| - Not many people know that the original chivalry of The Tavistock Society was a tight red and white check. This was because our first flag was made from a tablecloth. We once bought a bag of flour from Tesco labeled ‘Made in the Carpathian Mountains’, which is illegal under EU law that states that produce should be labeled by country of origin.
- thumb|right|250px|Logo Tesco na ciężarówce thumb|right|250px|Logo Tesco na słupie Tesco – brytyjska sieć supermarketów i hipermarketów. Powstała w 1919 roku jako przedsiębiorstwo w londyńskim East Endzie przez Jacka Cohena. Jako sklep powstał w 1924 roku, obecnie posiada swoje sklepy w Wielkiej Brytanii, zachodniej Europie (w tym Polsce) i Azji. W Polsce znajduje się 450 sklepów. W Warszawie znajduje się siedemnaście sklepów (w tym pięć hipermarketów) i dwie stacje benzynowe.
- Tusko Tesco – rodzaj świątyni konsumpcjonizmu. Jedyne miejsce, w którym miesza się zapach opon samochodowych z zapachem proszku do prania. Odprawiane tam misteria polegają na hasaniu dużej grupy ludzi z koszykami na pewnym obszarze zamkniętym blaszanymi ścianami. Także sieć strategicznych centrów zaopatrzeniowych w kosmetyki.
- Tesco is a supermarket, who sell everything from loans to cucumbers to broadband. They currently have stores in the UK, USA, Poland, China and many other poor unsuspecting countries. On September 11 2015 (The Fourteenth of 9/11) a Tesco shopper was attacked with a machete.
- Tesco was a supermarket. The Eleventh Doctor and Ambrose Northover quoted their catchphrase every little helps when preparing to fight the Silurians. (TV: The Hungry Earth) Iris Wildthyme bought her alcohol from the Darlington branch of Tesco. (PROSE: Annabel Regina) Anji Kapoor once had a Tesco receipt in her pocket. (PROSE: The Book of the Still) Dorian held the "author's copies" of his book in a Tesco bag. (PROSE: Dead Romance) Agatha Ellis shopped at Tesco. (PROSE: Curtain Call) Odeur Delaware was Tesco's own brand of uni-sex perfume. (COMIC: The Widow's Curse)
- Tesco PLC is a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer headquartered in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. It is the third largest retailer in the world measured by profits and second-largest retailer in the world measured by evil. It has stores in 12 countries across Asia, Europe and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK (where it has a market share of around 30%), the Republic of Ireland, Malaysia, and Thailand. 13 January 2002
- Tesco PLC is a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer headquartered in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. After Walmart, it is the second-largest retailer in the world measured by profits and second-largest retailer in the world measured by revenues. It has stores in 12 countries across Asia, Europe and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK (where it has a market share of around 30%), Malaysia, the Republic of Ireland and Thailand. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Tesco (full name : The Federal Union of Autonomous Shopping Republics) is a large country that has grown in size since it origin in 1917. It is the largest thing in the world by some considerable distance. It was founded largely on Marxist-shopping principles, somewhat of a contradiction you might say, but they sure as hell have found a way! Tesco recruits its staff by hanging outside school gates, waiting for school dropouts. If an actual graduate sends them 10 or more CVs, however, they politely ask you to stop.
| - Tesco (full name : The Federal Union of Autonomous Shopping Republics) is a large country that has grown in size since it origin in 1917. It is the largest thing in the world by some considerable distance. It was founded largely on Marxist-shopping principles, somewhat of a contradiction you might say, but they sure as hell have found a way! Tesco was originally called the 'Office of Fair Trading' and was part of the British government, but soon after deciding to go for a world take-over bid, they changed their name to the Totalitarian Economy for Social and Communist Organisations (TESCO). This change was to ensure a clearer description of what they actually do. Tesco recruits its staff by hanging outside school gates, waiting for school dropouts. If an actual graduate sends them 10 or more CVs, however, they politely ask you to stop.
