| - Poo water is a beverage popular in many parts of Africa and the Indian subcontinent. There are many different types of Poo water, but the common ingredient is Fecal Matter — from Humans or animals or both. The most common and popular Poo water is "Organic Poo water", or "Wild Poo water." It occurs naturally throughout the world when a source of water becomes tainted with Fecal Matter, the resulting mixture is then enjoyed as a drink. In Africa, Poo water holds a special cultural significance. It is the "National Drink" of 21 African countries, and it is the most commonly consumed drink in the continent. Africans travel up to 50 miles from their homes to reach a source of Organic Poo water, which they then collect in bottles and carry back home on their heads or shoulders. Poo water is also used as an ingredient in cooking, as a medicine by witch doctors, and as a ingredient in the manufacture of perfume. Another popular form of Poo water in Africa is "Instant Poo water." This variant is created by simply defecating in clean water, and then mashing up the Fecal Matter, either by hand with a blender. Alternatively, many Africans save their own Fecal Matter to mix a glass of Instant later. Many villages in Africa even have a clean water supply serving as a communal toilet, in order to produce large quantities of Instant Poo water, which they can enjoy themselves or trade with other villages in return for cows or daughters. Many Westerners seem perplexed to see Africans contaminating what is often their only clean water supply. It does not occur to the Westerner that the Africans are creating their favourite drink.