| - (Scene shows a live-action ocean. Camera rushes by.) French Narrator: Aw, another SpongeBob adventure, and one of the craziest ones you can ever imagine. Aqua: Excuse me. French Narrator: (doesn't listen) A beautiful story, it really is..... Aqua: (louder) Excuse me. French Narrator: (still doesn't listen) You know, this story reminds me of the time when Squidward accidentally... Aqua: I SAID EXCUSE ME!!! (Record scratches and camera turns to Aqua.) French Narrator: (screams feeling startled, then sees that it's just Aqua) Oh, hello. What are you doing here? I have a story to narrate. Aqua: Oh, actually, the directors hired me to tell the story. French Narrator: (laughs) That's a good one, madam. But you have to do better than that to fool me! Aqua: It's true! I was hired to narrate stories involving with family, and this story involves with family, so here I am! French Narrator: I don't have time for this. I'm the narrator, and that's... (Suddenly we hear a clashing sound. Camera falls face down, then faces Aqua again.) Jeron: (is heard but not seen) Sorry, Mama. He was doubtful. But you may go on. Aqua: Yes. Thank you, hijo, for your, um, frying pan attack. (starts narrating as the scene turns back to camera rushing the live-action ocean) Many stories of gods and mortals were heard and spoken. There are merciful gods who bless mortals, and there are heartless gods who torture mortals. In one of the wonderful places, the ocean, lived a sea god and a mortal sponge who showed bravery, loyalty, and love together. (Camera dives in. Scene turns animated with bubble transition.) This is their story. (The words 'SpongeGod and Triton' formed and faded as Atlantis is seen. Camera zooms in through a window into Triton's room. Family pictures of him as a child and teenager on the wall are seen. Camera zooms around the walls. There are drawn pictures of gods and mythological creatures on the wall and bulletin board. Finally, scene changes to a nightstand with a picture of him now with his parents and Mindy next to a digital alarm clock that says 7:59. Clock changes to 8:00 and starts beeping) Triton: (Moans and reaches his hand out of his blanket as he lies down under it to turn off the alarm clock. He accidentally knocks it off but it still beeps) Triton: (moaning) Please shut up, you stupid clock. (He pulls the blanket off of him. His hair was very messy and didn't have a headband on. He was wearing a blue vest. He reaches down still lying in bed and pulls the clock's plug out of its socket. Clock stops beeping.) Thank you. (He plops his head down.) Huh, at least nothing can be louder than that. (was about to go to sleep again, until Neptune flew his door open and blows a horn very loud) Triton: Gyaahhhhhh! (He falls out of bed in front of Neptune. He sits up quickly and looks around) Who? What? Where? (turns to Neptune, who was still holding the horn) Dad, why the heck did you do that!? Neptune: (doesn't seem to listen) What are you lying around here for, my boy? (takes Triton by his arms and helps him up) You got a big day today and this is how you intend to celebrate it? Triton: (confused and bizarred) Dad, what are you talking about? Neptune: Today's your birthday! (laughs heartily and ruffles Triton's hair) How could my own son forget the day he was born? Triton: I didn't check the calendar. (Neptune stares at him) Triton: What? Neptune: I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Anyway, I have something for you. (pulls out a small red box with a blue ribbon) I've been waiting to give this to you. Triton: ( He examines the box, then shakes it a little next to his ear. He removes the ribbon and opens it. He pulls out a golden locket shaped like a scallop. He opens it, which had a saying on the top, saying, "The power of family is stronger than the powers of a god," in azure cursive writing. A tune similar to "River flows in you" by Yiruma is heard from it.) Wow. Neptune: It was given to you when you were nothing but an infant. But you lost it when... (stops suddenly) Uh, well, when it fell out the window. I found it a few days ago after your smiting lessons. Thought it might be nice to give it back. Triton: You made this for me? Neptune: Actually, no. It was given to you by... (There's a knock on the door. Queen Amphitrite is heard outside.) Queen Amphitrite: Triton, are you there? (Triton opens door. Queen Amphitrite comes inside with a gift.) Amphitrite: Happy birthday, son. (hugs Triton) Triton: Thanks, Mom. Amphitrite: I have something for you. (She holds out gift. Triton takes it and opens it. It's a book that says, "Tears of a Dolphin" on the front.) Triton: Wow! That's my favorite book. How did you... Amphitrite: You are always talking about it. Even your father would know it was your favorite. (smiles then smooths down his hair) Really, Triton, you have to brush your hair. Let me help. (She brings Triton over to a table with a mirror. She brushes his hair and takes his head band from a hook attached to the side of the mirror and puts it on his head.) We were thinking where you should celebrate your birthday, and all we could think of is the Krusty Krab. Triton: Isn't that where Dad celebrated his birthday? Neptune: Well, I was, until SpongeBob mentioned your name. (Flashback from The Clash of Triton when Neptune pulled Amphitrite's hair when SpongeBob mentioned Triton and ended with Neptune crying. Goes back to Neptune with an uneasy face.) It didn't go so well. Triton: Well, that makes sense. Still, I don't know. It may have got us reunited thanks to SpongeBob, but I'm not sure if I want to celebrate my birthday at the Krusty Krab. Amphitrite: Well, let's give it a chance. Who knows what will happen? Triton: Alright. As long as nothing bad happens. (Bubble transition cuts to the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob is scatting while dancing with a mop.) Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, what the blue-eyed scallop are you skit-scatting about? I ain't paying ya to dance with a mop like a buffoon! SpongeBob: You don't pay me at all, Mr. K. Mr. Krabs: Exactly! Squidward: Well, SpongeBob's stupidity doesn't soak up itself! (He laughs at his own joke, then sees no one else laughing.) What? He's a sponge. He soaks up stuff, hmm, yeah. (phone rings) Mr. Krabs: (sarcastically) Well, it's too bad that interrupted your nautical nonsense. (picks up phone) Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs speaking. (hears talking on phone) Are you sure you're really Queen Amphitrite wanting to have her own boy's birthday party here, who by the way destroyed half me restaurant, didn't pay for me food, and caused a havoc last time he was here? (SpongeBob looks at Squidward fearfully and hides in the ordering boat with him. Ground starts shaking.) Mr. Krabs: Uh, oh. (Queen Amphitrite crashes in and zaps Mr. K with her staff. He falls off camera, then raises an ashy claw.) That feels oddly familiar. Amphitrite: How dare you insult my son! (her staff starts glowing brighter) Why, I have the right to... SpongeBob: (to Amphitrite) Now, let's not get hasty. Does 10 a.m. work for you, your Sea Queenliness? (Amphitrite nods) And I'm sorry for my boss's rude behavior... Mr. Krabs: Hey! Amphitrite: All is forgiven. (to Mr. Krabs) You are lucky you are still alive today, crustacean. (leaves) (Jervis, Sandy, and Patrick walk in) Sandy: (seeing Mr. Krabs on the floor in ashes) Well, I'd be taming rattlesnakes in Houston! What in tarnation happened to ya? SpongeBob: Queen