| - This article on the modern world is an article that might take forever to read, depending on, of course, how fast of a reader you are (probably pretty slow). In fact, you're probably wondering why you'd be reading it. In fact, no one really knows. In fact, you're getting annoyed at the fact that this article keeps saying in fact, aren't you? Most people would be. And if you aren't annoyed with it, then you'd be weird and wouldn't fit into the crowd, wouldn't you?
| - This article on the modern world is an article that might take forever to read, depending on, of course, how fast of a reader you are (probably pretty slow). In fact, you're probably wondering why you'd be reading it. In fact, no one really knows. In fact, you're getting annoyed at the fact that this article keeps saying in fact, aren't you? Most people would be. And if you aren't annoyed with it, then you'd be weird and wouldn't fit into the crowd, wouldn't you? Most people can't accept the fact that they are weird and don't fit into the crowd. That is, if they are. Because people want to make other people believe that they are rich, fancy, great, successful, etc., whatever. They want to fool you and be in their own little disguise to make you think that you are right and you're actually not. Actually, there are many cases in which someone may be embarassed by simple little things such as their looks, their clothes, their smell, their mom, the food they ate last night and how their breath might be effected by it, the girlfriend/boyfriend/both? they go out with, and many other things. All these things combined together makes the average teenager mirror-friendly, which would mean that most mirrors are sold out in big stores such as Walmart and the Mall because teens are always wanting to buy mirrors there and crap like that. They always want to please someone else. Here we go, back to making people believe other things. It seems that it won't matter what topic we get on; it's just that if we talk in that direction, which is easy to fall into, we will end up talking about how "cilivised" and "perfect" that humans are in general, referencing the fact that people are trying to impress other people so they can be complimented and feel good about themselves. And they like to lie and say that's wrong, because they think that it's "shallow" or whatever they like to call it. They think it's shallow because it kind of is, but people are kind of shallow all around, so they just have to get used to the fact that they are shallow, and shallow people will always be shallow. It's hard to change shallow people who will always be shallow, because it's pretty much impossible, if you think about it for about thirteen seconds or maybe a tiny bit longer than that. Whatever you like to prefer for yourself. This article is related to the history of the world as it is a part of the six categories as followed: Before the beginning of the world, Beginning of the world, the early world, the Medeval times, the modern world, and The future of the world. So let's get started on a new topic and stop talking about people, even though it's pretty obvious that we will end up being on that topic again, mainly because everything revolves around that, pretty much. So yeah, let's get started, shall we? There's plenty of things to talk about relating to the real world. So here we go: