| - Anubianin Doggie Kruger (アヌビス星人ドギー・クルーガー Anubisuseijin Dogii Kuruugaa), pseudonim Szef (ボス Bosu, Boss) jest Deka Mistrzem (デカマスター Dekamasutaa, Deka Master), dowódcą Ziemskiego Oddziału SPD oraz przełożonym i mentorem Dekarangersów. Jego innym pseudonimem jest Pies Strażniczy Piekła (地獄の番犬 Jigoku no Banken), który zdobył podczas służby jako normalny oficer za swoje legendarne już zdolności szermiercze.
- Anubian Chief Doggie Kruger (ドギー・クルーガー Dogī Kurūgā?) is DekaMaster (デカマスター Dekamasutā?) of the S.P.D. and Dekarangers. Nicknamed "Boss" (ボス Bosu?), he is the commander of the SPD branch on Earth. During his more active days as a Dekaranger in his youth, he was quite feared to be faced in combat, due to his sword style being one of the strongest in the universe
- Anubian Chief Doggie Kruger (アヌビス星人ドギー・クルーガー Anubisu-seijin Dogī Kurūgā) is DekaMaster (デカマスター Deka Masutā) of the S.P.D. and Dekarangers. Nicknamed "Boss" (ボス Bosu), he is the commander of the S.P.D. branch on Earth. During his more active days as a Dekaranger in his youth, he was quite feared to be faced in combat, due to his sword style being one of the strongest in the universe.
- Doggie Kruger is DekaMaster, the mentor of the 28th Super Sentai team, the Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. As mentioned in the pamphlet for the 35th anniversary movie, Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle, Doggie is good friends with Gavan.