- Tesco PLC is a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer headquartered in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. It is the third largest retailer in the world measured by profits and second-largest retailer in the world measured by evil. It has stores in 12 countries across Asia, Europe and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK (where it has a market share of around 30%), the Republic of Ireland, Malaysia, and Thailand. 13 January 2002 Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen as a group of market stalls. The Tesco name first appeared in 1924, after Cohen memorialised his acrimonious divorce from his wife Tess. The first Tesco store opened in 1929 in Burnt Oak, Middlesex. His business expanded rapidly, and by 1939 he had over 100 Tesco stores across the country. Originally a UK-focused grocery retailer, since the early 1990s Tesco has increasingly diversified geographically and into areas such as the retailing of books, clothing, electronics, furniture, toys, petrol and software; financial services; telecoms and internet services; DVD rental; and music downloads, music production, white slavery, jigsaw puzzles, holidays, museums, dinosaur theme parks, lasers, wands, cheese and performance enhancing drugs
- Tesco was a supermarket. The Eleventh Doctor and Ambrose Northover quoted their catchphrase every little helps when preparing to fight the Silurians. (TV: The Hungry Earth) Iris Wildthyme bought her alcohol from the Darlington branch of Tesco. (PROSE: Annabel Regina) Anji Kapoor once had a Tesco receipt in her pocket. (PROSE: The Book of the Still) Dorian held the "author's copies" of his book in a Tesco bag. (PROSE: Dead Romance) Agatha Ellis shopped at Tesco. (PROSE: Curtain Call) Odeur Delaware was Tesco's own brand of uni-sex perfume. (COMIC: The Widow's Curse) Rose Tyler sarcastically noted that Sanctuary Base 6 didn't have a Tesco's when Danny Bartock began listing viruses capable of killing Ood that they didn't have at their disposal. (TV: The Satan Pit) When Amy Pond told Maria about Tesco, Maria thought that it was a market owned by the Tescaux family. (PROSE: Dead of Winter)
- Not many people know that the original chivalry of The Tavistock Society was a tight red and white check. This was because our first flag was made from a tablecloth. We once bought a bag of flour from Tesco labeled ‘Made in the Carpathian Mountains’, which is illegal under EU law that states that produce should be labeled by country of origin.
- Tesco PLC is a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer headquartered in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. After Walmart, it is the second-largest retailer in the world measured by profits and second-largest retailer in the world measured by revenues. It has stores in 12 countries across Asia, Europe and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK (where it has a market share of around 30%), Malaysia, the Republic of Ireland and Thailand. Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen as a group of market stalls. The Tesco name first appeared in 1924, after Cohen purchased a shipment of tea from T. E. Stockwell and combined those initials with the first two letters of his surname, and the first Tesco store opened in 1929 in Burnt Oak, Middlesex. His business expanded rapidly, and by 1939 he had over 100 Tesco stores across the country. Originally a UK-focused grocery retailer, since the early 1990s Tesco has increasingly diversified geographically and into areas such as the retailing of books, clothing, electronics, furniture, petrol and software; financial services; telecoms and internet services; DVD rental; and music downloads. The 1990s saw Tesco reposition itself, from its perception as a downmarket "pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap" retailer, to one which appeals across a wide social group, from its Tesco Value to its Tesco Finest ranges. This was successful, and saw the chain grow from 500 stores in the mid-1990s to 2,500 stores fifteen years later. Tesco is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It had a market capitalisation of approximately £24.4 billion as of 15 January 2012, the 15th-largest of any company with a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- thumb|right|250px|Logo Tesco na ciężarówce thumb|right|250px|Logo Tesco na słupie Tesco – brytyjska sieć supermarketów i hipermarketów. Powstała w 1919 roku jako przedsiębiorstwo w londyńskim East Endzie przez Jacka Cohena. Jako sklep powstał w 1924 roku, obecnie posiada swoje sklepy w Wielkiej Brytanii, zachodniej Europie (w tym Polsce) i Azji. W Polsce znajduje się 450 sklepów. W Warszawie znajduje się siedemnaście sklepów (w tym pięć hipermarketów) i dwie stacje benzynowe.
- Tusko Tesco – rodzaj świątyni konsumpcjonizmu. Jedyne miejsce, w którym miesza się zapach opon samochodowych z zapachem proszku do prania. Odprawiane tam misteria polegają na hasaniu dużej grupy ludzi z koszykami na pewnym obszarze zamkniętym blaszanymi ścianami. Także sieć strategicznych centrów zaopatrzeniowych w kosmetyki.
- Tesco is a supermarket, who sell everything from loans to cucumbers to broadband. They currently have stores in the UK, USA, Poland, China and many other poor unsuspecting countries. On September 11 2015 (The Fourteenth of 9/11) a Tesco shopper was attacked with a machete.