first time a Prime Minister was in power of the same political party as a former Prime Minister, Yuri Medvedev of the CPL.nm. Leftism outnumbered rightism with four socialists, three moderate liberals, and two conservatives.