| - Buckingham Rogers was a patron at Mary's Place who arrived one night with a guitar case full of $100 bills which he, with the assistance of the patrons, folded into paper airplanes and threw into the fireplace to combat inflation.
- Buck Rogers is published by Dynamite Entertainment. Price per issue is $3.50.
- Buck Rogers was a character in the eponymous science fiction series in the 20th century. As a child, James Wainwright was an avid reader of the Buck Rogers stories as well as those featuring Captain Proton and Flash Gordon. (TOS - Strange New Worlds III short story: "The Aliens Are Coming!"; TOS novel: From History's Shadow)
- An adventure series about a modern man (mining engineer in the 1920s, astronaut in The Seventies) who is put in suspended animation, wakes up in the 25th century, and then spends his time as a hero in space. For the 1970's TV series, go to Buck Rogers in The 25th Century.
- Buck Rogers is a fictional character who first appeared in Armageddon 2419 A.D. by Philip Francis Nowlan in the August 1928 issue of the pulp magazine Amazing Stories as Anthony Rogers. A sequel, The Airlords of Han, was published in the March 1929 issue. The adventures of Buck Rogers in comic strips, movies, radio and television became an important part of American Popular culture. This pop phenomenon paralleled the development of space technology in the 20th century and introduced Americans to outer space as a familiar environment for swashbuckling adventure.