Borissean is a Redguard who offers his services as an advanced spell merchant located in the Praxographical Center of the Arcane University, in the Imperial City.
Borissean ist ein Rothwardone und Magier in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, der an der Geheimen Universität in der Kaiserstadt lebt.
Borissean is a Redguard who offers his services as an advanced spell merchant located in the Praxographical Center of the Arcane University, in the Imperial City.
Borissean ist ein Rothwardone und Magier in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, der an der Geheimen Universität in der Kaiserstadt lebt.
Borissean is a Redguard who offers his services as an advanced spell merchant located in the Praxographical Center of the Arcane University, in the Imperial City.