Following the beginning of the War of the Roses, King Richard began to attack Bosworth Field, a land owned by the House of Lancaster, to surprise them, Richard gathered the loyal forces to the Bosworth forest. There he managed to attack the fortress with more trained army and more horses, he managed to defeat most of the traitors, he then exiled Henry VII and Elizabeth of York to the Kingdom of Scotland, executed Thomas Stanley and additional members of the House. Later in London, he named his recently recovered from illness Edward of Middleham as his heir apparent.
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| - Richard III (Forested Bosworth)
| - Following the beginning of the War of the Roses, King Richard began to attack Bosworth Field, a land owned by the House of Lancaster, to surprise them, Richard gathered the loyal forces to the Bosworth forest. There he managed to attack the fortress with more trained army and more horses, he managed to defeat most of the traitors, he then exiled Henry VII and Elizabeth of York to the Kingdom of Scotland, executed Thomas Stanley and additional members of the House. Later in London, he named his recently recovered from illness Edward of Middleham as his heir apparent.
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| - Following the beginning of the War of the Roses, King Richard began to attack Bosworth Field, a land owned by the House of Lancaster, to surprise them, Richard gathered the loyal forces to the Bosworth forest. There he managed to attack the fortress with more trained army and more horses, he managed to defeat most of the traitors, he then exiled Henry VII and Elizabeth of York to the Kingdom of Scotland, executed Thomas Stanley and additional members of the House. Later in London, he named his recently recovered from illness Edward of Middleham as his heir apparent.