Amphitrite zapped him for saying harsh things about Triton as she was making plans for them to come here. Sandy: Triton? You mean THE Triton? King Neptune's son? God of the sea? Future king of Atlantis? Jervis: Also, he is coming to the Krusty Krab? SpongeBob: The one and only. Today's the day he first came to the aquatic world! Everyone: Huh? SpongeBob: In a more specific matter, it's his birthday! Everyone: Oh. Mr. Krabs: Well, this place ain't decorating itself! (strictly) SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, Jervis! Front and center! (All who were called got in a straight line facing Mr. K. Mr. K paces back and forth in front of them.) Now, you four will be in charge of decorating me restaurant. We need to make this place good enough for Prince Triton's birthday party, and there will be no slip-ups in this place unlike King Neptune's 5,000th birthday, and it's pretty obvious who was responsible for it. (stands in front of SpongeBob as he said those last words) And I'm going to say this once to you, SpongeBob, so pay attention! (gets scarier) If I see even one detail gone wrong because of you, you will kiss your job of being me fry cook goodbye! So don't do anything stupid! SpongeBob: (salutes) Ay, ay, Captain! Mr. Krabs: Splendid! Now get to work! Everyone: Ay, ay, Captain! Jervis: Sanya! Aye! (Sanya starts playing the ukulele) (Everyone goes to different areas to decorate the restaurant. SpongeBob grabs some blue and white streamers from a box labeled "Emergency Decorating Kit" and ribbon dances around, placing streamers around the poles and across the ceiling. Jervis uses an air pumper for the balloons and hands them to Patrick, who got lifted into the air holding so many balloons. He accidentally lets go of the balloons and falls into the decorating box, which somehow causes confetti to fly out. Jervis and Sandy quickly set up a table, and Sandy places a blue tablecloth on the table. Jervis shakes his head and replaces it with a turquoise-colored one.) Sandy: What are y'all doing? (removes the tablecloth and holds the blue one in front of her) I think blue is perfect. Jervis: (takes the turquoise tablecloth and holds it in front of him) I prefer turquoise, it's closer to Sea Green. Sandy: No, blue! Jervis: Sea Green! Sandy: Blue! Jervis: Sea Green! Sandy: BLUE! Jervis: SEA GREEN! SpongeBob: How about blue and turquoise? They look lovely together. (Jervis and Sandy put the tablecloths together and agree. They huddled together and pulled them together this way and that then shows a blue and turquoise tablecloth. They set it on the table. Then, Sandy uses her karate to set the table. SpongeBob quickly brings a platter of Krabby Patties near the table. The four friends look at the restaurant, which looks amazing.) Mr. Krabs: (looking around) It looks perfect! The prince will love this! (turns to Sanya, the ukulele player) That will be 65 bucks. (Jervis karate chops Mr. Krabs) Jervis: Sanya will not pay! She is my 4th sister! Aqua: (Two Hours Later time card appears) Two hours later. SpongeBob: (Stands outside with everyone, who were wearing fancy clothes) Alright, people. The royal family will be here any minute. There must be no reason to panic as long as nothing bad happens. Aqua: (narrating) What poor SpongeBob and everyone else don't know is that peace won't last long around here, and that's when my pet hermit crab comes in... SpongeBob: (sees the carriage carrying the royal family in the sky and gasps) They're coming! Places, everybody! (Everyone gets into place. The carriage lands in front of the restaurant. Neptune, Amphitrite, Triton, Mindy, and the monsters come out.) Neptune: Greetings, my good subjects. SpongeBob: Good day, Your Highness. (sees Triton) Hello, Triton. Triton: Hey, SpongeBob. How's it going? (As the two were talking, a hermit crab climbs up the carriage and jumps down on Triton's pouch. It grabs Triton's locket.) SpongeBob: ...and we're happy to let you know that... (Triton suddenly spots the hermit crab with his locket.) Triton: Hey, that hermit crab grabbed my locket! (swims after it) Hey, get back here! SpongeBob: Triton, wait for me! (tries to catch up with Triton) Neptune: Son, where are you going? Triton: I need to get my locket! Don't worry, I'll be right back! Amphitrite: But, Triton, don't you think... (Triton has already left) Oh, dear. Mindy: I hope he doesn't go too far with this. (Scene cuts to Triton chasing the hermit crab with SpongeBob behind him.) Triton: Alright, no more Mr. Nice Guy! (hands glows blue and green) Time for extreme measures. (He begins trying to zap the hermit crab. It ran faster and dodged Triton's blasts. It then saw a hole, dropped the locket, and fell into the hole. Triton stops, pants tiredly, and picks up his locket.) Ugh, the nerve of that crab! Hasn't his mother taught him not to steal? (SpongeBob suddenly looks up the hill in front of him as Triton kept complaining.) Triton: ... I mean, can you believe that crustacean? Sheesh! SpongeBob: (taps Triton's shoulder pointing at whatever he's looking at) Triton. Triton. Oh, Triton! Triton: (annoyed) What? (He sees two golden poles on the hill. One has a T, and the other an S.) Well, that's strange. SpongeBob: Do you think they're meant for whoever will pull them out? Triton: (sarcastically) Well, of course, man! It has the first letters of our names on them. They might be meant for us! It could be our fate! SpongeBob: (eyes grow big) Fate? Triton: Destiny. SpongeBob: (eyes grow bigger) Destiny? Triton: Yeah, don't you think may- (sees SpongeBob's not there anymore) SpongeBob? (He sees SpongeBob on the hill pulling the pole with the S.) SpongeBob, what are you doing? SpongeBob: (continues pulling the pole) I'm pulling my fate and destiny out! (grunts) You should do the same! Triton: But, SpongeBob, I didn't- (pauses for a second) Ah, what the heck? It could be. (swims up and starts pulling the other pole out) (They pulled the poles out of the ground. They were shocked when they saw that Triton's pole was a trident, and SpongeBob's was a spatula.) Triton: Whoa. That's unusual. (Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder roared in the sky. The trident and spatula started glowing. SpongeBob gulped. Then, the two started glowing as well.) Triton: What's happening? (Golden light swirled around them. Then, the light disappeared. Triton realized he was wearing a white toga with golden clasps, and SpongeBob was turned into his god form. They were shocked.) Triton and SpongeBob: (thinking) What the heck is going on? (Bubble transition is seen, then shows Neptune, his family, and the monsters inside the KK. Neptune was worried.) Neptune: Oh, where's Triton? He should've been back by now. Squidward: I don't suppose SpongeBob had something to do with Prince Triton gone. Mr. Krabs: (gulp) Oh, why didn't I stop SpongeBob in the fir- (Ground starts shaking.) Sandy: What in tarnation? Patrick: Earthquake! (jumps unto Squidward, who collapses because of Patrick's weight) Jervis: Guys, look! (He points outside. Everyone looks where Jervis is pointing. Camera zooms out of the window into a barren field nearby. The ground made a huge crack. Suddenly, a clawed red hand pushed out of it and grabbed the ground. A giant red serpent pulled himself up with that hand and roared. Several smaller sea serpents came out.) Mr. Krabs: Sweet mother of Davy Jones! Sandy: Jumping jellybeans! That thing is taller than a Texan skyscraper! Jervis: What is that thing? I've never anything like that