The 13 Demon Races are thirteen races of monsters in Kamen Rider: Vampire King that are based either off of classic horror film monsters or monsters from various mythologies. The known members of these collection of various species compose of the Humans, Vampire Bats, Fangires, Wolfens, Mermens, Frankens, Dorans, Viparcs, & Legendorgas Races, with four of the other Demon Races haven't been mentioned. Due to the Fangire's attacks on other races to prevent threats to them, most of the races are either nearly extinct or completely wiped out.
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| - The 13 Demon Races are thirteen races of monsters in Kamen Rider: Vampire King that are based either off of classic horror film monsters or monsters from various mythologies. The known members of these collection of various species compose of the Humans, Vampire Bats, Fangires, Wolfens, Mermens, Frankens, Dorans, Viparcs, & Legendorgas Races, with four of the other Demon Races haven't been mentioned. Due to the Fangire's attacks on other races to prevent threats to them, most of the races are either nearly extinct or completely wiped out.
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| - The 13 Demon Races are thirteen races of monsters in Kamen Rider: Vampire King that are based either off of classic horror film monsters or monsters from various mythologies. The known members of these collection of various species compose of the Humans, Vampire Bats, Fangires, Wolfens, Mermens, Frankens, Dorans, Viparcs, & Legendorgas Races, with four of the other Demon Races haven't been mentioned. Due to the Fangire's attacks on other races to prevent threats to them, most of the races are either nearly extinct or completely wiped out.