| - Ingo möchte der vertrackten Dreieckssituation endlich ein Ende machen und zusammen mit Lena aus der WG ausziehen. Doch auch Annette bietet an, das Feld zu räumen. Wann kehrt endlich Ruhe in die WG ein? Axel genießt seinen neuen Status in der Steinkamp-Familie und macht sich dreist in der Villa breit, was zu Konflikten führt. Axel bleibt cool: Doch dann muss er feststellen, dass er Jenny Verzweiflung über ihr verpfuschtes Leben weit unterschätzt hat. Oliver versucht alles, um sich von Diana zu lösen, während sie verzweifelt um ihn kämpft. Sie landen noch mal zusammen im Bett - als Diana aber am nächsten Morgen aufwacht, ist Oliver bereits am Flughafen. Er hat nur einen Brief hinterlassen...
- Number 269 was an item on The List.
- A man goes into the bathroom to pee. This is heard clearly, and the stream is seen going into the bowl between his legs, but he stops peeing when he is startled by someone hiding in the shower.
- El dos cientos sesentainueve (269) es el número natural que sigue al 268 y precede al 270. Categoría:Números
- Victoria goes to Elizabeth's bedroom and sees she is not there. When she goes to turn out the table light, she sees the family Bible, and realizes what is happening. At Widows' Hill, Elizabeth walks close to the edge of the cliffs and looks down, hearing the Widows again.
| - Ingo möchte der vertrackten Dreieckssituation endlich ein Ende machen und zusammen mit Lena aus der WG ausziehen. Doch auch Annette bietet an, das Feld zu räumen. Wann kehrt endlich Ruhe in die WG ein? Axel genießt seinen neuen Status in der Steinkamp-Familie und macht sich dreist in der Villa breit, was zu Konflikten führt. Axel bleibt cool: Doch dann muss er feststellen, dass er Jenny Verzweiflung über ihr verpfuschtes Leben weit unterschätzt hat. Oliver versucht alles, um sich von Diana zu lösen, während sie verzweifelt um ihn kämpft. Sie landen noch mal zusammen im Bett - als Diana aber am nächsten Morgen aufwacht, ist Oliver bereits am Flughafen. Er hat nur einen Brief hinterlassen...
- Number 269 was an item on The List.
- A man goes into the bathroom to pee. This is heard clearly, and the stream is seen going into the bowl between his legs, but he stops peeing when he is startled by someone hiding in the shower.
- El dos cientos sesentainueve (269) es el número natural que sigue al 268 y precede al 270. Categoría:Números
- Victoria goes to Elizabeth's bedroom and sees she is not there. When she goes to turn out the table light, she sees the family Bible, and realizes what is happening. At Widows' Hill, Elizabeth walks close to the edge of the cliffs and looks down, hearing the Widows again. Victoria arrives just as Elizabeth is about to throw herself over the cliff and yells for her to step away. Elizabeth tells her to leave and she will come back to Collinwood later. Victoria grabs Elizabeth and tells her if she jumps she will take them both over the side, which stops Elizabeth. Victoria tells Elizabeth that for 18 years she has fought well and never shown weakness and there will always be hope as long as she is alive. Elizabeth says she killed her husband, and she has to pay for it. Victoria tells her she needs to tell everyone, and let others judge her, probably less harshly than she has judged herself. Elizabeth brings up Carolyn, who she has ruined, but Victoria counters that if she kills herself she will destroy Carolyn and set Jason free and unpunished. Elizabeth walks towards the cliff, then turns and grabs Victoria in an embrace. Victoria and Elizabeth walk back into Collinwood and Victoria helps Liz take her coat off. Elizabeth walks around the foyer and drawing room in a daze, having thought she would never see it again. Victoria offers to tell Carolyn why her mother is marrying Jason, but Elizabeth says Carolyn would only hate her, and if she must know, she will tell her another time. Elizabeth asks Victoria to not talk about what nearly happened and Victoria says it is never a good idea to talk about things that nearly happened. Victoria tells her she saw a date that was erroneously put into the Collins Family Bible and offers to erase it for her. As she leaves, Jason walks in and says he thought Elizabeth was not home. Victoria tells him they decided to go for a walk. Jason tells her he would like to speak to Elizabeth alone, but Elizabeth says she wants Victoria to stay and for him to go. He produces a wedding ring and goes to put it on her hand when she pops up off the couch and says "I won't put that ring on!" Elizabeth insists that she will not wear the ring and Jason tells Victoria he must insist she leave. Victoria tells him Elizabeth wants her to stay, but Elizabeth tells her she can go, that she can deal with Jason. Victoria leaves and Jason asks what she has told Victoria. Elizabeth gives a vague response. She tells Jason she will put the ring on at the ceremony and not before. Jason responds the marriage will be tempestuous, and Elizabeth tells him it will never be a real marriage. At The Blue Whale, Burke talks to someone on the telephone, saying the information he has on Jason is perfect and he should keep sending it. Victoria comes in and Burke apologizes for calling her here on such short notice, but out of concern for her, he has had Jason investigated and he believes he has information about him that will convince Elizabeth to call off the wedding. It seems Jason is wanted in several countries for smuggling, extortion, and other crimes but has always left the country before they could get sufficient evidence on him. There are several places that want to question him again because they think they could break through his alibis and bring him up on charges. Victoria tells him it is too late, but Burke convinces her to let him try to talk to Elizabeth. Back at Collinwood, Burke tries to give Elizabeth the report, but she refuses to look at it. Jason walks in and asks what is happening. Elizabeth lies and says Burke came to wish her well, but Burke tells Jason he tried to talk Elizabeth out of marrying. Burke gives Jason the report and Jason asks Elizabeth if any of it bothers her, to which she says "No." Jason returns the papers to Burke and invites him to the wedding before going to bed.