before! Neptune: (angry) Iko! Everyone (except Amphitrite): Who? Neptune: He's a volcano sea serpent that I have imprisoned underground when Triton was nothing more than an infant! He and his minions were long forgotten because of that. Jervis: Why did you imprison them? Neptune: Because Iko tried to- (Mindy screamed. Many serpents have crashed into the restaurant. Sandy and Jervis quickly fought them.) Amphitrite: (to Neptune) We have to find our son before Iko does! (She and Neptune escaped the restaurant through the door.) Sandy: (punches two serpents) Take that, ya little sidewinders! Mindy: (makes a shield causing the serpents to crash against it, then she throws the shield against a wall with so many serpents on it) You live such flat lives! Patrick: (screams as serpents cornered him and Jervis) Get away, you snakes! (He grabs a frying pan from out of nowhere and hits them. Jervis grabs a pot and lands the inside on one serpent's head. He jumps and tap dances on the pot, causing the serpent to rattle and knock out.) Mr. Krabs: (hugging Squidward while hiding in the ordering boat fearfully) SOMEBODY HELP US!!! (Scene cuts to SpongeBob and Triton in the wilderness.) Triton: (confused about what happened to him and SpongeBob earlier) I don't understand. How could this happen? SpongeBob: Because it was our destiny! Our fate! Triton: (annoyed) SpongeBob, if I believed in fate, I would've- Neptune: (from out of nowhere) Triton! Son, where are you? Triton: Dad? (sees Neptune) Dad! Neptune: (swims up to Triton with Amphitrite and embraces him) Oh, thank Jupiter you're safe! Triton: Dad, you wouldn't believe what happened! Neptune: We'll discuss this later. We need to get out of here! SpongeBob: Why? You guys have only been here for (looks at a pocket watch) only approximately 29 minutes! (One clock hand moves.) No, wait, make that 30. Neptune: It doesn't matter! Triton, you need to hide before Iko finds you! SpongeBob: Iko? Triton: Dad, who are you talking about? Neptune: Well... uh, um... you see... Amphitrite: Neptune, Triton needs to know the truth. Triton: (confused) The truth? Neptune: (sighs) Triton, I think... there's something your mother and I should've told you a long time ago. (Flashback starts. Scene shows Atlantis with volcano sea serpents and Atlanteans together.) Neptune: (narrating) Remember when I told you when you were a child that volcano sea serpents don't exist? I lied. They do exist. They used to live in Atlantis after your mother and I married and were expecting you (shows a pregnant Amphitrite and Neptune together in the palace), and one of them, their leader, Iko, (shows Iko and Neptune together) was my friend. (Scene cuts to evil Iko) What I didn't know was that Iko was actually envious of my reign as king of Atlantis and wanted my powers and my throne to himself. He has this golden clam (shows Iko holding the golden clam) that has the power to store away the powers of a god, and it's very dangerous. Triton: Why? Neptune: Because if a god's powers are taken away, he becomes, well, mortal. But Iko was clever enough to know that my powers are resistant to the clam, so his plan backfired. (Iko slams his hand down angrily when he realized he can't take Neptune's powers) But Iko heard a few days ago (hears two mortals talking) that your mother and I were having a baby, and he learned that a young god isn't immune to the clam's power. So he made a plan... (Scene changes to the throne room of the palace. Many fish and merpeople were chatting and having fun.) A few weeks later, your mother and I had you and were celebrating your birth with all Atlanteans at the palace. Strangely, none of the sea serpents showed up. But we didn't mind. (Flashback scene cuts to Amphitrite taking Baby Triton out of his crib. He giggles and tries to pull his mother's crown.) Amphitrite: (laughing) Now, Triton, behave yourself. Neptune: (flashback) Attention, everyone! (Everyone turns to Neptune behind Amphitrite as she held Triton.) We are grateful that you have come to this occasion, and that my son will be my successor, your future king! (Everyone cheered. Triton held out his hands to Neptune. Amphitrite handed the baby over to him. He held him in his arms.) Neptune: (laughing softly) Look at this little rascal. He's so tiny. (Triton giggles again, then yawns. Neptune placed him back in his crib gently.) Sleep well, my little Triton. (He gives him a soft kiss on the cheek as he falls asleep.) Random Fish: My lord and lady, may I speak with you? Neptune: (narrating) We didn't know that leaving you there alone would cause us to almost lose you. (Neptune and Amphitrite leave Triton alone in his crib. Above, three sea serpents were looking down at where he was sleeping peacefully.) Serpent #1: (hands the other two a rope with one end around his waist) Alright, you guys lower me down, and I'll grab the kid. Serpent #2: Wait, I thought I'll be lowered down. Serpent #3: The only thing we want you to lower is your mouth! Serpent #1: (impatiently) Just lower me down already! Serpent #2 and #3: Okay. (They lowered him down. No one in the room notices him as he reaches the crib. He places his tail on the ground and carefully took the baby out. One of the party goers suddenly sees him and screams. She points at the serpent with Triton with everyone else looking at him. The other serpents were startled and fell next to him.) Serpent #1: (to the other serpents) Let's get outta here! (They slithered away.) Amphitrite: (screams) My baby! Neptune: GUARDS!!! (Many guards chased the serpents out of the castle. The serpents dodged every weapon the guards had. One of the serpents tossed a shield like a Frisbee at one of the guards, flinging him below the torches. They topple over and set the palace on fire.) (In the throne room, the fire was blazing. Everyone was able to escape, including Neptune and Amphitrite. After the fire died down, the castle was still standing, but the inside was ruined by the fire. A few guards have caught the serpents and brought them to Neptune.) Neptune: (grabbing one serpent by the neck) Why did you kidnap my son? Who told you to do this!? Seprent #2: (struggling) Iko. He wanted your kid's powers for himself. (Neptune was shocked. He let the serpent go.) Neptune: Iko did this? I thought he was my friend. (looks at the other serpents and sees Triton isn't with them) Where's my son? Where is he!? Serpent #1: (stammers) I-I-I-I lost him outside the palace! Neptune: What? (turns to everyone from the party) Everyone, search for my son! (Everyone started searching.) Amphitrite: (narrating) We looked everywhere for you. But we found no success. We were worried something bad happened to you. (Scene changes to Amphitrite in the flashback alone. She was crying. Neptune sees her and hugs her.) Neptune: (sadly) It's no use. We looked everywhere. Amphitrite: (weeping) I can't believe he's gone. He's only a baby. (She crys in Neptune's arms. Neptune tries to comfort her. Just then, they hear a baby crying. It was coming from a pile of debris in the corner. They swam over to it and removed it. They see Baby Triton underneath it in a dirty blanket crying.) Amphitrite: (gasps) Triton! (She takes him and hugs him in tears.) It's okay. It's okay, I'm here. (Neptune embraces him with Amphitrite. Then, he turns angry about Iko.) Neptune: (narrating) I was so angered that Iko betrayed us, I banished him and his people underground. (Neptune forms a tornado in the next scene and makes a hole in the underground, and Iko and his