| - Narrator: One sunshiny day at the Botsfords… Becky: Hi Mom, what’s u-- Mrs. Botsford: Sorry hon, it’s just that this brand new game show is about to start. It’s called-- Seymour: Answer all my questions and win stuff! I’m your host, Seymour Orlando Smooth. Hi everyone, and welcome to the game show where the contestant is-- YOU! If you received an answer sheet in the mail last week, pull it out right now! Mrs. Botsford: (picking up a paper next to her) Okay... Seymour: Alrighty then, here… we go! Please neatly print the answer to each question in the appropriately numbered box. Question one… what is a word beginning with the letter “P” that means agree to allow? For example, a parent signs her child’s “mmm-mmm-mmm” slip to go on a field trip. Mrs. Botsford: (nervous and struggling with the answer) Ohh… Seymour: Okay, I’m just waiting for permission to go on to the next questions! Mrs. Botsford: Huh… is answer number one “permission”? Becky: Y-yeah, I think so. Mrs. Botsford: Oh, right! Chalk one up for the “B team! Seymour: Question number two… what is my name? Now, take your time. I, Seymour Orlando Smooth, will wait before I ask you the next question. Mrs. Botsford: Oh! His name is Seymour Orlando Smooth! Becky: But he just-- Seymour: Question number three… what is a word beginning with the letter “W” that means to remove money from a bank account? (raises his watch up to look at it) Oh my, look at the time! I hope I have a chance to get to the BANK before they close, you know… I really need to WITHDRAW some money from my account! (clears throat) Ahem. Becky: Okay, I think there’s something fishy-- Mrs. Botsford: Done! Seymour: Now when you finish, just print and sign your name on the bottom of your worksheet and bring it right on down to the TV station! Any contestant who answers all the questions correctly will win a fabulous prize, and have a chance to spin-- Seymour and Mrs. Botsford: (together) --the Wheel of Wonderful Stuff! Mrs. Botsford: Ohh! So, so wonderful! Becky: (in a sarcastic and suspicious tone) Yes. Wonderful. Narrator: Later, at the city TV studio… Mayor: (extending a paper to the cutout) Hello, here’s my answer sheet! Seymour: Congratulations fine sir, let me tell you what you’ve won! First, a lifetime supply of AIR! Mayor: Ooh, I LOVE air! Seymour: It’s not just for breathing anymore! Mayor: What else is it good for? Seymour: You’ve also won the home version of… ME! That’s right, now you can play Answer All My Questions and Win Stuff, right from the comfort of your very own home! Mayor: Wow, thanks. It’s really-- creepy! Seymour: Right! Get lost! Mayor: But I-- Seymour: Next. Edith: Here you go. Seymour: Congratulations, madam, let me tell you what you’ve won! Mrs. Botsford: Wow, look at all these people who also filled out answer sheets for the game show, hoping to win a prize! Hm, I know there’s a shorter way to say that… Becky: Yeah, it’s uh, contestants, mom. People who participate in a contest or game show are called contestants. Mrs. Botsford: Right! I wonder who’s gonna get a chance to spin the Wheel of Wonderful Stuff? Edith: Do you believe it? I won this creepy puppet and a lifetime supply of air! Mayor: Me too! Edith: Oh, I feel dizzy and light-headed! Mayor: Me too! Becky: (to Bob) Lifetime supply of AIR? That’s ridiculous! There’s definitely something suspicious going on. (To her mother) Um, Mom? Um, Bob and I have never been to a TV studio before, and gosh, gee, it’s so exciting! Can we please take a tour? Mrs. Botsford: Alright, you have my… PERMISSION! Becky: Gosh gee, thanks Mom! WordGirl: (to Huggy) Start looking around. Quietly. Narrator: Meanwhile, back on line… Mrs. Botsford: Well, looks like I’m the last contestant! Seymour: Indeed! Well, then looks like I’m off to the bank! Mrs. Botsford: What? Seymour: Nothing. (clears throat) Congratulations madam, let me tell you what you’ve won. Mrs. Botsford: So has anyone won the chance to win the Wheel of Wonderful Stuff? Seymour: Eh… no. But, congratulations madam, let me tell you what you-- Mrs. Botsford: (screams with excitement) Oh, my goodness, this has never happened to me before! Seymour: Ugh… okay, WHAT has never happened? Mrs. Botsford: Well, I mean on TV, you said, “Any contestant who answered all the questions correctly will win a FAA-bulous prize and have a chance to SPINN the WHEEEL of WONDERFUL STUFF! Seymour: Right…? Mrs. Botsford: Well, since no one else has won it, and !’m the last one here, that means I automatically WIN! Seymour: That-- it-- you-- uh-- well no, you see, uh, that happens much, much later-- Mrs. Botsford: (squeals) Is the wheel in here? Can I spin it right now? Seymour: Oh now, now, you just hold on there, my-- Mrs. Botsford: Let me go find my daughter, she’s GOT to see this! Be right back! Seymour: No, w-wait… I was trying to… leave… she’s gone. Okay, no problem. There’s nothing that Mr. Smooth can’t handle. WordGirl: Huggy, did you find anything? WordGirl: Oh no, someone’s coming! Hide! Seymour: Ah, I’ll just tell that woman that the wheel is out of order. Then she’ll leave, and I’ll be home free! (laughs) Seymour, you are brilliant! (He kisses the hand puppet.) Oh, the people of this city are so GULLIBLE! Seymour: Hmm, let’s see, Mrs. Botsford. Your worksheet says “permission”, “Seymour Orlando Smooth”, “withdraw”, and money. Alone it means nothing, but when I rub my special pen over the rest of the page, everything I wrote in disappearing ink reappears! Now it says, “I give my PERMISSION to SEYMOUR ORLANDO SMOOTH to WITHDRAW all of my money from this bank, signed, MRS. SALLY BOTSFORD! