| - Drake: So, we are nearly at the next Island Trial. One more push and we could get there tomorrow morning. Jon: Cool. Mary: So, shall we head off soon then? ???: That might have to wait. April: Maria! Drake: Kyle! Mary: And who are you? Jon: This is Professor Sycamore, who is the leading expert in Mega Evolution in Kalos. Drake: I’m Drake, nice to meet you. Mary: I’m Mary. April: And I’m April. Sycamore: Nice to meet you all. Jon: So, what brings you all here? Maria: We needed to talk to you about your Bond Phenomenon. Drake: Okay. Jon: How so? April: What typing? Jon: Rotom? Jon: See, pure fire type.
| - Drake: So, we are nearly at the next Island Trial. One more push and we could get there tomorrow morning. Jon: Cool. Mary: So, shall we head off soon then? ???: That might have to wait. April: Maria! Drake: Kyle! Mary: And who are you? Jon: This is Professor Sycamore, who is the leading expert in Mega Evolution in Kalos. Drake: I’m Drake, nice to meet you. Mary: I’m Mary. April: And I’m April. Sycamore: Nice to meet you all. Jon: So, what brings you all here? Maria: We needed to talk to you about your Bond Phenomenon. Drake: Okay. Sycamore: We saw your battle yesterday with that trainer who can also use Bond Phenomenon, but we recorded something strange with your Typhlosion. Jon: How so? Kyle: It gained a new typing, like some Pokemon do when they Mega Evolve. Mary: Hold on, so Typhlosion gets a new typing when it is in its bond stage? Sycamore: Well, this is what I thought, but after Kalos, it seems like Typhlosion has kept this typing. April: What typing? Jon: Rotom? Rotom-Dex: Typhlosion, the Volcano Pokemon. Typhlosion is a Fire Type Pokemon. Typhlosion obscures itself behind a shimmering heat haze that it creates using its intensely hot flames. This Pokemon creates blazing explosive blasts that burns everything to cinders. Jon: See, pure fire type. Rotom-Dex: Data is wrong. Mary: What? Rotom-Dex: My data is wrong after scanning Jon’s Typhlosion. Drake: Try again. Rotom-Dex: Does not compute. Maria: Why? Rotom-Dex: The scan shows Typhlosion as Fire and Dragon. Jon: And Dragon?! Sycamore: I believe that the permanent typing change occurred during the Kalos attack. Drake: Kalos attack? Jon: When Team Flare tried to use Zygarde to take over the Kalos region by destroying it. Kyle: They wanted to make it their own. Mary: I see. April: Are you suggesting that Zygarde made Typhlosion permanently Fire and Dragon Type. Typhlosion: Phlo. Typhlosion Ty. Jon: Really, that happened? Typhlosion: Typhlosion Ty. Jon: Well I never knew. Kyle: What? Jon: Turns out Zygarde Core, or Z was in the Pokemon Centre when we were all sleeping after the attack. Maria: I did hear something, but I thought it was the wind. Typhlosion: Typhlosion Phlosion. Jon: You weren’t even sure yourself. Sycamore: This is a strange thing to happen. Jon: Well Bond Phenomenon is kind of like Mega Evolution, so typing change is understandable. Kyle: I’m wondering if Typhlosion can learn any Dragon type moves. Rotom-Dex: Not normally, but it should be possible with its new typing. April: Maybe Professor Kukui could help. Drake: He’s at the Pokemon Trainer School. Maria: Well the Professor and I were about to go there any way, so it would be a good idea to contact him when we get there. Sycamore: Agreed. Kyle, thank you for helping us. Kyle: No problem, though Maria can look after herself and you now. Sycamore: See you all later. Jon: So, what are you going to do Kyle? Kyle: I’m going to Lush Jungle. Drake: Thinking of getting some Pokemon there? Kyle: Maybe, but I am on my way to get the Grassium-Z! Mary: Your taking the island trial then? Kyle: Yeah, I thought I better do something with my travels. So, I’ll be seeing you guys around. Jon: So, Kyle is now taking on the island challenge. Mary: And we now have to see how Typhlosion’s typing works. Drake: And also if Typhlosion can learn a Dragon type move now. Jon: Let’s get the fire trial out the way first and then we can train to see if Typhlosion can use a Dragon type move. April: Right. Jon: Right, since there is a big shopping mart, we should stock up on more supplies. April: Agreed. Drake: So, we need a few biscuits. Rotom-Dex: You’ve had them all already?! Zzt. Jon: Seriously Drake. Drake: What, I get hungry. Typhlosion: Ty. Jon: There’s some Sitrus Berries and Oran Berries here, they will become helpful in making dinner and lunch over the next few days and nights. Drake: Right. Mary: Right, we need a lot of Pokemon food. April: We have almost run out. April: Look at this. Jon: It’s midday already. Mary: There is a nice food place down near the centre of town. April: Cool, why don’t you and Drake get some and then meet us back here. Mary: Are you going to use the toy? April: Yeah. Mary: Have fun. Drake: We’ll be back soon. Jon: What toy? April: I got this in the shop, and Rockruff can also join in as this can’t be popped. Jon: I see, so we play while they get us lunch. April: Yep. Then tomorrow, we can make lunch while they play. Jon: Ah, cool. Come on out gang! Narrator: Before leaving Royal Avenue, our heroes were greeted by Maria, Kyle and Professor Sycamore. They told Jon that Typhlosion gained a new typing while in the Jon-Typhlosion form, but somehow had retained this new typing when Bond Phenomenon is being used. Now, after restocking on supplies and playing with their Pokemon, everyone is enjoying some lunch.