people were lowered into it.) Iko: (as he is lowered underground) I swear, Neptune, when I get out of this trap, you will be sorry! (Neptune closes up the ground.) Neptune: When those serpents lost you, your locket disappeared. It was given to you by Aqua, a sea goddess (shows Aqua). She strangely disappeared after the incident. No one has heard from her since. (Flashback ends.) Neptune: And now, your powers are still not immune to the clam, and they are in danger around Iko. Triton: But it doesn't make any sense! You could've told me sooner! Neptune: I saw no reason to tell you. SpongeBob: He's got a point. Triton: Shut up, man! (Suddenly, screaming was heard.) Triton: That sounds like... (gasps) Mindy! Amphitrite: Oh no! The monster Iko! We forgot about him! Neptune: Ahhhhh! Mindy, I'm coming! SpongeBob: Wait for me! Bikini Bottomites: Look out! Run! Come on! Patrick: Gahhhhhhhhh! Jervis: What's wrong with you imbassal! Iko, I'm talking to you! (Patrick hugs Jervis around his neck frightened.) Pat... you're... choking... me! Let go! Iko: I will now CRUSH YOU! Sandy: Not if I can help it! (lassos his tail away) Iko: ATTACK!!! (The other serpents charged at Mindy, Sandy, Patrick, and Phorkey) Patrick: Ahhhh! (starts running around the three) What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? (Sandy slaps him down before he passes her again. He muffles "Sorry" with his face on the ground.) Phorkey: (snaps his fingers) I know just what to do! (creates an icy path) Mindy: Good work, Phorkey! It should slip the guards. (Squidward and Mr. Krabs suddenly appear out of nowhere screaming. They didn't see the path and slipped on it. They knocked out. The serpents saw this.) Jervis: Oh, no! They know it's a trap! It didn't work! Iko: Hey, works for me! (laughs then becomes serious) GET THEM!!! (The serpents used Mr. Krabs as a bridge to get to the friends.) SpongeBob: Oh, no! They're doomed! Oh, I'm so mad... (The Golden Spatula starts glowing) What the..? (The spatula suddenly zapped a group of serpents who were threatening the other two monsters.) Neptune: (looking at what SpongeBob did in disbelief) Holy Hera. Shapeshifter: (seeing who did this and turns to Frank) How did he do that? (to SpongeBob, but louder) How did you do that!? SpongeBob: It's a long story that's... uh... kinda weird! (Suddenly, they saw Sandy attacking the serpents. She grabbed one and hit another with him. She did a twirl kick around five serpents. Finally, she punched a serpent behind her.) Sandy: What y'all think of that, ya little vermits! (The serpents ran off.) That's how it's handled back in Texas. (Suddenly, a tail coiled around her leg and flipped her upside down. It was a serpent.) Sandy: What are y'all doing? Put me down! Serpent: Ay, you're a stubborn one, ay, seorita? Sandy: Who in the name of Dallas are you? Serpent: Ay, si, I haven't introduced myself. I am Jeron, one of Iko's top henchmen. Now, if you'll excuse me... (whirls Sandy and tosses her like a bowling ball at everyone) Everyone: Ahhhhh! (get tossed in the air when Sandy hits them) (SpongeBob sees them and tries to catch them, but everyone lands on his back instead. Triton sees this and is getting angrier every second at his dad.) Triton: THAT'S IT! WHY COULDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER!? Neptune: I couldn't bear to let you go! Triton: I'm 3,000! Neptune: I'm over 5,000! Amphitrite: Stop fighting, both of you! Neptune: You were little! Triton: Well, now I'm not! Neptune: Well, you're acting like you are! Do you think I want to see my own son taken away from me by that creature? Triton: I'm not a kid anymore! Do you expect me to still listen to you!? Neptune: I'M THE KING!!! You're supposed to listen to me! Triton: Ugh, this is just bogus! Just because you're the king of the sea doesn't mean you have to tell your son what to do! Jervis: Can somebody please tell me what in the name of chemistry is going on!? (Iko appears in front of them.) Iko: (recognizes Triton) Triton? (getting ready to attack) Iko: Hahahahaha! (Triton blasts Iko with Trident) Iko: Gahhhhh! (falls to ground) Triton: RUN OR SWIM FOR YOUR LIVES! (everybody either runs or swims) Serpent #1: Foona! Serpent #2: WHAT? FOONA?! (the two serpents start fighting each other) SpongeBob: OH NO! A GORGE! (He, Sandy, and Mindy fall into a Gorge, but escape thanks to SpongeBob's arm stretching) Jervis: Am I the only one on his own? Oh well, at least I was the fastest in school. (outruns Serpents and catches up with Sandy, Mindy, and SpongeBob) (Scene cuts to Mr. Krabs, Squidward, and Patrick running away from the serpents. Squidward stops in front of a lagoon.) Squidward: Oh great! A lagoon! (Mr. Krabs and Patrick stop with Squidward) Mr. Krabs: PATRICK! BOAT! SQUIDWARD! OAR! Squidward: What- (Mr. Krabs uses Patrick as a boat and Squidward as an oar) Squidward: (speaking when his head's out of the water) Are... you... out... of... your... mind? Mr. Krabs: No, I'm out of here! Jeron: (seeing them escape) Ay, caramba, though am I one fellow swimmer! (catches up with them and bites Patrick on the leg) Patrick: YEOW! (crashes on a rock, sending Patrick to the shore but Mr. Krabs and Squidward are caught by Jeron's Vortex) Patrick: (seeing SpongeBob and the others) Hey! What... you... doing... here? Jervis: We escaped, as well. Where is Mr. Krabs and Squidward? Patrick: They... got sucked... in a... thingy... (collapses on SpongeBob) (Scene cuts to Neptune, Triton, and Amphitrite in a cave.) Neptune: (looking out) Iko's coming! (Iko appears.) Iko: Ay, Triton, even though you have your father's strength, you're still too afraid to face me. (laughs) (Triton tries to swim out, but Neptune grabs him by his arm.) Neptune: (whispers in his ear) Triton, that creature is too dangerous! You're not strong enough to face him! Triton: (breaking away from Neptune angrily) If you were my dad, you would've let me. (Neptune stood there broken-hearted. Amphitrite looked at Triton sternly and placed a hand on Neptune's shoulder. Just then, Iko roared. The three looked out. Iko's tail and arms were frozen to the ground by Phorkey.) Phorkey: That will hold you! (SpongeBob and his friends arrived.) SpongeBob: Good work, Phorkey! There's no way Iko can escape that! (Iko suddenly started growling. The ice started cracking and finally broke off of him. The shards of ice were headed for SpongeBob. He activated his spatula to make a shield around him and the others except Jervis. Other shards were headed straight for him.) Jervis: This time for karate! (does karate and kicks off the shreds) Iko: (turning to Phorkey and the other two monsters) You'll be sorry! (pulls out a vortex and sucks them in) Jervis: This is obviously being used by the pulling of a black hole centered in the center of the Milky Way and- (Patrick pulls and shakes him) Patrick: No time for math! (Jeron comes by.) Sandy: What? Five of our friends gone? Oh, it... is... on! (charges at Jeron, but was grabbed by Iko) Ahhhh! Iko: Mmm, land creatures. I have such cravings for them. All this is making me hungry. (prepares to drop Sandy in his mouth) SpongeBob: NOOOOOO!!! Nobody eats my friends! (runs up Iko's back) (SpongeBob jumps on top of Iko's mouth and grabs Sandy just as Iko drops her. Iko tried to close his mouth, but SpongeBob stuck the spatula between his jaws. Sandy grabbed a bottle of volcano hot sauce and poured the contents in Iko's mouth. Iko made a crazy look in his face and spits out SpongeBob, Sandy, and fire. Patrick prepares to catch