| - Elijah caught Mall when he was talking with Teala at the Trading Center, and he got Someone's Marill by Wonder Trading a Rattata, Marill is used when the situation is hard and he needs Mall's Huge Power to defeat Enemies, She is on level 42 and she has a Naive Nature, she's characteristic is "Likes to Battle"
- Elijah never oficially caught Dragonite, But yes emphatized with him and became then both became close friends, Nitedragon helped Elijah in many moments and its his Main Use for Flying Transportation.
- Vampliscor Was a Gligar that Elijah caught at the Johto Region, At the start the two dind't liked each other and then Vampglar was stored in the PC, In the DPP Arc he used Vampglar again and maxed his Happiness with Him, After he obtain the Razor Fang, Vampglar evolved into a Gliscor, or better, Vampliscor! Vampliscor has the Adamant Nature and his Characteristic is "Quick to Flee", but in the DPP Arc he changed drastically and his Characteristic is "Proud of its Power" currently.
- Elijah received Bulby from Professor Oak, Whanever times Elijah tryes, Bulby stops his evolution, then he was given the Everstone to hold, he is the most Trustable member when the things get Chaotic, He is on Level 56 and has the Naughty Nature, his characterisc is "Proud of its Power"