| - Prince Eric is the deuteragonist of the 1989 Disney animated feature film, The Little Mermaid. The character is based on the "prince" character of Hans Christian Andersen's story The Little Mermaid, but adapted by writer Roger Allers for Disney's film.
- Prince Eric is a character in The Little Mermaid.
- When Snow White almost drowns while she is on the run from Regina's guards, Ariel saves her just in time. Snow is shocked to discover that Ariel is a mermaid. When they reach shore, Ariel reveals that she's in love with a prince named Eric, whom she previously saved during a shipwreck. However, he doesn't know her true form. Ariel then turns her tail into legs, stating that it's a gift given by a sea goddess, Ursula. They then attend the ball, during which, Ariel dances with Eric, and he seems to like her back. He claims to have seen her before in his dreams and concludes it was a gift given by Ursula. He then asks Ariel to run away with him, but because of her secret, she seems unsure. He then gives her a choice to come or not. Ariel later goes out to the sea and attempts to summon Ursula
- "El Príncipe Eric" redirige aquí. Para el personaje de Once Upon a Time, véase: Eric (Once Upon a Time). <default>Prince Eric</default> Información Películas Cortometrajes Series Videojuegos Libros Atracciones Actor Actriz Animadores Doblaje en inglés Doblaje en españa Doblaje en méxico Doblaje en argentina Módelo de realización Diseñador Inspiración Premios Información del personaje Nombre Completo Otros nombres Personalidad Apariencia Ocupación Alianza Afiliación Objetivo Hogar Familia Amigos Enemigos Secuaces Mascotas Le gusta No le gusta Habilidades Armas Final Fra