All images on Wikia must be free to use under an appropriate license or used under Fair Use. This page will help you figure out which tag to use, and how to tag your images. Most images you find on the web or in a Google image search are not free to use, even if you don't see any copyright information with them! If you do not know who created an image and what license it is under, you cannot use it. Please tag images on their image description page (for example this is the description page for Example.jpg) with one of the tags below so we can keep track of its status.
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| - All images on Wikia must be free to use under an appropriate license or used under Fair Use. This page will help you figure out which tag to use, and how to tag your images. Most images you find on the web or in a Google image search are not free to use, even if you don't see any copyright information with them! If you do not know who created an image and what license it is under, you cannot use it. Please tag images on their image description page (for example this is the description page for Example.jpg) with one of the tags below so we can keep track of its status.
- This page is based on Wikipedia:Image copyright tags. Please see that page for additional image copyright tags that you may want to use on your wiki. PD, Attribution, , CopyrightedFreeUseProvidedThat, GFDL, GPL, cc-by, cc-sa, cc-by-sa, Fairuse Please tag images on their image description page with one of the tags below so we can keep track of its status. Try to provide as much detail as possible: Each tag should be put on a line of its own.
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| - All images on Wikia must be free to use under an appropriate license or used under Fair Use. This page will help you figure out which tag to use, and how to tag your images. Most images you find on the web or in a Google image search are not free to use, even if you don't see any copyright information with them! If you do not know who created an image and what license it is under, you cannot use it. Please tag images on their image description page (for example this is the description page for Example.jpg) with one of the tags below so we can keep track of its status. Try to provide as much detail as possible:
* When marking an image as one of the less specific categories (such as CopyrightedFreeUse), try to specify somewhere what the actual license or other permission states.
* If you tag an image as requiring attribution, please specify who needs to be attributed! Note that the GFDL requires attribution.
* If multiple categories apply to an image, add all that apply. Each tag should be put on a line of its own.
- This page is based on Wikipedia:Image copyright tags. Please see that page for additional image copyright tags that you may want to use on your wiki. PD, Attribution, , CopyrightedFreeUseProvidedThat, GFDL, GPL, cc-by, cc-sa, cc-by-sa, Fairuse Please tag images on their image description page with one of the tags below so we can keep track of its status. Try to provide as much detail as possible:
* When marking an image as one of the vaguer categories (such as CopyrightedFreeUse), try to specify somewhere what the actual license or other permission states.
* If you tag an image as requiring attribution, please specify who needs to be attributed! Note that the GFDL requires attribution.
* If multiple categories apply to an image, add all that apply. Each tag should be put on a line of its own.