| - The Land of Grain's geography is unusual, in that it has been pitted in between two villages of completely opposing climates. While Takigakure is renown for its rather tropical climates, plentiful rainfall and beautiful environment; Otogakure is also infamous for its rather dull landscape and dry climactic conditions. This leaves the Land of Grain to exist as the middle ground of both these environments, being a haven of sorts for all sorts of agriculture, making the task of the citizenship within the Land of Grain all that much easier. A number of geographical features within the Land of Grain include the enormous area of pastures, extending for hectares on end, some of which coincide with the two villages that border it. Additionally, it is also well known for its beautiful hillsides, lakes and plentiful rainforests, all of which fuel the agriculture that the Land of Grain is so well known for. Some of the most notable geographical locations of the Land of Grain are: Fortune Lakes (富湖 Tomi Mizūmi), Golden Pastures (黄金の牧草 Kogane no Bokusō) and Alchemist's Dreamland (錬金術師の夢の国 Renkinjutsu-shi no Yume no Kuni). Each of these locations are regarded as the primary sites which were discovered by the travelers that eventually founded the country, and were all recognized for their agricultural potential. These specific sites are only used by the most trustworthy of citizens who uphold their responsibilities above anything else, as they are a central part of the eco-tourism within the Land of Grain.