| - Bestowal Dialogue: 'Listen, well, stranger. To make my way here, I must do some hunting with the other men of this little camp, but in truth I am not here to live the life of a hunter. I am here for the sake of my sister, Muirnë, and if things have gone as I fear, I will take a blood price from her murderer. But I still hope that the worst has not come to pass, and if she still lives, I wish to rescue her from her captors. Background: Lornë told you that she joined the hunting party to find her missing sister, Muirne, only she fears that the worst has befallen her. Reward: 22s 75c
| - Bestowal Dialogue: 'Listen, well, stranger. To make my way here, I must do some hunting with the other men of this little camp, but in truth I am not here to live the life of a hunter. I am here for the sake of my sister, Muirnë, and if things have gone as I fear, I will take a blood price from her murderer. But I still hope that the worst has not come to pass, and if she still lives, I wish to rescue her from her captors. 'Many months past, she left our home in Aughaire to go guesting with kin, but on the way I am told she was taken by the Angmarim. From what I can tell, they were encamped at the nearby outpost, but thus far I have been unable to learn more. 'Will you help me? Go to the outpost in the south-west of the swamp, on the way to Ram Dúath. If you see no woman of the hills there, then find the commander of the camp; perhaps he will have something to say.' Background: Lornë told you that she joined the hunting party to find her missing sister, Muirne, only she fears that the worst has befallen her. Walkthrough: Objective 1 Speak to the Commander of the camp The Angmarim camp is in the south-west corner of Malenhad, on the way to Ram Dúath. Lornë has asked you to look for some sign of her sister and if necessary to confront the outpost's commander for news of Muirnë. Objective 2 Kill the Angmarim commander and his guards Objective 3 Inform Lorne of the information you gained Lornë is at the hunters' camp in Malenhad. Muirnë was not in the Angmarim outpost, but the Angmarim commander mentioned a Silk Lady who may know more. You should return to Lornë and tell her what you have learned. Data Entered By: --Esteldir 11:48, 27 March 2007 (EDT) Reward: 22s 75c