them, but they land next to him. Patrick placed his hands behind his back, whistled, and scooched away.) SpongeBob: (rubbing his head) Oh, my head. Jeron: Ay, amigo, you can't defeat my master no matter how hard you try! SpongeBob: (angry) That's it! (attacks Jeron as Sandy, Patrick, and Mindy hide in a cave) (Jervis is spying on them fighting) Iko: (looking around) Where are those little misfits? (finds them in the cave by lifting the top) Mindy: Ahhhhh! (swims away while everyone else runs) (Sandy ran through a few dangling coral branches. One of the branches snagged her dress and caught her.) Sandy: Help! Mindy: Sandy! I'm coming! (comes to Sandy and gets her out) Come on! (Sandy runs away and Mindy follows her.) (Iko's tail suddenly lands on her tail fins.) Mindy: Oh, no! Iko: Such a pity. If I can't take Triton, at least you're available! (gets ready to crush her with his hand) Triton: Mindy! (gets mad) I... won't... let... you... hurt... HER!!! (swims out the cave) Neptune: Triton, no! (Triton swims to Mindy and tries to get her out. Iko's hand lands on them.) (Everyone gasps.) Iko: What a fool, trying to save his little sister from such death! (laughs) Neptune: (in disbelief) No. (Suddenly, Iko's hand starts shaking. It lifts off the ground.) (Triton appeared, lifting Iko's hand with all his strength. Mindy looked at her brother in awe.) Mindy: Great Mount Olympus. (Everyone looked at Triton amazed.) Jeron: Whoa. (He got swat by SpongeBob with the spatula. His head crashes into a rock.) Way ay ay. Iko: GARG! YOU CAN- (He gets thrown in the air by Triton. His head stuck to the ground when he landed and the rest of him coiled around. SpongeBob's friends cheered, until Neptune swam out of the cave with an angry look on his face.) Jervis: Oh, no. Things are about to get ugly. Patrick: Why? Are they ugly barnacles in disguise? (Sandy slaps the back of his head.) Patrick: Ow! Triton: (seeing Neptune coming) Oh, no. Neptune: Triton! (grabs him by his arms) Why did you do disobey me? Huh? (Triton struggles, but Neptune wouldn't let go.) Answer me! Triton: I did it because you were wrong! (Neptune slowly lets him go.) You never know what's right? If I didn't save Mindy, she might as well suffer like your subjects! Neptune: I know that, but you, by the way, might have met your fate, and not in a good way! Triton: Do you have any idea what you're saying? I'm your son! Neptune: I don't think I appreciate your tone! SpongeBob: Uh, can I say something? Neptune and Triton: NO!!! (SpongeBob backs up sheepishly) Neptune: (to Triton sarcastically) And what do you mean you're my son? I thought I wasn't your father! (Iko gets his head out of the ground and slithers to Triton without him or Neptune noticing.) SpongeBob: (sees Iko) Uh, guys? Guys! (The two keep arguing.) Triton: Sometimes I wish for a better dad! Neptune: Sometimes I wish for a better son! You think you can defeat Iko, but you just can't, Triton! Triton: I hate you. (Everybody gasps.) Sandy: Ouch. (Iko was about to hit Triton.) Neptune: Iko! (pushes Triton away) (Iko hits Neptune with his tail. Neptune crashes into the coral rocks.) Mindy: (gasps) Daddy! (She and Amphitrite swam to his aid.) Mindy: Dad, are you alright? Neptune: (knocked out) I was voted Most Iron-Fisted in high school. Jervis: He's fine... I guess. (Triton gets up and rubs his head. Then, he sees Iko with the vortex, aiming it at his family.) Triton: No! (swimming to them as fast as he could) Dad, look out! (Neptune woke up to his son's words. He, Amphitrite, and Mindy looked at Iko in horror before being sucked into the vortex.) Triton: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (Sandy, Patrick, and Jervis got up and tried to attack.) Sandy: Come on! (Iko sucks them in the vortex.) SpongeBob: Pat! Sandy! Jerv! (Iko grabs Jeron and disappears in red smoke.) Iko: Hahahahahahaha! (Laugh fades.) (Triton falls to his tail.) Triton: No. No, this isn't happening! (He grabs his hair and looks down.) This is all my fault. I shouldn't have been so mad at him in the first place. (He looks above him with tears in his eyes.) I am so sorry, Dad. (He takes out the locket and listens to the song. He starts crying.) SpongeBob: Triton, I'm- I'm sorry. (places a hand on Triton's shoulder) I didn't want this to happen, either. (Triton moves away from SpongeBob and continues to cry. SpongeBob suddenly sees a star in the sky heading straight for them.) SpongeBob: Yikes! Meteor off the port bow! Triton: What- (The meteor stops above the ground and turns into a beautiful woman.) SpongeBob: She's pretty. Triton: Who are you? Aqua: I'm Aqua, minor goddess of the sea. I know what happened to you. Triton: (sadly) Yeah, because of me. (realizes something and gasps) You're the one who gave me the locket! Aqua: Yes. Anyway, all hope is not lost. Your family will perish in four days, and there's plenty of time before that happens if you make it to Iko's lair in time. SpongeBob: How the heck are we gonna make it there if we don't know where it is? Aqua: Simple. A map. (a map appears and lands on Triton's hands) You must use the Golden Trident and Spatula to stop Iko. It's your destiny. Your fate. SpongeBob: Triton, you were right! It is our destiny! Triton: (to audience) I have got to lay off the sarcasm more. Aqua: Now go. You haven't got much time. I wish you luck, Triton. (turns into white light and disappears) SpongeBob: You heard the goddess! Let's move! Aqua: (narrating as "Meanwhile" time card appears) Meanwhile. (Camera shows Iko's lair, which looks like the ruins of a Greek temple. Ripped flags flowed in the wind as camera zooms outside Iko's study. Jeron appeared on camera, knocking the door with his tail in a random beat. The door opened, revealing a large room. Jeron went inside.) Iko: (only eyes are seen in the shadows) Jeron, I've been expecting you. Jeron: Yes, Master. You've wanted something? Iko: Yes. (moves out into the light) Do you see that pool? (Jeron looks over to a pool of water in a corner of the room.) Jeron: Si. Why? Iko: (slithering to the pool) This pool can show me what is happening right now if I look into it. (to the pool) Show me Prince Triton and that little sponge friend of his. (pool swirls, then shows Triton and SpongeBob on their journey) SpongeBob: (in the pool) Gee, Tri, do you think we'll stop Iko? Triton: (in the pool) Well, Aqua did say it was our fate, our destiny. SpongeBob: (eyes grow big) Our- (mouth is covered by Triton) Triton: Don't do that again. (Iko makes hand motion, and the pool swirls again back to normal.) Iko: That merman and sponge think they defeat me? Like that would happen. (He laughs and moves away. Jeron looked at the pool.) Jeron: Aqua? (moves away and follows Iko) Iko: I'd like to see that boy to try to defeat my minions. Let's see his father's strength. Nilo! (a wimpy sea serpent appears) Nilo: Yes, Master? Iko: Take my pet Hydra to that son of Neptune. Do it now and immediately. Nilo: Aren't 'now' and 'immediately' the same thing? (Iko presses his face up to Nilo's face) Iko: Do you have a problem with that? Nilo: (gulps) N-n-n-no, Master. Iko: Then go! (Nilo leaves) Iko: Nothing is going to stop me. Not this time! (laughs evilly) (Scene fades to SpongeBob carrying a large pile of firewood) SpongeBob: (struggles) Dear Neptune, this is heavy! (falls over, and the sticks land on him) Triton: (appears) Need a hand, bro? SpongeBob: But I already have enough hands. Triton: (annoyed) I'm asking if you need help, man. SpongeBob: Oh. Yes. (Triton gathers