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh Sally! Ho-ho-ho! Oh… I just love standing in an empty room explaining my whole plan to myself… WordGirl: You’re not alone anymore! Seymour: WordGirl! WordGirl: Now, Huggy! Seymour: Sorry, but thanks for playing! Seymour: Here’s a little parting gift for our contestants! WordGirl: Ahh! Teeth-- too bright! Seymour: Ha-ha, WordGirl, you’ve met your match! WordGirl: What? Seymour: Match! You’ve met your match! WordGirl: Sorry, one more time? Seymour: (unclenching his teeth) Oh, forget it. Take-- THIS! WordGirl: Ugh! What is this stuff? Seymour: Hair gel. Game show host strength! WordGirl: Ugh! Seymour: And now-- prepare for… Seymour: Whoops. Wrong lever. Seymour: This beautiful wheel is made from a titanium alloy, and three-inch thick glass! It’s completely soundproof! But, that’s not all. It also spins at such a high rate of speed that you two will be ridiculously dizzy! Seymour: By the time you regain your balance, I’ll be on the beautiful shores of Puerto Vallarta, with a prize package worth over one million dollars-- Seymour: Hi! Mrs. Botsford: Hi! Say, have you any idea where the tour might be, I’ve been looking all over for my-- Mrs. Botsford: Is that the Wheel of Wonderful Stuff?? Seymour: You betcha! Say… how about you step on up here and give this wheel a big old spin, huh? You have my permission! Mrs. Botsford: ohh-- WordGirl: We have to get out of here before the wheel spins and we get really, really dizzy! WordGirl: (gasps) One of Seymour’s diamond rings? Narrator: Good thinking, Huggy! Diamonds can cut through almost anything! Seymour: Now, are you ready to spin the Wheel of Wonderful Stuff? WordGirl: Huggy! Move it! WordGirl: Oh no, we’re too late! Narrator: Will the defining duo get dizzified by the dazzling-- WordGirl: Hold on! She’s spinning! Brace yourself… Seymour: That’s it? That’s your spin? Mrs. Botsford: Yep. Porcelain kitty figurines! Come to mama! Seymour: Ehookay… Um, now you can keep the porcelain kitties OR… you can spin the wheel again for the chance to win one of the fabulous BIG prizes! Like a fabulous cruise around the world, or how about a gazillion dollars? Yeah! Mrs. Botsford: I’m gonna keep the kitties! Seymour: You serious? Mrs. Botsford: Yes. Seymour: Fine, the kitties are yours. Seymour: (laughs) Um, and because you’ve been such an amazing contestant, you have my permission to take a free bonus spin! Mrs. Botsford: Really? More kitties! Seymour: No! I- I mean, uh-- this time, the wheel has to go around ten times for it to count. Mrs. Botsford: Oh. Okay. Seymour: Ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha! I won! I won! Mrs. Botsford: What do you mean, YOU won? I thought I was the contestant. Seymour: Yes, yes, yes of course you are. But for right now, heh heh, I won! I won! Oh yes, I won! Seymour: WordGirl! You escaped! WordGirl: Yep. A couple of minutes ago. We just wanted to see you dance around like a goofball before we took you down. Mrs. Botsford: What’s going on? WordGirl: He TRICKED you, Mom-- mom, mom, Mama Mia what a trick! Heh. Mrs. Botsford: What do you mean? WordGirl: Smooth here used invisible ink to try to swindle you out of your money! See for youself! Seymour: Hey! Mrs. Botsford: (reading) “I give my permission to Seymour Orlando Smooth to withdraw all my money from this bank. Signed, Mrs. Sally Botsford”?! WordGirl: Permission means for you to allow someone to do something. So he tricked you into giving him permission to steal all the money from your bank account! Seymour: That’s RIGHT! And after I take care of you three, I have to go to the bank to make a few withdrawals! WordGirl: I don’t think so! Seymour: Oh yeah? Well who cares what you think? Take THIS! WordGirl: Ahh! Mrs. Botsford: Think you can trick ME, huh? Huggy Fuzzylumps-- HERE! Catch! Seymour: Dah! Alright, tell you what else you’ve won! Another trip to the HAIR SALON! Mrs. Botsford: Nope! Seymour: Ooh, that elastic’s tight! Mrs. Botsford: Serves your right, tricking innocent people out of their money! Seymour: Not my wheel! Not my wonderful wheel! Mrs. Botsford: Nice job, WordGirl! WordGirl: Thanks! Back atcha, Mrs. B. Where’d you get a shower cap? Mrs. Botsford: Well, it’s been a while since I cleaned out my pocketbook. Mrs. Botsford: Say, any chance you could help me find my daughter and her pet monk-- WordGirl: Oh. Whoops! Mrs. Botsford: So long, WordGirl! Mrs. Botsford: Well, THERE you are! You missed all the excitement! Becky: Oh, I don’t know… that tour was pretty exciting. (She winks to the audience.) Narrator: And so, once again WordGirl and Captain Huggy Face are our grand prize winners! With a little help from contestant Mrs. Sally Botsford. And Mr. Smooth wins himself an all-expense trip to jail! Narrator: So kids, get permission from your folks and tune in next time for another amazing adventure of WoooordGiiirl!