Aka "Ring of Strength", it can be found in the campaign Dead Water, in the 2nd scenario (or the last). It is dropped by Mal-Kevek when killed. The ring of power increases the damage of all its owner’s attacks by one, and adds three hitpoints.
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| - Aka "Ring of Strength", it can be found in the campaign Dead Water, in the 2nd scenario (or the last). It is dropped by Mal-Kevek when killed. The ring of power increases the damage of all its owner’s attacks by one, and adds three hitpoints.
- A glowing ring of green crystal fashioned and imbued with the power of the dark god Naar.
- The Ring of Power is a ring. Its class name in save files is "com.watabou.pixeldungeon.items.rings.". __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
- The Ring of Power is an item which offers partial protection against cold, electrical and fire enhanced attacks. Additionally, it grants Freedom and has a mild Regeneration effect.
* Even though the Ring of Power isn't a custom item, Vico has the only one available in the ADwR module.
* The Ring of Power cannot be taken away from Vico until Chapter 1 of Part 2.
- Rings imbued with some kind of Functional Magic or Phlebotinum, giving them powers usually to a supernatural degree. These rings can have many uses, for good or evil. They can be for commoners or royalty. They can be extremely fancy or deceptively simple. They can be passed down as an heirloom, or found in a Cracker Jack box. Either way, these rings are of great use to whoever holds them, assuming they are safe to use, if you don't care for the cost, and if it allows you to use it. Don't be surprised if you have trouble getting it off. Compare Mask of Power, Tricked-Out Gloves, Crystal Skull.
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- However, the number of charges and the melee wand damage are not affected.
- The effects of all wands owned by the Hero/ine are increased/decreased, as if the wands’ levels are increased/decreased by the ring's level.
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| - Mynseril Lostbone was a powerful priest of Malar who enjoyed many a bloody brawl or battle, but felt that such fights were simply over too soon. Studying the regenerative capabilities of trolls, Mynseril was convinced that more entertainment value could be garnered from a field of regenerating warriors than a regular battlefield, so he commissioned the creation of a number of powerful rings. When the rings were finished, he distributed them to particularly vicious warriors, who were often on opposite sides of the battlefield.
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| - Aka "Ring of Strength", it can be found in the campaign Dead Water, in the 2nd scenario (or the last). It is dropped by Mal-Kevek when killed. The ring of power increases the damage of all its owner’s attacks by one, and adds three hitpoints.
- A glowing ring of green crystal fashioned and imbued with the power of the dark god Naar.
- The Ring of Power is a ring. Its class name in save files is "com.watabou.pixeldungeon.items.rings.". __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
- The Ring of Power is an item which offers partial protection against cold, electrical and fire enhanced attacks. Additionally, it grants Freedom and has a mild Regeneration effect.
* Even though the Ring of Power isn't a custom item, Vico has the only one available in the ADwR module.
* The Ring of Power cannot be taken away from Vico until Chapter 1 of Part 2.
- Rings imbued with some kind of Functional Magic or Phlebotinum, giving them powers usually to a supernatural degree. These rings can have many uses, for good or evil. They can be for commoners or royalty. They can be extremely fancy or deceptively simple. They can be passed down as an heirloom, or found in a Cracker Jack box. Either way, these rings are of great use to whoever holds them, assuming they are safe to use, if you don't care for the cost, and if it allows you to use it. Don't be surprised if you have trouble getting it off. Unrelated to Rings of Death, which are more like hoops. Though distinct, may overlap with Amplifier Artifact if the ring also enhances already possessed powers. Compare Mask of Power, Tricked-Out Gloves, Crystal Skull. Despite the name, Green Lantern Ring is not actually a Sub-Trope of this. The Trope Namer for that trope, however, is an example of this one. Examples of Ring of Power include: