| - After Happosai uses the dojo sign as firewood to cook, He gets beaten to the ground by Ranma, Genma, and Soun. He sees this as insolence and prepares his ultimate attack, but realizes he has completely forgotten how to perform it. Happosai claims that the secrets of the Happo-Fire Burst is written in a scroll and the three try to find the scroll before Happosai. When they find the location of where the scroll is buried, they find that the surrounding area has since become a women's hot spring. To get the scroll, Happosai puts on various disguises and blends in with the environment, while Ranma is turned into a girl to fit in. Akane is also found to be in the spring with her friends. They both fail as Happosai's disguises are quickly noticed by Akane, and Ranma is unable to turn into girl without cold water. Ranma is successful at retrieving the scroll, but find that Happosai's handwriting is illegible. Akane and Ranma then try to lure Happosai by enticing him with skirts and get him to translate his own scroll. When he is captured, Happosai finds that he can't read it either. However, he soon remembers the secret behind the technique and unleashes it on Ranma. The technique turns out to be no more than a ball of firework, and Happosai is quickly defeated after a giant firework explodes with him.