| - Another fun aspect of checkers is getting to play against people from other countries, as this gives both players the opportunity to argue incessantly over the correct movements of crowned pieces, usually resulting in the foreign player upturning the board and committing some sort of hate crime against his opponent. Usually Racism or stabbing. Players also indulge in huffing. Masamura, a Japanese Buddhist priest was a keen checkers player. A birds-eye view of the game was eventually his inspiration for the design of the Japanese flag.
- Checkers is a dappled centaur stallion on the Blue Face of Pyramid who helped Forrest, Imbrium, and party travel to the Gray Face. His talent is board games. Chaz assigned him to carry Jfraya to the border of the Gray Face.
- Checkers was originally on the Jagex site. It was based on the board game Checkers/Draughts. The only way to get on any Jagex version of Checkers is in RuneScape in the Burthorpe Games Room (a minigame involving 4 board games).
- Checkers is a beginner track that debuted on Bloons TD 5 Mobile and Bloons TD 5 HD on September 9, 2014.
- Woody is playing Checkers with Hand-in-the-Box, who is waiting impatiently for him to make his move. Rex pops up behind Woody and starts giving his opinion on the game while Buzz walks in just after Woody makes his move and tells him "Bad Move." Hand-in-the-Box makes his move and clears the entire board much to Woody's disappointment. The Aliens give him the trophy and hoist him up and down while he holds it in triumph.
- Checkers is the 80th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3. It was created by Ida Roberthson. This level has two block checkerboards. To complete this level, Chip has to use the block checkerboards to bridge to the exit and chips. All blocks also have chips under them, so all blocks must be pushed. The main obstacles to solving this level are bridging to the lone island chips and manipulating the block checkerboards to gain access to the chips on the walls. Moving 2U 3R D 2R grants access to those blocks on the top side, and the same method can be used to access the chips on the left side.
- Uncle Dudley and Mary Batson once played a game of Checkers, and Mary won with a climactic quadruple jump. However, although Dudley didn't notice, Mary cheated with the final jump, as it was backward, and her checker piece wasn't a king.
- Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. is one of the largest chains of double drive-thru restaurants in the United States. In June 2006, the company went private through a merger with Taxi Holdings Corp., an affiliate of Wellspring Capital Management, a private equity firm. The company operates Checkers and Rally's restaurants in 28 states and the District of Columbia. They specialize in hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, and milkshakes. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Checkers "a.k.a. Checks" is most famously known as being President Richard Nixon's cocker spaniel and top aid. He is a true American hero who, much like his owner, had his time at the White House cut short by the liberal elite media. Many historians have summarized his life as being quite Reaganistic in its development. Others have simply described him as the Stephen Colbert of the dog world for his devotion to America and for his love of BLT sandwiches.
- This Game was released on: February 7th, 2009. To access this game room, go to the Western Mercantile and go up the stairs.
- This set of games is played on a chessboard of 6 by 6 squares. Two players take turns moving their pieces on the board, one by one. The rules have been passed on from generation to generation in the Aethelbald family and Egbert offered to play these games with members of the Falenan Loyalist Army.
- Checkers, or English draughts, is a strategy board game for two players. It's in the draughts family of games, which have the following properties in common:
* The board is a grid of squares, usually in two different colors
* The pieces are identical short cylinders, in two colors (one for each player)
* The goal is to capture (remove) all of your opponent's pieces
* Capturing means jumping over an enemy piece with one of your own
- A three-dimensional board game played with checkers pieces on chess-like boards was among those available for play aboard the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "The Naked Time" ) A real game called Space Checkers was used as the prop for this. The Augments from the SS Botany Bay played checkers, with a makeshift board and pieces, while they lived as castaways on Ceti Alpha V. Checkers was also played by Humans on a Skagaran colony inside the Delphic Expanse. (ENT: "North Star")
- Arthur remembers the time when D.W. beat him at checkers, and after she couldn't stop rubbing it in.
* Buster's Back It is mentioned that Buster's favorite game is checkers.
* Francine's Big Top Trouble D.W. and Arthur play checkers.
* "A" is for Angry The Brain and Arthur take part in a school-wide checkers tournament. Arthur considers himself to be of average skill in the game.
* The Big Dig
* Big Brother Binky Binky and Arthur search for the Checkers before they venture to China to retrieve Mei Lin.
- Checkers is a yellow and purple centipede-like experiment that sits curled up like a crown on people's heads. Designed to make his wearer a king or queen by hypnotizing those around them, with the exception of other experiments. The victims retain their normal personality while under its control, and the effect immediately wears off once Checkers is removed. Lilo first donned him, but her good intentions got many people arrested by Mertle for being "troublemakers" when they accidentally disobeyed Lilo's rules. When Lilo decided to step down, Gantu took Checkers and was in power until Stitch gathered several experiments to help overthrow him. He was voiced by Billy West.
- Checkers (also called "Draughts") is an intellectual game for 2 players that can be played in the Game Rooms in Carlin, Edron, Kazordoon and Thais. Goal The goal of the game is to capture all of your opponents tokens. Setup One player will be White, the other player will be Black Each player starts with 12 game tokens, arranged on the 12 dark squares closest to them. Winning Gameplay continues until no moves can be made, or all of one player's tokens are captured. The player with the most tokens at the end of the game wins.
- Checkers (also called "Draughts") is an intellectual game for 2 players that can be played in the Game Rooms in Carlin, Edron, Kazordoon and Thais. Goal The goal of the game is to capture all of your opponents tokens. Setup One player will be White, the other player will be Black Each player starts with 12 game tokens, arranged on the 12 dark squares closest to them. Winning Gameplay continues until no moves can be made, or all of one player's tokens are captured. The player with the most tokens at the end of the game wins.
- Comes with TripleA How To Move Pieces Click once on the piece (do not hold the mouse button down).Then Click once on where you want the piece to go.To Jump Over other pieces, right click (or shift/ctrl click) on those tiles in the middle. So for example, we want to move from 0,0 to 2,2 to 4,4 (we are hopping over 2 pieces, at 1,1 and 3,3),Then we would click once on 0,0 then right click (or shift/ctrl click) on 2,2 then normal click on 4,4.