up the wood) Triton: (placing some wood in a campfire) We need to get up bright and early tomorrow. (sadly) We better. SpongeBob: You okay, Tri? Triton: (sighs) I'm fine. It's just... When my parents and I were hiding from Iko, I said to my dad after he said I couldn't stop Iko on my own, "If you were my dad, you would've let me." I can't believe I said that to him. And now I can't tell him I'm sorry, because of what happened. (sniffs as he sits down) SpongeBob: Triton, your father loves you. He banished Iko and didn't want him to hurt you back there because you're his own flesh and blood. He never gave up on you. I bet he's thinking about you right now, hoping you're safe. Triton: (smiles) Thanks, SpongeBob. That means a lot. SpongeBob: We'll save him and the others. I promise. (yawns) Well, goodnight. (falls asleep) Triton: 'Night, Sponge. (lies down and looks up) Goodnight, Dad, wherever you are. (goes to sleep as camera zooms up in the sky, which fades to morning) Triton: (sleeping) Dad... Dad... (opens his eyes) Mmm. (looks over to his side) Hey, SpongeBob, time to... (sees SpongeBob's not there) SpongeBob? (Suddenly, he hears roaring coming from behind a wall of coral, then hears SpongeBob screaming.) Triton: Oh, no. (grabs his trident and swims to the back of the coral) SpongeBob, what's going- (suddenly looks shocked) HOLY MOTHER OF APHRODITE!!! (A giant Hydra was attacking SpongeBob.) Triton: Hang on, man! (swims up to one of the heads) Hey, ugly! Wanna piece of me? (The head chases him, stretching its head. It coils around two other heads, bonking their heads. It and the remaining heads tried to attack but got tangled up, too.) Triton: So much for being stuck in a situation! (laughs but stops when he sees the collar) That's the same one Iko wore! (realizes something) Oh, man. He's toying with us. SpongeBob: (lying on the ground stiffly) You don't say. Triton: Come on, SpongeBob. We have to be careful if we wanna live. (SpongeBob gulps and follows Triton out of the coral. Bubble transition cuts to Iko on the balcony.) Iko: You may have won once, Triton, but I like to see you beat me. Jeron: (appearing) Master, I have something to ask you. Iko: Fire away. Jeron: I know you are against Neptune and all that, but don't you think you took things a little too far? Iko: May I remind you that fish-man you consider a god was the one who buried us alive in the first place? Jeron: I know, but- (face is covered by Iko's tailfin) Iko- I do not tolerate with such pathetic behavior. (to Nilo) Nilo! Nilo: (appearing) Yes, Master? Iko: Take out Cerberus! Make sure that Triton comes in contact with him. (Triton and SpongeBob encounter the Cerberus and attacked without speaking while banjo music plays.) Iko: (banjo music continues playing) Scorpio! (Triton and SpongeBob defeat the Scorpio.) Iko: Minotaur! (Triton and SpongeBob defeat the Minotaur.) Iko: Kobaloi! (Triton and SpongeBob defeat the Kobaloi.) Iko: (panting) Jeron, how... many... monsters... did the two encounter... again? (faints into his large circular bed exhausted) Jeron: Well, they encountered a Manticore, Orphiotaurus, Hippocampi, even Agrius! Can you believe it? Iko: Great Olympus, of course I can't believe it! They're nearly here! None of my monsters can stop them! Nilo: (suddenly appearing) Your Highness, we have one more monster, a Kraken! Jeron: A KRAKEN!? Are you out of your mind, amigo? Not even Neptune can defeat it! Iko: Wait, use the Kraken! Jeron: Que? Iko: And you must come with him just in case. Jeron: Que!? Iko: Make sure he defeats them. Jeron: QUE!? Iko: You just can't stop saying that, can you? Jeron: Give me one good reason why I should listen to you! Iko: Your mother. Jeron: Huh? Iko: (makes a hand motion, causing the water in the pool nearby to form into a lady similar to Aqua) Jeron: Mama. (tries to reach the figure) Iko: If you don't do what I say, you might as well say goodbye to her! (makes the figure disappear) Jeron: No! (collapses on the ground) I'll follow the Kraken to Triton. I promise I'll do whatever I can to stop him and his friend. Iko: (smiling) Perfect. (Bubble transition cuts to SpongeBob rubbing his back against a coral tree.) SpongeBob: Ugh! I should've known Cerberus was big enough to keep fifteen colonies of fleas! Nor did I know that one of them is a group of Russian acrobats! (Fleas in Russian uniforms did acrobats, flying off off of him. Triton appears.) Triton: Are you done scratching yourself? We only have one more day to get to Iko's lair. (takes out the map) Hmm... yes... I see. Oh, here we are! We just need to cross this large river. (points to a large river) SpongeBob: (makes an uneasy groan and faints) I can't swim, Triton! I don't even know how to worm paddle! Triton: Who said anything about swimming? Get on my back. SpongeBob: Triton, this ain't the time for the 'Ride the Merman Game'. Triton: (impatiently off camera) Just do it. SpongeBob: (getting on Triton's back) Alright, but I don't see how this is gonna... (Triton swam above the lagoon with SpongeBob in tow very fast) AGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! ARE YOU CRAZY!? (Triton rolls his eyes. Just then, a giant Kraken appeared in front of them from out of the lagoon.) SpongeBob: Mother of mercy! Triton: Oh, you're going down, man! (Kraken roars, then lifts one tentacle.) SpongeBob: Triton, quick! Find something to... (The Kraken knocked SpongeBob off with that tentacle. SpongeBob flew unto shore.) DISTRACT HIM WITH!!! (crashed into rocks) I'm okay. (Kraken turns to Triton.) Triton: Oh, man. (It nearly knocked him out of the way. He grabbed his trident, but the Kraken grabbed it while he was in tow. He swung him around then tossed him like a baseball, making him crash into the rocks. Triton tried to get out, but as he did, he scarred his arm on a rock.) Agh! (He grabbed his arm.) SpongeBob: (watching what's happening) Oh, no, Triton! (tries to run to his rescue, but tripped over a tail) Jeron: Better watch it! SpongeBob: Jeron! (gets angry) Oh, not you again! (starts attacking Jeron) (The Kraken coils its tentacle around Triton, leaving his trident behind) Triton: Let me go! SpongeBob!!! SpongeBob: (seeing Triton's in danger) Triton! (to Jeron) You better pray this won't hurt ya! Jeron: Wha- (SpongeBob grabs him and pulls him until he becomes long enough. Then, he uses him as a lasso to grab the Kraken's neck. He pulls on it with all his godly strength, causing it to fall over.) Holy chihuahua! (Kraken lands on rocks, letting go of Triton.) SpongeBob: (seeing Triton swim to shore) Triton! (pulls him out unto the sand) Whoa, you okay? Triton: (getting up) No, I'm definitely NOT OKAY!!! (sees Jeron go into a hot spring to shrink back to his regular size due to SpongeBob making him very long) Jeron: (getting out of the springs and shaking the water off of him) If I ever get turned into a tool again, I'm gonna- (stops seeing something off camera) Oh, chiko. (Triton jumps on him, rolling with him down to the rocks. They stop, then Triton grabs him by the neck and pins him to the rocks.) SpongeBob: (running to Triton) Triton, I know Jeron's mean and all, but don't you... Triton: I had enough of your petty concerns! Now leave me to practice redecorating this traitor's face. (gets ready to punch his face, but then looks into Jeron's eyes) Triton: Wait a minute... (Scene suddenly turns into flashback when the palace was on fire through Baby Triton's eye view. Young Jeron was carrying him in his arms. Baby Triton started crying, feeling scared.) Young Jeron: Don't cry, amigo. (suddenly sees something and slithers toward it) Hang on. (He places the baby in a small closing in the back of the palace, then covers it with wood and debris. He looked through an opening between some wood at the baby.) You're safe now, chiko. (Scene becomes blurry.) SpongeBob: Tri... Tri... TRI! (Scene turns back into now. Triton lets Jeron go, breathing constantly.) Jeron: (coughing) Great Hades below. (looks at Triton) SpongeBob: Triton, you okay? (waves his hand in front of him, then snaps his fingers) Triton: (brushes SpongeBob's hand away and turns to Jeron) You saved my life. (Jeron looks at him.) You are the top henchman of Iko, and you... saved me when I was a baby. (SpongeBob's jaws dropped to the ground in disbelief. The Kraken gets up and lifts up a tentacle.) Triton: (seeing the Kraken about to hit them) Oh, come on, man! (The Kraken lands the tentacle down with great force causing the three to fly in the air into the water. Triton and Jeron land on one side while SpongeBob lands on the other.) Jeron: That's it! (He uses his powers to cause a boulder on top of the mountain to land on the Kraken's head. It sees stars around its head and faints back into the water.) (Scene cuts to SpongeBob washing up on shore. Two VSS (volcano sea serpents) found him.) Serpent 1#: Hey, it's that spongy guy who was with Neptune's boy! Serpent 2#: (mockingly) Oh, I'm scared! Serpent 1#: Yeah, I'm scared, too. Serpent 2#: I was making fun of him, you numbskull! Serpent 1#: Oh. (They take SpongeBob to Iko.) (Bubble transition cuts to Triton floating in the water unconsciously. Jeron swims to him and places him on his back. He swims with him in tow to shore where an old shack was nearby. Aqua came out and took the two in.) (inside the shack) Jeron: (shaking Triton, who was resting on a bed with a bandaged arm) Amigo? Hello? Come on, amigo, wake up! Hmm, maybe I should slap him. (slaps Triton on the cheek) Triton: (waking up and accidentally bumping Jeron's head) Gahh! Aqua: (appearing with a small bowl of water) Are you alright, Triton? Triton: Aqua? Where am I? How- (sees Jeron on the floor) You! Jeron: Here we go again. (Triton was about to jump on Jeron, but was stopped by Aqua.) Aqua: It's alright. He won't hurt you. Triton: I saw a vision of him saving me when I was a helpless infant! Is it true? Aqua: Yes. My son saved you 3,000 years ago. Triton: (shocked) Son? (looks at Jeron doubtfully) Aqua: Yes. Jeron is my son. Triton: Oh... my... gods. (nearly fainted) Jeron: (catching him) I know, weird. Happens to everyone. Triton: But I don't understand. How come you're a serpent? Aqua: Iko turned him into one. He was taken away from me when we encountered Iko when Jeron was little. Jeron: I was only a child. Why must the world be so cruel!? (cries and bangs his head on the ground) Aqua: Anyway, he is sorry for turning against you. Jeron, please stop crying on Triton's tail. (Jeron was crying on Triton's tailfins, and then stopped.) Jeron: Sorry, Mama. Aqua: Anyway, Jeron saved you when you were kidnapped by those serpents. Jeron, why don't you tell Triton the story? Jeron: (sighs) I was a child, and this happened after I was taken away from my mom. (Flashback starts.) I was exploring Iko's lair, not sure where to go, when I heard Iko nearby. (Jeron hears talking behind two big doors and looks inside, which reveals Iko and his three henchmen from Neptune's flashback.) He was talking to them about kidnapping you. You know, when you were a baby? Iko: (flashback) Remember, bring him here as fast as possible once you kidnapped him. I can already feel his powers in this clam. (He holds up the clam and laughs. The serpents laugh with him.) Shut up and get to work! (The serpents saluted and slithered out of the palace.) Jeron: (narrating) It only took me five seconds to realize two things; One, Iko is a big, mean bully, and two, I couldn't bear to let you suffer being separated from your parents. I suffered that way. (sniffs as scene turns back to reality) Aqua: (patting Jeron on the back) It's okay. You're here now. Triton: So what did you do? Jeron: Oh, yes. (flashback continues) I followed the guards to the palace. They slithered inside without anyone noticing. After some time, they came out with a bundle in a blue blanket with the guards chasing them. They lost the serpents after some time. I followed them and hid in some seaweed. (The serpents slithered near Young Jeron's hiding place.) Serpent #3: Dang, we actually did it! Iko will make us his top henchmen in no time! Serpent #1: (holding the baby) For once, you're right. Serpent #2: I see the guards. Let's just get the kid outta here and get it over with. Jeron: (narrating) I had to do something. So I sneaked up on them and bit the serpent holding you on the tail. (Jeron bites Serpent #1's tail.) Serpent #1: GYOOW!!! (He drops the baby. Jeron grabbed him before he landed on the ground and dashed past the others without them noticing.) (Young Jeron holds Triton, skidding behind the castle. The rest of the scene was from Triton's memory, only without his eye view. When scene finishes, Jeron hides behind some coral. He sees Amphitrite crying with Neptune comforting her. They heard Baby Triton in the spot where Jeron hid him and got him out. Jeron smiles and leaves.) Jeron: (narrating) And that was one of the greatest things I've ever done. (back to reality) Triton: Wow. You actually saved me. After what you've done, you betrayed Iko. Jeron: I know. Aqua: You still have a chance to defeat Iko. You need this. (hands over trident) Jeron: I'll lead you the way. (slithers to the door) Triton: I promise I will turn Jeron back to his human self. (He and Jeron leave.) Aqua: (to herself) That boy is bold, like his father. (smiles) (bubble transition to Iko's lair) (Neptune and the others were in the dungeons. Mr. Krabs plays Botany Bay B on a harmonica. Jervis continuously tosses a ball to a wall and catches it when it bounces off. Everyone else just sat on the benches sadly.) Neptune: It's my fault I didn't tell Triton all this sooner. Sandy: Yer Highness, this ain't none of yer fault! Besides, things can't get any worse, now can it? (SpongeBob back in his regular form is suddenly thrown in screaming and knocks over Squidward.) Sandy: SpongeBob! What happened to ya? And why are y'all cold and wet? SpongeBob: Oy... (eyes go wide) Triton! Where are ya? Oh, no, he might've gotten eaten by that Kraken. or worse! That Jeron is gonna pay for this! Iko: (appears outside the cage doors) I see Triton is a goner, yes? Neptune: Iko! (swims up to the cage bars) If you even dared to hurt my son, you're... Iko: (laughs) That boy is still alive, your lameness! But, he'll just give up his powers.in such a way just to save you. How foolishly pathetic! Triton: (unseen) That's what you think, Iko! Iko: What the- (Triton appears and blasts Iko, sending him flying into the walls, causing an outline of him to appear) Iko: (unseen) I hate it when that happens. Jervis: Yeah! Sandy: Alright, Triton! (Triton quickly breaks the lock and sets everyone free.) Squidward: I'm free! Mr. Krabs: So am I! (jumps on Squidward) Squidward: Ow. Neptune: (comes out and places a hand on Triton's shoulder smiling) My son. (Triton smiles back.) Jervis: Uh, oh. We've got company! (Iko appears with serpents behind him.) Iko: (to the serpents) As your master, I command you to attack them! (serpents charge) Jeron: (pounces out of nowhere) Wait! Don't listen to him. (Serpents stop.) Iko: Jeron, what are you doing? Jeron: (ignoring Iko) You only obey him because he is bigger than us! You never knew that you outnumber him. He is just a big sea serpent who made you attack these people just because he is bigger than you! Are you going to fight for yourselves, or are you going to listen to that... hurter?! Iko: Hey! Serpent #1: The serpent speaks the truth. Serpent #2: I only listen because Iko is bigger than me! Serpent #3: (angrily) I suggest we teach the boss what happens when he messes with us tiny serpents. (All serpents growl at Iko.) Jeron: (holding out the Golden Spatula) I believe this is yours. (hands it to SpongeBob) SpongeBob: Since when did you come to our side? (turns back into his god self) Triton: I'll explain later. Right now, attack! (Everyone attacks Iko.) Iko: Stop, you imbassals! (SpongeBob swats him on the head.) OW!!! Triton: How'd you like that? (Iko tries to hit him, but Amphitrite blasts him.) Amphitrite: That's for trying to kidnap him! Neptune: (holding a boulder above his head) And this is for trying to hurt him! (throws boulder on Iko's head) Triton: Whoa. Mindy: I am not very much of a fighter, but Triton is my brother, and I'm not ready to let him down! (blasts Iko on the tail) Iko: AYYEE!!! (grabs his tail and almost loses balance) (Aqua appears in front of Iko.) Aqua: And this is for taking my Jeron away. (blasts Iko in the nose) (Everyone retreats to safety as Iko falls on the ground.) Triton: Aqua! (Aqua floats down) How did you- Aqua: (smiles) Let's just say I have my way with an invisibility spell. Jeron: Mama! (hugs Aqua) Sandy: Did he just call her Mama, or is this place making me lose my mind? Aqua: Triton, you and SpongeBob have to kill Iko! SpongeBob: (gulp) Kill? Aqua: Yes. You both have to strike the Trident and Spatula in his heart. (Patrick faints. Iko overhears Aqua's words.) Iko: Oh, no, you won't! (swipes hand at SpongeBob, who crashed into the wall) Triton: SpongeBob! (doesn't see Iko behind him with the Golden Clam) (Iko opens up the clam, and Triton starts leaking light that is sucked into the clam. Iko closes it, and Triton's color turns dull. He falls unto his hands, weakly trying to stand.) Jeron: Oh, no! He took Triton's powers! Iko: (cracks his knuckles; sing-song voice) Payback time! Jervis: (gulps) Tartar sauce. Patrick: I have an idea! Let's all run for our lives. Squidward: Excellent idea. (Everyone screams and runs/swims away with SpongeBob being carried by Patrick except for Aqua) Aqua: (runs over to Triton) Triton, are you alright? Triton: (weakly) I don't think so. But what's the point? Iko took my powers for good. Aqua: (sighs) I know I'm about to say something corny, but the power of family is stronger than the powers of a god. (Triton's eyes widen; he looks at his locket) Triton: I know what must be done. (takes his trident and the spatula) (Triton swims up to Iko's back while everyone is dodging him; Neptune punches Iko in the stomach then sees Triton) Neptune: (gasp) Triton, get down from there! You don't have your powers! (Triton aims both weapons above Iko) Neptune: (pupils shrink) Oh, no. (to everyone) EVERYBODY GET OUT OF HERE!!! (Everybody escapes the ruins; Triton grunts and stabs Iko with both weapons) Iko: AGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! (lightning surrounds him) What have you done? What have you done?! (Everyone watches as Iko was electrified and finally turns into red light, blasting up into the sky. Iko's chain necklace falls to the ground. It starts raining.) SpongeBob: He's gone. (Neptune grows afraid and swims to where Iko vanished) Neptune: Triton! Where are you, son? Triton! Amphitrite: (to everyone) Search for him! (Everybody searches.) Jervis: (finds Triton on the ground, all bruised up in a tattered sash) I found him! (Everyone runs to the side. SpongeBob comes up to him.) SpongeBob: Triton, we did it! We stopped Iko! Well, you stopped Iko, but we still did it! (sees Triton is not waking up) Triton? Buddy, you okay? Jeron: Amigo, stop playing games! (tries to shake him, but he still will not wake) Oh, no. Neptune: (comes forward; Jeron and SpongeBob bow their heads and leave to the crowd; he kneels down and picks up Triton) Son? I'm right here, son. It's okay. Everything's alright now. Iko's gone. (tears form in his eyes) Please, Triton. Just... wake... up. (he starts crying, holding Triton close) (Everyone bows their heads/cries) Aqua: (running to Neptune) I found it! (Neptune looks up) Aqua: I found the golden clam with Triton's powers! Neptune: (gasps, and then looks down at Triton) Will it work? Aqua: There's only one way to find out. (opens clam; blue light comes out and surrounds Triton, making him glow) (Everyone looks in astonishment. Light fades. Triton's bruises disappear and he is back in his brown vest and other usual wear.) Neptune: (feels Triton moving) Son? (Triton opens his eyes and sees his father.) Triton: Dad? W-what happened? Neptune: (smiles) You stopped Iko. You were stronger than I thought. (Triton's eyes widen; hugs Neptune) Neptune: (hugs him back) I am proud to call you my son. Triton: And I'm proud that you are my dad. (Everyone cheers. Amphitrite and Mindy come out and hugged them both.) Amphitrite: I thought we'd never see each other again. Mindy: (sighs) We're one crazy family, but that's alright. (The sun comes out. All the serpents start glowing.) Sandy: What's going on? (All the serpents turn into merpeople/fish.) Mermaid: I'm me again! Fish: It's a miracle! (Everyone grows joyous: Jeron starts glowing and turns into a human god with clothes on.) Jeron: I'm back to normal! Sandy: Okay, now I'm really confused. Triton: (laughs) I'll explain later. (All stop hugging and stand up.) SpongeBob: Triton! (runs to him) Triton: Oh, man. (SpongeBob hugs him a little too tight.) Patrick: Ooh! Me next! Triton: (panics) No, no, no, no, no, Pat, no! (Patrick jumps on him, causing him to fall over.) (Mindy giggles.) Triton: (face down on the ground with SpongeBob and Patrick on top; muffles) Well, at least everything's back to normal. (Aqua and Jeron hug.) Aqua: I missed you, my son. Jeron: I missed you, too. Sandy: (starts crying) That's so beautiful yet so perplexing at the same time. Mr. Krabs: Come on, everyone! Let's go home and have ourselves some Krabby Patties! (Everyone walks/swims away.) (Three weeks later) (Triton, Jeron, and SpongeBob look over Atlantis.) Jeron: Thanks for letting my mom and I live with you and your family, amigo. Triton: Don't mention it. SpongeBob: Who knew Iko's minions would end up back to their normal selves and get to live in Atlantis? Neptune: (appearing) I'm not too sure about that. (puts hand on Triton's shoulder) You truly followed your destiny along with SpongeBob to save the entire ocean. I'm proud of you. Triton: (smiles) Thanks, Dad. (to Jeron) Jer, wanna see how good you are at smiting? Jeron: Last one's a rotten egg! (runs past them) SpongeBob: Hey! Triton: Get back here! You got a headstart! (Both run after Jeron.) Neptune: (chuckles) That's my son, (movie ends) Aqua: So, how'd I do? Jeron: Pretty good, actually. French Narrator: (moans and wakes up) What just happened? (noticed the movie ended and Aqua) You narrated the whole movie?! Aqua: Yes. French Narrator: Well, since ya did a good job, I'm going to quit and head off to lawyer school! Good day to you, ma'am! (leaves) (Aqua and Jeron leave the set, but Jeron goes on camera again and waves at the audience. Aqua grabs Jeron and leaves with him.) (credits)