| - Note: This is the Christian dubbing of the following episode; certain lines are edited to make mentions to religious nature. All lines that are underlined re edited lines exclusive to this version. Narrator: All planes can fly— (Zoom out framing the whole group.) —but these planes fly like nobody else. Who are they? Brenda: They call themselves the Wonderbirds. They fly really fast together and do twists and turns all at the same time. Jay Jay: Amazing! Tracy: Brenda, are these the planes that Big Jake's gonna do flying tricks with? Brenda: They sure are. (Close-up.) They're old friends of Big Jake's, and he's talked them into performing over Tarrytown School this afternoon. (Cut to Jay Jay.) Jay Jay: Boy, those kids are in for a good time. (Wide shot of the trio.) Brenda: Hey, why don't you guys see Big Jake off? Tracy: Great idea, Brenda. See ya later! (She and Jay Jay exit.) Jay Jay: Bye, Brenda! Brenda: (waving) Buh-bye! Big Jake: (clears throat) Big Jake to the Wonderbirds. Big Jake to the Wonderbirds. (Wide shot; Jay Jay and Tracy approach him.) Come in, Wonderbirds. Man's voice: (over radio) Uh, Wonderbird leader here. Uh, how've ya been, buddy? Big Jake: I-it's him, it's the leader of the Wonderbirds. (Close-up.) I-I'm just great, Wonderbird leader, I can't wait to perform with all of you today. When and where do you wanna meet? Wonderbirds' Leader: (over radio) Uh...negative to that, Big Jake. Big Jake: Huh? Wha...w-w-what do you mean? Wonderbirds' Leader: (over radio) Uh, three of my planes came down with the flying flu. (Back to Big Jake on the end of this.) I hate to let you down, big guy, but...eh, it looks like we, uh...aren't gonna be able to make it today. Big Jake: (a little blue) Well, I...I-I understand, uh...listen, uh...you tell the guys to get better soon, okay? Wonderbirds' Leader: (over radio) Roger that, Big Jake. Talk to ya soon. Over and out. Big Jake: (groans) This is terrible. All those school children are expecting to see the Wonderbirds this afternoon, and...now, there's no show. Oh, what am I gonna do? Jay Jay: Maybe you can ask Old Oscar. He knows a lot about airshows. Big Jake: Oh, that is a great idea! (His propellers start to spin.) Uh-I'll see ya'll later! Narrator: Big Jake raced right over to Old Oscar's barn to ask his advice. And as usual, Old Oscar had plenty to say. Big Jake: ...And so they-they can't make it today, Oscar. Now, what should I do? Oscar: Well, I'm thinking that you know all of the Wonderbirds' fancy flying tricks, right? Big Jake: Yeah, well, I...I suppose. Oscar: So, what if you taught those tricks to some clever planes who could, uh...learn them real fast? Big Jake: Well...like who? Oscar: Like Jay Jay and Tracy. Oh, they'd love to do it. And maybe you could even get Savannah to help you. Big Jake: Why, that is a great idea, Oscar! Uh...but, wait. Do you really think Jay Jay and Tracy could learn to do these flying tricks by this afternoon? (Back to Oscar on the end of this.) Oscar: (chuckles) Of course, they can! I've taught Jay Jay and Tracy all kinds of flyin' stunts, and we do them really well. Plus, don't forget that you're a mighty good teacher, Jake. Big Jake: (chuckles) Thanks. But, uh...I'm just not sure I'm good enough to pull this off, uh... (Cut to Oscar; he continues o.s.) I'll think it over. Oscar: Well, you do what you think is best, my boy. Big Jake: Oh, I'll uh...I'll see ya later, Oscar. (His propellers spin...) And hey, uh...thanks. (...and he exits.) Oscar: (chuckles) Don't mention it. And goodbye! Narrator: Big Jake had a lot to think about. He knew the Bible says we should always try our best, but he was concerned about creating an airshow in so little time. Jay Jay: Hiya, Big Jake. Tracy: Where ya goin'? Big Jake: Huh? Oh, uh...hello, you two. Uh, I was uh...just going to...cancel today's airshow. Tracy: Big Jake, Oscar told us what's going on, and we think you should try to teach us the Wonderbirds' high flying tricks. Jay Jay: Yeah! And I bet we could learn them in no time! Big Jake: Well, uh—I-I don't know. I never taught these tricks to anyone before, and...well, there's just so little time. Jay Jay: Aw, we know you can do it. And we know we can do it, too. Jay Jay: We'll watch and listen, practice what we learn (Tracy flies up to Big Jake's right side.) Tracy: Watch and listen, and be ready for our turn Jay Jay, Tracy: We'll watch and listen, and be happy when we earn Our Sky-Divin'-Tricky-Flyin' Best Team Reward Jay Jay: We'll do our Jay Jay, Tracy: Best to listen so very carefully Jay Jay: We won't give up 'til we've done it perfectly Tracy: We'll watch our teacher, and follow right along Stoptime Jay Jay, Tracy: And even if we make mistakes We'll practice 'til he says "That's great!" Jay Jay: We'll watch and listen, practice what we learn Tracy: Watch and listen, and be ready for our turn Jay Jay, Tracy: We'll watch and listen, and be happy when we earn Stoptime Our High-Flyin'-Wonder-Wingin' Best-There-Is-At-Everything And Sky-Divin'-Tricky-Flyin' Best Team Reward Jay Jay, Tracy: We'll zoom up, up, up, all together as a team Tracy: And those who watch will think it's all a dream Jay Jay: We'll roll and spin, then we'll do it all again Stoptime Jay Jay, Tracy: We'll pay attention Do anything you mention, and we'll Jay Jay: Watch and listen, practice what we learn Tracy: Watch and listen, be ready for our turn Jay Jay, Tracy: We'll watch and listen, and be happy when we earn Stoptime Our High-Flyin'-Wonder-Wingin' Best-There-Is-At-Everything And Sky-Divin'-Tricky-Flyin' Best Team Reward Big Jake: You know? Maybe you're right. Maybe I can teach you two the Wonderbirds' high flying tricks. Jay Jay: We know ya can, Big Jake! Big Jake: Okay. Let's go back to the airport and start practicing. We're gonna give those kids a show, after all! Jay Jay, Tracy: Yaaaaaaaayyyy!!! Tracy: We're ready when you are, Big Jake! Big Jake: All right, you two, I'll be right up! (They exit, to Savannah) Listen, uh...thanks for helping me work with the youngsters, Savannah. Savannah: (chuckles) Oh, why Big Jake, I'm always happy to lend a wing. But remember honey, you're gonna have to teach me all those stunts, too. Big Jake: No problem. Let's get to it. Narrator: So, Big Jake explained exactly how the tricks should be done. (They lean to the right...) The kids and Savannah listened carefully— (...then to the left...) —and they practiced and practiced— (...and barrel roll in unison.) —and practiced. Narrator: Many long hours had passed— (They fly into view—kids on top, adults on bottom—and proceed in a square formation.) —and finally, they were ready for one more practice run. Big Jake: Okay now! Let's go through the routine one more time from the top. Jay Jay, Tracy: (somersaulting in unison) Wheeeeeeee!!! Big Jake: Jay Jay, follow me, and we'll try our Supersonic Swirl. Jay Jay: I'm with ya, Big Jake! Jay Jay: Yahoo! Savannah: Alright, my darlin'. Let's you and I try our Fly-Away Fandango Flip! Hang on to your engines! Tracy: Yippeeeeeeee!!! Big Jake: Okay. Now, let's all come together to form a big Butterfly Bonanza! Big Jake: (chuckles) That's great! Let's do that again! Big Jake: Oh, is-is everybody okay? Other three: (tired) We're okay. (they pant.) Big Jake: Okay, everybody land. We have to talk. Big Jake: Guys, we're supposed to go on soon, and...I-I just don't think we're ready. Jay Jay: But I thought we were doin' swell! Big Jake: Oh, it's not your fault, Jay Jay. We're just out of time. I'm gonna go get myself refueled and then...and then I'll go cancel today's show. I'm sorry. (he exits.) Jay Jay: Tracy, I know we can do this. Tracy: Me too! Jay Jay: It's just gonna take even more hard work. Savannah: Now listen, kids. It's up to us, now. Shall we try it again and get it right? Jay Jay, Tracy: You bet! Savannah: Then come on, little ones! Let's get back up there! Big Jake: Huh? H-hey, uh-what's goin' on up there? (Cut to his students in flight, they barrel roll in unison.) Jay Jay: We're making our show perfect for the school kids this afternoon! (Back to their teacher.) Big Jake: Well, what do you know? That was perfect. Oh-hold on! I'll be right up! It's time to put on a great show for all those kids! Jay Jay: Wow, listen to 'em cheering! Tracy: We're a big hit already and we haven't even started our show yet! Savannah: Oh my, it sure is a good thing that we made it! Big Jake: You can say that again. Let's get started! Oscar: (chuckles) Well young feller, you sure were a big hit with those kids. Big Jake: Well, you gave me the idea, Oscar. (Close-up.) And I couldn't have done any of it without— (His perspective of...) —Jay Jay, Tracy and Savannah. Jay Jay: We couldn't have done it without you, Big Jake. You taught us every fancy trick we did. [Animation goof: the background turns to night during his second sentence.] Tracy: Yeah, you're the best teacher of them all. Jay Jay: Yeah! Big Jake: Well, you know...you kids aren't such bad teachers either. You taught me a good lesson. Jay Jay: What's that, Big Jake? Big Jake: Well, when the Wonderbirds couldn't perform today, I kinda forgot what the Bible says: that when we work together, we can do the good things— (Cut to the smiling jet planes; he continues o.s.) —that God has prepared for us to do. (Back to him.) Thanks for a great show. Jay Jay, Tracy, Big Jake: Watch and listen, practice what you learn Watch and listen, and be ready for your turn Watch and listen, you'll be happy when you earn Stoptime Your High-Flyin'-Wonder-Wingin' Best-There-Is-At-Everything And Sky-Divin'-Tricky-Flyin' Best Team Reward